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如何使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT

2024-06-14 16:39:21939浏览

除了能够撰写工作电子邮件之外,ChatGPT 还可以为您的演示提供反馈,建议周末旅行的行程,或者在您精力不足时集思广益。使用 ChatGPT,您输入请求并按 Enter 键,几秒钟内就会看到响应出现在您面前。

想了解如何使用 ChatGPT?我们已经为您提供了保障。

ChatGPT 是什么?

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

ChatGPT 是一个生成式 AI 聊天机器人,它几乎可以回答您的任何问题,就像 Google 是一个您可以随意交谈的人一样。

ChatGPT 很特别,因为它感觉不像是在与计算机交谈。它可以用自然语言交谈并记住你之前问过的事情,而且它还可以理解声音和图像,这在同类产品中尚属首次。例如,如果您拍摄了冰箱内物品的照片,它可能会根据您拥有的食材建议您可能想为晚餐做饭。

ChatGPT 由 OpenAI 开发,接受了来自互联网的大量数据的训练,其中可能包括来自维基百科、博客、操作指南网站和科学文章等地方的大量信息。 ChatGPT 现在可以浏览网页,为这个令人难以置信的工具增添了更多功能。

ChatGPT 的工作原理

ChatGPT 是通过机器学习和人工干预相结合的方式进行训练的,使用了一种称为人类反馈强化学习 (RLHF) 的方法。


接下来,需要为强化学习创建奖励模型。为此,人类 AI 训练员再次介入,但这一次,他们被要求按质量对多个模型答案进行排名,进一步帮助 ChatGPT 选择最佳答案。

所有这一切都表明,人类帮助训练 ChatGPT,使其答案达到更高的准确性,同时也确保对话听起来很自然。

ChatGPT 远非完美,它还面临着许多问题,从自信地陈述错误事实到成为虚假信息的武器。使用 ChatGPT 进行工作时,请确保保护您的隐私,切勿包含个人信息。

如何创建 ChatGPT 帐户

要访问 ChatGPT,您需要在 OpenAI 网站上创建一个帐户。它会要求您提供电子邮件和电话号码,以及您想要使用 OpenAI 的主要原因,无论是用于研究、应用程序开发还是个人使用。注册后,返回 ChatGPT 开始,然后登录您的 ChatGPT 帐户。

您还可以使用您的 OpenAI 帐户,使用 DALL-E(OpenAI 开发的另一种 AI 模型)从文本生成图像。

如何使用 ChatGPT

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

由于采用简约的界面,使用 ChatGPT 非常简单。在 ChatGPT 登录页面后,就像普通的消息应用程序一样,您在文本框中键入内容并按 Enter 键或单击发送按钮(纸飞机符号)。



ChatGPT 针对对话进行了优化,因此您无需在每次有后续问题时输入完整的句子。如果一开始似乎没有很好地回答您的问题,您可以尝试要求 ChatGPT 总结答案或解释答案。

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

问什么 ChatGPT

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

许多人在想询问某些东西如何工作时会转向 Google,但筛选网站需要时间。您可以使用 ChatGPT 来获得快速而直接的答案,而不是将问题发布到互联网上。

Not to mention, there's the added benefit of having no annoying ads. You can also ask ChatGPT to present the information in the best way for you, for example, as a bullet point list instead of a paragraph. And if the answer is going way over your head, request the info to be simplified for better understanding.

There are plenty of interesting things you can do with ChatGPT. Here are a few of our favorites:

How to use ChatGPT to write difficult emails at work How to use ChatGPT to write a YouTube video script How to use ChatGPT as a translation tool How to use ChatGPT to write better social media posts How to use ChatGPT for your business

It doesn't stop there, though. ChatGPT can create graphs, explain difficult concepts, generate unique stories with images (using ChatGPT Plus), and more. Effectively, your imagination is the only limitation.

What Is the ChatGPT App?

ChatGPT has an app for iOS and Android that is worth checking out. Having the app on your phone is convenient for quick queries. Plus, the messaging style interface is a natural fit for mobile use.

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

Make sure to try out the speech-to-text option, which lets you use the microphone to ask your question out loud instead of typing. This adds another layer of ease and accessibility, which we enjoy.

Browsing the Internet With ChatGPT

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

As we mentioned earlier, ChatGPT can access the internet, and it's a game changer. To get this feature, you will need a subscription to ChatGPT Plus, which will set you back $20 per month. However, the chance to access real-time information might be worth it to you.

As we have noted, however, it comes with pros and cons. It can access more accurate and up-to-date information about current events, but it's entirely susceptible to misinformation and trolls. Take ChatGPTs answers with a grain of salt, and always do further research if you plan to use the info in a high-risk application.

Avoid using ChatGPT for medical advice, and don't ask it for investment tips. It is, after all, simply an AI chatbot and not a doctor or an oracle.

Is There Anything ChatGPT Can't Do?

An ongoing area of development is making sure that ChatGPT doesn't cause harm, including things like hate speech, giving instructions for illegal activities, and producing fake information.

ChatGPT is trained to refuse inappropriate requests. For example, if you ask ChatGPT what the best way to bully someone online is, it will decline to answer.

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

This moderation isn't perfect, and people are finding ways to get around the restrictions all the time. But in the spirit of helping to create a safe AI chatbot, feel free to use the thumbs up/thumbs down buttons to provide feedback and help steer the model in the right direction.

A text box will appear asking you to explain the issues, alongside a few check boxes asking whether the answer was harmful/unsafe, not true, or not helpful.

How to Use ChatGPT by OpenAI

Entering a New Era of AI Chatbots

ChatGPT is a fascinating AI tool that can answer burning questions, explain tricky concepts, or brainstorm creative ideas—just to name a few uses. The ability to ask follow-up questions means you can get to the information you are looking for much faster than crawling through the internet.

That doesn't mean it's perfect, though. ChatGPT can still produce harmful answers and provide incorrect information. For low-risk tasks, it can really give us a hand but don't blindly trust it for big decisions or serious endeavors.

以上是如何使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
