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google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

2024-06-28 13:10:21999浏览

Google 身份验证器换手机方法随着科技的不断发展,手机更换变得越来越频繁。如果您使用 Google 身份验证器进行双重身份验证,换手机时会遇到困难。本教程将为您提供 Google 身份验证器换手机的详细步骤,确保您的账户安全无虞。请继续阅读以下详细内容,了解如何顺利更换设备,并确保您的账户受到保护。


在国内很多互联网应用,都是用手机来作为安全验证码,这样确实增加了安全性,不过在国外使用谷歌验证就是多了,有点像国内的短信验证一样,起到双重安全的作用。不过谷歌身份验证器 (Google Authenticator)在无网络的情况下也可以使用。当用户登陆时除了输入账户和密码外还需要谷歌身份验证器里的一次性6位验证码,这就是两步验证功能,用法和银行用的动态令牌差不多。

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

为什么需要Google 两步验证呢(也称为双重身份验证)?Google解释是:对有些人来说,盗取密码比您想象的更简单。

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

其实使用过谷歌验证的人来说,*麻烦的就是换手机或者卸载了应用,如果你最近买了一部新手机,并希望使用该手机来接收你的Google 帐户两步验证码,怎么做呢?

切记!如果你的Google 身份验证器里绑定很多网站,首先分别到绑定的网站停用掉两步验证(不是到谷歌网站停用谷歌两步验证,是到绑定身份验证器的网站),等换完手机再重新绑定。

下面来说一说如何转移两步验证码,首先在电脑端搜索引擎中搜索:Google 两步验证,通进入官网界面,点击"开始使用"。

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


在手机端从谷歌应用商店下载"Google 身份验证器"应用。安装后按照提示登录谷歌帐号,选择扫描条形码。

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些


google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

In this way, you can complete the two-step verification move and transfer it to a new phone. You can also re-add the binding to websites that previously disabled two-step verification.

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

If you still forget to deactivate the bound website, other websites will not be able to log in. This can be said to be devastating, because as long as other websites are bound to Google two-step verification, you cannot log in without the verification code.

In fact, this is the most common problem that occurs when changing mobile phones or uninstalling Google Authenticator. When encountering this problem, there are currently two ways to solve it. 1. Back up in advance, that is, when you use Google Authenticator to scan the QR code to add a new website, back up the QR code or the key provided by the website, because it will be your new phone or reinstall Google Authenticator. , just scan or enter the key to add.

google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些

However, we often ignore this backup for convenience and directly scan the bound website to complete the two-step verification. After uninstalling the Google Authenticator and reinstalling it, it is gone and the website cannot be logged in. It felt like it was over in an instant. So we consider the second method to solve it. 2. To retrieve it later, the administrator of the website can actually turn off the two-step verification function for your account and rebind it. However, this kind of contact website assistance is troublesome and takes a long time.

以上是google身份验证器怎么换手机 身份验证器你应该知道这些的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
