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可以在 Windows 上运行的 5 个终端命令,给人一种大黑客的感觉

2024-07-15 15:38:311219浏览

是否曾经想过像好莱坞黑客一样,而又没有相关风险?以下是如何使用五个无害的命令将无聊的 Windows 终端转变为“黑客”空间。

先决条件:启用 WSL 并将终端颜色设置为矩阵绿色

我们将展示的一些命令是 Linux 原生命令,不能在 Windows 上运行。但这无需担心,因为您可以通过启用 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 在 Windows 终端上轻松运行 Linux 命令。以下是启用 WSL 的快速指南:

  1. 打开“开始”菜单。
  2. 搜索打开或关闭 Windows 功能。
  3. 向下滚动并选中“Linux 的 Windows 子系统”旁边的框。
  4. 单击“确定”并在出现提示时重新启动电脑。
  5. 重新启动后,打开 Microsoft Store 并搜索 Ubuntu 24.04 或您喜欢的 Linux 发行版。
  6. 点击安装并等待下载。
  7. 安装后,打开“开始”菜单并搜索 Ubuntu。
  8. 打开 Ubuntu,将会出现 Ubuntu 终端窗口。
  9. 创建用户名和密码。
  10. 就是这样!现在,您可以在 Windows PC 上运行的 Ubuntu 终端中输入 Linux 命令。

启用 WSL 后,我们就可以开始准备了。没有什么比《黑客帝国》中标志性的黑底绿字更能体现“黑客”的含义了。幸运的是,您可以轻松更改 Windows 终端的颜色来实现这种外观。只需打开命令提示符并输入:

color a

color 2

“color”命令仅适用于 Windows 命令提示符 (cmd),不适用于 PowerShell。 5 Terminal Commands You Can Run on Windows that Give Big Hacker Vibes




使用 dir /s 命令创建大量滚动文本


dir /s

此命令列出当前目录及其所有子目录中的所有文件和目录。当从 C 盘等高级目录运行时,它可以生成大量滚动文本,看起来就像您正在深入系统的文件结构一样。


  • /s:包括所有子目录
  • 要使用它,只需打开命令提示符并输入 dir /s 并观察屏幕快速滚动填充文本,显示系统上的每个文件和文件夹。
  • 此命令不仅仅是为了显示,当您需要查找特定文件或获取目录结构的概述时,它会非常有用。


    dir /s | more

    它会在每屏信息后暂停输出 - 让你看起来像是在仔细分析每一行数据。

    使用 ping-t 命令连续 Ping 网站 5 Terminal Commands You Can Run on Windows that Give Big Hacker Vibes

    接下来是带有 -t 选项的 ping 命令:


    ping 命令用于测试 Internet 协议上主机的可达性( IP)网络。添加 -t 选项允许它继续 ping 指定的地址,直到您手动停止它(通过按 Ctrl+C)。它的作用如下:

    ping:向特定 IP 地址或域发送网络请求
    • -t:继续 ping 直到停止
    • example.com:您要 ping 的网站。例如google.com
    • 此命令将持续显示服务器的响应时间,为您提供实时网络性能数据。它不仅在视觉上具有持续的数据流吸引力,而且对于监控网络连接也非常有用。
    • Use cmatrix to Create the Iconic Matrix Text Rain (WSL necessary)

      Let's step it up a notch with a command that truly embodies the hacker aesthetic—cmatrix. This command creates the falling green text effect popularized by The Matrix movies. Now this is a Linux command, and you’ll need to first install it on your system before you can use it. To do this, open the Ubuntu terminal—or whichever Linux terminal you've installed using WSL, and enter the following command:

      sudo apt install cmatrix

      After installation, simply type:


      Press CTRL+C to quit when you're done basking in the glow of your Matrix-inspired terminal.

      Use genact to Simulate Running Random Tasks (WSL necessary)

      This is another fun Linux command that generates fake but realistic-looking activity in your terminal—perfect for when you want to look busy or just enjoy some tech-themed eye candy. Same as before, you’ll first need to install genact on your system. To do this, make sure you have Rust installed in your WSL environment by entering the following command in your WSL-backed Ubuntu terminal:

      sudo snap install genact

      Once installed, you can run it simply by typing:


      Genact will start displaying various fake activities, such as compiling code, running tests, or downloading files. It's completely harmless but looks impressively technical. Some of the modules you might see include:

      • Cargo: Simulates building a Rust project
      • Bootlog: Fakes downloading a file
      • Cryptomining: Pretends to mine cryptocurrency
      • Composer: Mimics compiling a Linux kernel

        The command for running the modules is like this:

        genact -m <em>module-name     <p> </p></em>

        So, if you are trying to simulate cryptomining, this is the command you'll use:

        genact -m cryptomining

        Use hollywood to Feel Like a Hacker From The Movies (WSL necessary)

        For our final command, let’s pull out all the stops and go full overboard with “hollywood”. This is another Linux command that creates a split-screen terminal that looks like something straight out of a Hollywood movie—the stereotypical mainstream hacker visuals.

        You can run the command on your WSL powered Ubuntu terminal by entering:


        As you can see, the terminal will split into multiple terminals, each running different commands and displaying various outputs. You'll see things like network scans, server logs, code compilations, system monitoring, and much more. It's a feast for the eyes and will definitely make anyone looking over your shoulder think you're engaged in some serious hacking. To exit hollywood, simply press Ctrl+C, and you'll be back to the base terminal.

        Now, in case, the command doesn't run, it means you'll need to first install it on your system. To do this, enter the following commands one-by-one into the terminal.

        <code class="hljs javascript">sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hollywood/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install byobu hollywood</code> 

        So, as you can see, these five terminal commands can transform your Windows terminal into a hacker's playground. This can be a fun way to satisfy your inner cyberpunk or just impress (or scare) your friends.

以上是可以在 Windows 上运行的 5 个终端命令,给人一种大黑客的感觉的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
