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探路者:正义之怒 — 如何招募所有同伴

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探路者:正义之怒 - 同伴指南 - 如何招募战役中的所有同伴

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
屏幕截图:PC 入侵

所有《探路者:正义之怒》中的同伴有起始职业和默认起始等级。不过,您应该能够通过与名为 Hilor 的 NPC 交谈来重新训练和重新指定他们的能力。请记住,那些较早加入竞选活动的人将在变革方面留出更多余地。与他们一起尝试解锁高级职业会更容易。然而,那些较晚加入的人在这方面往往相当有限。由于重新训练同伴只会将其重置为默认级别,因此您将无法更改一些预制的选择。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
  • 种族:人类
  • 起始课程:圣骑士
  • 地点:序幕 – 地下洞穴

Seelah 是《探路者:正义之怒》中第一个加入你队伍的同伴。你的角色在试图与恶魔战斗后跌入裂缝。您很快就会发现 Seelah(以及名为 Anevia 的 NPC)。她对你的角色非常忠诚。但是,当你完全变身为巫妖(神话等级8)的那一刻,她就会走自己的路。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
  • 种族:半精灵
  • 起始职业:萨满– 灵魂猎手
  • 地点:序幕 – 地下洞穴


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions截图:电脑入侵
  • 起始班:兰恩是一名僧禅弓箭手。与此同时,Wenduag 是一名战士。
  • 地点:序幕 - 地下洞穴
在获得 Seelah 和 Camellia 后你会遇到这两个人。随着你的进步,一些重要的选择可能会发生:

  • 当你到达杂种营地时,你可以向村长展示天堂之光,也可以假装什么也没找到。如果你选择前者,兰恩会和你在一起,温杜格会在帐篷里休息后离开。如果你选择前者,那么Wenduag将留下来而不是Lann。
  • 在盾牌迷宫地下城的尽头,你可以在Lann和Wenduag之间进行选择。
  • 还有一些关于Lann和Wenduag的其他花絮,可能会在以后发生在竞选活动中。例如,如果你在序言中让兰留下来,那么当你在第三幕中执行兰的个人任务时,就有机会见到并饶过文杜格的命,但这也会导致一个关键事件。不过,如果您愿意,可以采取一些具体步骤来确保您在第五幕中获得两者。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
  • 种族:提夫林
  • 起始课程:Rogue – Eldritch Scoundrel
  • 地点:第一幕 - Defender's Rest

检查 Defender's Rest 酒馆的地下室,在其中一个牢房内找到 Woljif。要释放他,你需要与 Irabeth 交谈。

Woljif 将在第二幕结束时自动离开你的队伍,但你有机会在第三幕中再次见到他。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
  • 开始上课:说真的,这是一个会说话的武器。
  • 地点:Ancestrys and Wonders Shop
检查这个区域的桌子,Finnean会自我介绍,呃,它本身,给你。在战役的某些时刻,您将更多地了解它的过去(即讲故事者的对话或与其他 NPC 的遭遇)。你也可以通过打开你的物品栏并点击右下角的按钮来独立与芬尼安交谈,并将他装备为你的个人武器。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions截图:PC入侵
  • 起始班:女巫 – 污名化的女巫
  • 地点:第一幕-集市广场
你会发现Ember在集市广场上被几个男人搭讪。击败士兵并招募她。阿伦达仆人会告诉你庄园的位置。访问这个地点,与恶魔战斗,并与 Daeran 交谈以让他加入。在此位置,您还可以找到阿兰卡(Aranka)进行星空凝视任务和阿扎塔神话之路。


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
Screenshot: PC Invasion
  • Race: Human -> Kitsune
  • Starting class: Wizard – Scroll Savant
  • Location: Act I – Random encounter on the world map

In the same area of Market Square where you found the Arendae servant, you should also see a Mysterious Stranger. If you try to talk to this fella, he’ll simply walk away and vanish. Then, in a subsequent random encounter on the world map, you’ll find Nenio. You can pass a few dialogue checks with the cultists here and, after defeating them, you can get Nenio to join your group.

As you’re doing Nenio’s companion quest called “More Than Nothing,” you’ll get to visit the Nameless Ruins in Act II. This time, Nenio will reveal her true form as a Kitsune.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
Screenshot: PC Invasion
  • Race: Human
  • Starting class: Cleric
  • Location: Act II – Crusader Camp

At the beginning of Act II, your character will become the commander of the Fifth Crusade. Queen Galfrey will then have Sosiel join your army.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
Screenshot: PC Invasion
  • Race: Gnome
  • Starting class: Fighter – Armiger and Hellknight
  • Location: Act II – Reliable Redoubt

Regill is the first recruitable companion in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous who has a Prestige Class unlocked by default. He’s recruited as part of a quest called Walking By Hell. You’ll receive it while exploring the world map during Act II.

You’ll have a random encounter where a man named Yaker says that his squad has been ambushed. Agree to help him to reveal the location of the Reliable Redoubt.

In this location, follow the sloping path while battling the gargoyles. Enter the cave, talk to Regill, and defeat the remaining hostiles. You can ask Regill to join your army afterward.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
Screenshot: PC Invasion
  • Race: Demon (Succubus)
  • Starting class: Ranger – Espionage Expert
  • Location: Act II – Drezen or Act III – Greengates

During Act I, make sure that you’ve unlocked the Azata Mythic Path. Then, in Act II, you have to solve the Shrine of Desna puzzle in the Lost Chapel.

With both these requirements completed, you can finally assault Drezen. Go to the prison in the eastern section of the fort to find Arueshalae. Tell her about the vision and choose the Azata dialogue option. She can then be added to your party. Still, if you weren’t able to recruit her early, you have a chance to get her into your party in Act III by going to the Greengates location.

Choosing the Azata Mythic Path dialogue option here should be fine. This occurs before you’re locked to a specific Mythic Class.

Because Arueshalae is a succubus on the side of good, fully going with the Demon Mythic Path will cause her to leave your party. Alternatively, you may choose to turn her into Corrupted Arueshalae later in the game.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — How to recruit all companions
Screenshot: PC Invasion
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Starting class: Slayer
  • Location: Act III – Drezen

After you’ve liberated the citadel of Drezen in Act III, talk to Irabeth. You’ll receive a quest called The Dragon Hunt. Go to the tavern at the northeastern corner of the town to recruit Greybor. Initially, you’ll need to pay him 2,500 gold for his services. After the Dragon Hunt quest, you’ll have to pay Greybor 12,500 gold so he can permanently join your forces.

The Dragon Hunt quest is required to obtain the Gold Dragon Mythic Path since it allows you to meet the Storyteller during Act III.

Out of all the Mythic Paths in the game, the Lich option leads to the most number of unique party members. We discuss all of them in our Lich undead companions guide. Sosiel’s brother, Trevel, is a secret companion. We discuss all the steps required to get him in our Trever recruitment guide.

以上是探路者:正义之怒 — 如何招募所有同伴的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
