在这本综合指南中,我们将深入探讨LangChain的世界,重点关注构建强大的链和代理。我们将涵盖从理解链的基础知识到将其与大型语言模型 (LLM) 相结合以及引入用于自主决策的复杂代理的所有内容。
Map/Reduce 链:这些链涉及将函数映射到一组数据,然后将结果缩减为单个输出。它们非常适合并行处理大型数据集。
from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate class CustomChain: def __init__(self, llm): self.llm = llm self.steps = [] def add_step(self, prompt_template): prompt = PromptTemplate(template=prompt_template, input_variables=["input"]) chain = LLMChain(llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt) self.steps.append(chain) def execute(self, input_text): for step in self.steps: input_text = step.run(input_text) return input_text # Initialize the chain llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7) chain = CustomChain(llm) # Add steps to the chain chain.add_step("Summarize the following text in one sentence: {input}") chain.add_step("Translate the following English text to French: {input}") # Execute the chain result = chain.execute("LangChain is a powerful framework for building AI applications.") print(result)
Chains 可以与提示和 LLM 无缝集成,以创建更强大、更灵活的系统。这是一个例子:
from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.chains import SimpleSequentialChain llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7) # First chain: Generate a topic first_prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["subject"], template="Generate a random {subject} topic:" ) first_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=first_prompt) # Second chain: Write a paragraph about the topic second_prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["topic"], template="Write a short paragraph about {topic}:" ) second_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=second_prompt) # Combine the chains overall_chain = SimpleSequentialChain(chains=[first_chain, second_chain], verbose=True) # Run the chain result = overall_chain.run("science") print(result)
要调试和优化链-LLM 交互,您可以使用详细参数和自定义回调:
from langchain.callbacks import StdOutCallbackHandler from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate class CustomHandler(StdOutCallbackHandler): def on_llm_start(self, serialized, prompts, **kwargs): print(f"LLM started with prompt: {prompts[0]}") def on_llm_end(self, response, **kwargs): print(f"LLM finished with response: {response.generations[0][0].text}") llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7, callbacks=[CustomHandler()]) template = "Tell me a {adjective} joke about {subject}." prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["adjective", "subject"], template=template) chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt, verbose=True) result = chain.run(adjective="funny", subject="programming") print(result)
此示例使用自定义回调处理程序来提供有关 LLM 输入和输出的详细信息。
LangChain 提供了多种内置代理,例如 Zero-shot-react-description 代理:
from langchain.agents import load_tools, initialize_agent, AgentType from langchain.llms import OpenAI llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) tools = load_tools(["wikipedia", "llm-math"], llm=llm) agent = initialize_agent( tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True ) result = agent.run("What is the square root of the year Plato was born?") print(result)
from langchain.agents import Tool, AgentExecutor, LLMSingleActionAgent from langchain.prompts import StringPromptTemplate from langchain import OpenAI, SerpAPIWrapper, LLMChain from typing import List, Union from langchain.schema import AgentAction, AgentFinish import re # Define custom tools search = SerpAPIWrapper() tools = [ Tool( name="Search", func=search.run, description="Useful for answering questions about current events" ) ] # Define a custom prompt template template = """Answer the following questions as best you can: {input} Use the following format: Question: the input question you must answer Thought: you should always think about what to do Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}] Action Input: the input to the action Observation: the result of the action ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times) Thought: I now know the final answer Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question Begin! Question: {input} Thought: To answer this question, I need to search for current information. {agent_scratchpad}""" class CustomPromptTemplate(StringPromptTemplate): template: str tools: List[Tool] def format(self, **kwargs) -> str: intermediate_steps = kwargs.pop("intermediate_steps") thoughts = "" for action, observation in intermediate_steps: thoughts += action.log thoughts += f"\nObservation: {observation}\nThought: " kwargs["agent_scratchpad"] = thoughts kwargs["tool_names"] = ", ".join([tool.name for tool in self.tools]) return self.template.format(**kwargs) prompt = CustomPromptTemplate( template=template, tools=tools, input_variables=["input", "intermediate_steps"] ) # Define a custom output parser class CustomOutputParser: def parse(self, llm_output: str) -> Union[AgentAction, AgentFinish]: if "Final Answer:" in llm_output: return AgentFinish( return_values={"output": llm_output.split("Final Answer:")[-1].strip()}, log=llm_output, ) action_match = re.search(r"Action: (\w+)", llm_output, re.DOTALL) action_input_match = re.search(r"Action Input: (.*)", llm_output, re.DOTALL) if not action_match or not action_input_match: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse LLM output: `{llm_output}`") action = action_match.group(1).strip() action_input = action_input_match.group(1).strip(" ").strip('"') return AgentAction(tool=action, tool_input=action_input, log=llm_output) # Create the custom output parser output_parser = CustomOutputParser() # Define the LLM chain llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt) # Define the custom agent agent = LLMSingleActionAgent( llm_chain=llm_chain, output_parser=output_parser, stop=["\nObservation:"], allowed_tools=[tool.name for tool in tools] ) # Create an agent executor agent_executor = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent, tools=tools, , verbose=True) # Run the agent result = agent_executor.run(“What’s the latest news about AI?”) print(result)
LangChain的链和代理为构建复杂的人工智能驱动系统提供了强大的能力。当与大型语言模型 (LLM) 集成时,它们可以创建适应性强的智能应用程序,旨在解决各种任务。当您在 LangChain 之旅中不断进步时,请随意尝试不同的链类型、代理设置和自定义模块,以充分利用该框架的潜力。