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我喜欢苹果产品,但我不会放弃我的 Android 手机

2024-06-14 19:02:331147浏览


现在我 99% 都是苹果了

苹果第一次对我下手是在第二代 iPad 上。对于我来说,它似乎是一款完美的设备,将我需要一台电脑完成的所有事情整合到一个纤薄的包装中,并具有全天电池续航时间。从那时起,iPad 就成了我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,有几年我根本没有费心去拥有笔记本电脑,而是选择了键盘附件。我的 M2 12.9 英寸 iPad Pro 是我的第七台 iPad(除非我忘记了),它比以往任何时候都更好。老实说,这是我花费最多时间的设备。

我在 2019 年购买了我的第一台 Mac,这要归功于在 9to5Mac 的(非常)短暂的工作,以便我可以撰写有关 macOS 的文章。后来事实证明,macOS 作为一个适合严肃工作的操作系统要可靠得多,所以我根本不再使用 Windows 来做任何严肃的事情。今天,您将不得不从我冰冷、死气沉沉的手指上夺走我的 M1 MacBook Air,而且您可以打赌,我的未来还会有更多 Mac。

甚至 Apple TV 也改变了我。厌倦了不稳定的 Android 电视盒和不可靠的智能电视应用程序,我一时兴起用 iPad 以旧换新的钱购买了第三代 Apple TV 4K。与 iPad 和 Mac 一样,我认为苹果在流媒体盒方面可能会拥有终生客户。

最后,虽然我现在终于认为智能手表总体上带来的麻烦大于它们的价值,但我不能否认苹果的 Watch 产品线远远超过我使用过的任何其他产品。此前,Garmin、FitBit 和三星 Galaxy 等一系列手表都存在这样或那样的重大缺陷。

我已经尝试过两次 iPhone

正是对 Apple Watch 的喜爱让我与 iPhone 发生了冲突。你看,当我或多或少地使用 Galaxy Watch 时,我的妻子说服我应该尝试 Apple Watch,因为她很喜欢她的手表。没关系,但由于 Apple 已决定 Watch 严格来说是 iPhone 配件,因此我无法将其与 iPad 或 Mac 一起使用。她身边有一台旧 iPhone 11 Pro,所以我们可以用它。

不幸的是,事实证明,您必须在实际的 iPhone 中安装 SIM 卡才能在 Apple Watch 上使用它。因此,我仍然使用我的三星 S21 Ultra 作为我的日常驱动程序,同时将我的蜂窝 Apple Watch 与 iPhone 配对,但在独立模式下使用它的想法根本行不通。

这意味着我必须每天驾驶 11 Pro,直到我可以进行下一次手机升级。可以这么说,我在使用这款手机一周后就彻底讨厌它了,但我还是坚持使用它,因为我排队购买 iPhone 14 Pro,这肯定会解决我在使用 11 时遇到的问题。

我买了一部 1TB iPhone 14 Pro,果然,这是一款更好的手机,但苹果几乎没有解决任何导致该设备无法使用的问题,老实说,我不知道我不认为他们可以,因为其中大部分可能就存在于 iPhone 本身的 DNA 中。


I Love Apple Products, but I Won\'t Ditch My Android Phone

我需要我的 iPad 像烤面包机或电视一样。我不想摆弄它,它只需要工作即可。我的 Mac 已经像 Windows 或 Linux 机器一样对软件开放。尽管 macOS 可能会抱怨不是来自 Mac 应用商店或没有数字签名的软件,但它仍然会不情愿地让你安装它。

iPhone 的情况并非如此,尽管采取了一些法律措施使其更加开放,但 iPhone 仍然是围墙最深的花园。当然,你可以“越狱”你的手机,但这也会带来一系列令人头痛的问题。 (直到最近)某些完全合法的应用程序(例如游戏模拟器或 torrent 客户端)不允许出现在应用程序商店中,这也无济于事。

这也许是我不喜欢 iPhone 的最大原因——缺乏自由。对我来说,手机不像是一个电器,而是更接近我想要的个人电脑,而现在的 iPhone 还不是这样。

iPhone 的外形不太好

I Love Apple Products, but I Won\'t Ditch My Android Phone

People often say that phones are all the same these days, but that's far from the truth. Hold any two different phones in your hand and the exact shape, weight, materials, and balance will make them feel miles apart. It is this combination of factors that just sits wrong for me when it comes to the iPhone.

Honestly, even the latest iPhones feel almost archaic in their design. Despite aping the industrial language of the iPad Pros with the iPhone 14 and 15, it just doesn't work for me. The absolutely flat screen, the prominent edges, and the awkward sizing for both the standard Max versions of these phones just don't let you get comfortable. Despite being about as thick as any other comparable phone, subjectively, the iPhone feels too chunky to me. Compared to my favorite phones over the years—the Samsung S8, S21 Ultra, and S22 Ultra—the iPhone feels like it's in the wrong decade.

I Just Don’t Like iPhone Photos (the Video Is Great)

For flagship phones in particular, photos matter. By all accounts, iPhones offer some of the best camera equipment and photos money can buy. However, smartphone photography is just as much about software post-processing as it is about the hardware, and I just can't stand the look of iPhone photos. It's quite hard to pin down why exactly, and this is clearly subjective, but iPhone photos feel a little soulless to me. Maybe the word is "overprocessed", but I have no doubt that the photos from my S22 Ultra are no less processed, just differently.

Nonetheless, photos taken on iPhone do nothing for me. In particular I like taking macro photos as well as portrait photos, and while the macro camera mode on my iPhone 14 Pro was plenty capable, I just couldn't get the same sorts of shots that my S21 Ultra or S22 Ultra can manage.

Why Is the Battery Life So Awful?

I can live with the esthetics and photos that aren't to my taste, but going from having a day and a half of battery power on my S22 Ultra to a phone that barely ekes out a full day of normal use is not fun. I have zero battery anxiety with my Samsung phone, but felt it return with a vengeance with my last iPhone.

This is maddening to me, because in other categories such as tablets and laptops, Apple is on top of the pile for battery life without performance compromises, yet for some reason can't achieve the same feat with the iPhone or, at least, don't want to. Perhaps the average iPhone user isn't bothered by having to charge their phone more than once a day if they actually decide to use it, but this is a major deal-breaker for me. Apple, just make the phone half a millimeter thicker and add some more battery! It already feels so chunky I doubt anyone will notice.

I’m Willing to Try Again

For the two-and-a-bit years I was a daily iPhone users I can say that there were glimmers of greatness. I definitely loved having all of my Apple devices seamlessly work together and there were use cases I had never considered before. I definitely miss that aspect of using the iPhone, which is a much better device as part of the Apple ecosystem than as a standalone phone.

So I'm not discounting that some future iteration of the iPhone won't convert me, but Apple will have to go quite a bit off the safe script they've been following so far, and who knows if that will ever change?

以上是我喜欢苹果产品,但我不会放弃我的 Android 手机的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
