首页  >  文章  >  Mt.Gox再度带崩币价,高达90亿美元的赔付计划即将开启,但抛压或被高估


2024-06-25 19:21:02461浏览

Mt.Gox (Mentougou) crashed the market again. On June 24, the Mt. Gox trustee announced that it would begin the repayment of BTC and BCH in July this year, involving crypto assets worth up to US$9 billion. Affected by this, the encryption market staged a "diving" market, and Bitcoin once fell below the $60,000 mark.

The repayment of BTC and BCH will be launched in July, and the custodian will decide the order of compensation.

Official documents show that the Mt.Gox trustee is ready to initiate repayment procedures to cryptoexchanges (including Kraken, Bitstamp and BitGo) in accordance with the requirements of the recovery plan. At present, it has completed the confirmation and exchange of required information with relevant exchanges to ensure the safety and compliance of repayments.

It is reported that Mt.Gox has a total of 127,000 creditors (Japanese users account for less than 1%), and it needs to repay creditors 142,000 BTC (currently worth about 8.58 billion US dollars) and 143,000 BCH (worth about 53.311 million US dollars) Dollar).


At the end of last month, Mt.Gox began to prepare for repayment before the creditorsrepayment deadline on October 31st. Its wallet experienced the first change in 5 years, and its Bitcoin holdings have now been evenly divided into 3 new addresses, each containing 47,230 BTC. But Mt. Gox does not pay out all assets at once. According to previous reports by PANews, Mt. Gox’s repayment plan for creditors includes basic repayment and proportional repayment. The basic repayment part allows each creditor to claim the first 200,000 yen to be paid in Japanese yen, while the proportional repayment provides two flexible options for creditors, namely "early lump sum repayment" or "interim repayment and Final repayment”. Among them, the early one-time repayment compensation method can only allow creditors to obtain part of the compensation. For the part exceeding 200,000 yen, creditors can choose a mixed method of BTC, BCH and Japanese yen or pay the entire amount in legal currency. And Mt.Gox has set the deadline for basic repayment, early one-time repayment and mid-term repayment as October 31, 2024, but if creditors want to obtain a higher proportion of compensation, they may have to wait five to nine days year time. At the end of 2023, many Mt.Gox creditors have stated that they have received the first compensation payment denominated in Japanese yen. This upcoming compensation plan is the first time that Mt.Gox will repay in the form of BTC and BCH. It should be noted that Mt.Gox also pointed out that the specific repayment will be based on the order in which each exchange has completed the exchange and confirmation of the required information, which also means that the time for creditors to receive compensation is not the same. According to previous disclosures, BitGo takes up to 20 days for payment, and Kraken and Bitstamp's payment procedures may take 90 days. It is expected that 95,000 Bitcoins will be paid out in advance, and large creditorsare optimistic about the market outlook. For the crypto market, which is already experiencing tight liquidity, Mt. Gox’s upcoming compensation plan is undoubtedly a blow, according to Bloomberg senior ETF analyst Eric Balchunas The commentary stated that if all Mt. Gox Bitcoins enter the market, it will be equivalent to more than half of the Bitcoin ETF inflows being offset. Amid the panic caused by the huge selling pressure, the price of Bitcoin once fell below the $60,000 mark, hitting a new low since May. CoinGlass data shows that in the past 24 hours, the amount of liquidated positions across the entire network reached US$357 million, of which US$175 million was liquidated in Bitcoin. But according to multiple institutions and large creditors, the selling pressure brought by Mt. Gox appears to be less than market expectations.


例如,Galaxy Digital 研究主管 Alex Thorn 今日在 X 平台表示,预计 Mt. Gox 分配的代币数量将少于市场预期。具体来说,Mt. Gox 曾丢失约 94 万枚比特币,但成功收回 141868 枚比特币(当时价值约 6390 万美元),如今这部分比特币价值高达 90 亿美元。虽然回收率仅为 15%,但对债权人而言意味着他们的投资在美元价值上增长了 140 倍。为了尽快获得支付(即“早期”支付),债权人需要接受大约 10% 的损失。据估计,约 9.5 万枚比特币用于早期支付,其中约 2 万枚比特币归索赔基金所有,1 万枚属于 Bitcoinica 破产案,剩余 6.5 万枚则归个人债权人所有(这一数字远低于媒体经常报道的 141,868 枚比特币)。实际上,根据此前 Mt. Gox 破产受托人 Nobuaki Kobayashi 统计的债权人索赔数据显示,有 226 名索赔人合计拥有 Mt. Gox 50% 以上的索赔,这部分投资者将收到 84,650 枚比特币。“Mt. Gox 事件对比特币造成的潜在抛售压力可能被夸大。急需资金的债权人此前有十年时间出售他们的债权,现在还留着这份债权的人肯定不会急着抛售比特币。”Altana Digital Currency Fund 首席投资官 Alistair Milne 如是表示。而据彭博社报道,大额债权人和长期市场参与者并不认为比特币价格会遭到持久性打击。许多人计划要么保留这些代币,要么逐步出售,押注价格将继续上涨。例如,Blockstream Corp. 首席执行官 Adam Back 表示,在牛市开始时抛售比特币会是一个奇怪的时机,其计划保留比特币分配的债权人。另一多年收购 Mt. Gox 债权的大型债权人 OfftheChain Capital 首席执行官 Brian Dixon 表示则表示,只有在找到更好的投资机会时才会计划出售其持有的比特币,“比特币市场已经成熟很多,债权人必须问自己是否需要这笔钱用于某些用途,还是将比特币作为长期价值储存更为妥当,因为比特币是过去 15 年中表现最好的资产,因此我认为比特币的价格不会受到长期打击,但短期内可能会有一些波动。”Alex Thorn 也认为,比特币面临的抛压较小,原因是个人债权人明显偏向长期比特币持有者,且都是精通技术的早期采用者。“多年来,他们一直抵制来自索赔基金的诱人提议,表明他们更希望追回自己的比特币而非美元支付。考虑到资本利得的影响,即使只是 15% 的实物回收,索赔持有人自破产以来在已追回的比特币上也获得了巨大的收益。尽管如此,若仅有 10% 的 6.5 万枚比特币被出售,也将有 6500 枚比特币流入市场,这很可能会通过市场交易进行。债权人将收到这些比特币,并可能将其存入 Kraken、Bitstamp 或 Bitgo 的账户,其中大多数个人可能会选择直接存入交易账户。关于索赔基金,通过与其中一些基金交谈,我们了解到它们主要由寻求以折扣价购买比特币的高净值比特币持有者组成,而非专注于套利交易的信贷基金。虽然部分 LP 可能会出售比特币,但整体而言,这些基金并非主要由寻求套利的交易者构成。”相比之下,BCH 或将在即将到来的分配中价格承压,有较差表现。Alex Thorn 认为,首先,没有债权人最初购买过 BCH;其次,BCH 的流动性远低于 BTC,特别是在 Kraken 和 Bitstamp 这两个债权人将接收该代币的交易所上。因此,一旦这些代币被分配,BCH 相对于 BTC 的表现会更差,因为债权人更有可能在一个流动性较差的市场中出售 BCH。例如自 2015 年开始收购 Mt. Gox 破产债权的 507 Capital 合伙人 Thomas Braziel 就表示,他可能会出售自己的 BCH,但计划继续持有比特币,希望继续升值,并预计大多数债权人会效仿。从分散赔付方式、赔付比特币分配情况以及大型债权人表态等来看,虽然 Mt. Gox 或对市场构成一定压力,但其抛压影响或被市场高估。

