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鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

2024-06-22 01:35:30645浏览


鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用


在 6 月 21 日至 23 日的这场盛会中,亮点纷呈,可归纳为三大板块。首先,大会设置了多样化的论坛与活动,包括技术分论坛、鸿蒙公开课、Codelabs、Tech hour、极客马拉松等,华为将分享鸿蒙生态的最新发展、技术革新的方向,以及为合作伙伴和开发者提供的强大支持,并展示鸿蒙系统在各行业的落地成果。

其次,在 HDC 互动展区,HarmonyOS NEXT 首次公开展示,带来六大原生体验,包括原生智能、全场景覆盖、原生安全等,并与数千家鸿蒙生态伙伴共同呈现焕然一新的原生应用,让参观者亲身体验原生鸿蒙系统的魅力。


鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

当然,HarmonyOS NEXT 的进一步发展是此次大会最受关注的焦点。

HarmonyOS 立项于 2015 年,于 2019 年正式发布。它是华为科技创新力的生动体现,而作为人类历史上第一个打通硬件、打通场景,支持多样交互、自由流转的泛终端操作系统,鸿蒙更是华为对万物互联时代迫切需求的回应。

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

而 HarmonyOS NEXT,作为一款全栈自研的操作系统,从操作系统内核、文件系统到编程语言、编译器 / 运行时、编程框架,乃至设计系统、集成开发环境、AI 框架和大模型等,均实现了全栈自研。它的诞生,标志着中国操作系统成功打破技术封锁与垄断,也宣告了西方主导操作系统内核时代的终结。

可以说,HarmonyOS NEXT 为中国在全球科技舞台上再次赢得了强大的话语权。

智能、安全、全场景,HarmonyOS NEXT 再亮三大“王炸”底牌

在本次开发者大会上,HarmonyOS NEXT 的智能、安全、全场景这三大优势也得以全面展示,凭借这三大“王炸”底牌,HarmonyOS NEXT 正以前所未有的速度高歌猛进。

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

首先是 AI 能力。

依托昇腾的算力和盘古大模型,HarmonyOS NEXT 拥有了系统级 AI 能力,打造出全新的小艺智能体,同时三方应用将天然具备更加智能的体验。

具体来说,小艺智能体在记忆感知、推理规划、知识增强、服务分发等方面有了显著提升,并以“小艺超级智能体”的新形式出现在系统中,随时等候用户召唤。同时,华为将 AI 能力下沉至操作系统,并赋能给各个子系统,同时,针对一些基础、高频、创新的场景,HarmonyOS NEXT 通过 API、控件等方式向应用开放如实时朗读、智能荐图、自动填写、图文翻译、OCR 服务识别推荐、主体抠图、人脸检测、卡证识别等能力,和开发者共同打造生态级的鸿蒙原生智能。

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用



HarmonyOS NEXT’s security capabilities have obtained the industry’s highest level of security certification. Among them, Harmony kernel has obtained the international CC EAL6+ certificate, which is the industry’s first 6+ level certification in the field of general operating system kernels. The entire HarmonyOS NEXT system has also obtained China CCRC EAL5+ certification, making it the only operating system in the industry to obtain this certification, which fully proves its leading position and strength in the security field.

The third is the advantage of full scene experience.

HarmonyOS NEXT relies on the advantages of distributed technology and once-developed multi-deployment to build a new full-scenario experience around one system, unified ecosystem and native interconnection, allowing efficient use of the three-party ecosystem.

For example, the distributed soft bus technology has been fully upgraded, further strengthening the native interconnection and collaborative working capabilities between devices, increasing the connection speed by 3 times, allowing up to 4 devices to be connected, and reducing power consumption by 20%. Hongmeng native applications have native multi-terminal characteristics. Through one development, they can automatically adapt to the screen size and layout of multiple devices such as candy bars, folding screens, tablets, etc. This greatly reduces developers’ additional adaptation workload, and consumers can get a consistent family-style experience on multiple devices.

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

In terms of consumer experience, when users use Hongmeng native applications with integrated connection capabilities, they can achieve seamless switching and transfer between different devices. For example, just open the app in the foreground, and multiple other devices will simultaneously display connectable icons in the Dock bar. Users only need to tap the icon to easily continue the operation, eliminating the need for cumbersome connection steps. In addition, HarmonyOS NEXT also supports application continuation, content continuation, notification continuation and other functions, further enriching the user's full-scenario experience.

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

Written at the end

Since its official release in 2019, HarmonyOS has gone through four major version updates. According to the latest data released by the research institution Counterpoint Research, in the first quarter of 2024, HarmonyOS surpassed the Chinese market for the first time Apple iOS.

This means that HarmonyOS has become the second largest operating system in China.

As the most important ecological base for the long-term and healthy development of the system, Huawei also continues to work closely with global developers and ecological partners. At present, head applications have basically reached cooperation with Hongmeng. There are more than 900 million Hongmeng ecological devices, covering 18 major vertical fields such as travel, social networking, finance, office, life, and entertainment, meeting 99.9% of users' time. 5,000+ applications have started to develop the native Hongmeng version, 1,500+ applications have been put on the shelves, and the construction of the Hongmeng ecosystem has entered the final sprint period.

鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用

At this moment, after ten years of hard work, Hongmeng is standing at a new starting point, beginning to welcome the moment when it breaks out of its cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

At this Huawei Developer Conference, Huawei showed the industry the prosperous development and huge potential of Hongmeng Ecosystem. The major upgrade of HarmonyOS NEXT and the release of a series of new features heralds that users will enjoy an unprecedented excellent experience, and also heralds the coming of a new trillion-level blue ocean market.

All this, as Yu Chengdong said at the conference: "Hongmeng native applications are fully sprinting for commercial use! Hongmeng will bring developers into a truly innovative world through the "three-layer reconstruction" of base, experience and ecology. Bonus new track ”


以上是鸿蒙新篇,未来已来!2024 华为开发者大会余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
