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OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?

2024-06-12 13:29:27431浏览


上个月,WorldCoin 基金会宣布推出基于 OP Stack 上的区块链 World Chain,该区块链将加入 Optimism 的超级链 Superchain,并与 Base、Mode、OP Mainnet 和 Zora 等其他链进行交互。

大家可能都听说过 OP,OP Stack 和超级链。好奇宝宝们可能就会问了:What?Why?Where?本篇文章讲给大家一一解答,超级链的现状,愿景等等。文末还贴心整理一键发布 L2 / L3 的操作流程。

从 Optimism 说起

大家对 Optimism 一定不陌生,它是一个基于以太坊的 Layer 2 解决方案,旨在提供快速、稳定、可扩展且成本低廉的区块链服务。它通过在以太坊主链(Layer 1)之上运行,帮助缓解网络拥塞,从而减少交易成本和处理时间

Optimism 利用了一种称为 Optimism Rollups 的技术,通过将大量交易数据打包在一起,仅在以太坊主链上处理和支付一次费用。这种方法不仅加快了交易速度,降低了成本,还保持了依赖以太坊为基础的高安全性。后来 Optimism Rollup 技术开源公开,成为 OP Stack - Optimism Collective 公布的一个开源区块链框架。

OP Stack 可以理解为一键发 L2 的工具箱,大幅简化了 L2 链的构建,这些分散的基于 OP Stack 开发的 L2 链共享安全性、通信层和开源技术 Stack形成了 OP 超级链的愿景。

现状——用 OP Stacks 布局在多个领域。

目前 OP Stacks 已被多个知名项目采纳,包括现在各种 L2 NFT 交易数据稳居第一的 Base:Coinbase 开发的 Layer2、资产管理应用 Debank 推出的 Debank Chain,以及社交领先协议 Farcaster 的 Farcaster Stack。这些应用的多样性体现了 OP Stack 在推出之初就旨在支持的 OP 超级链概念。


“超级链”是一种基于 Layer 2 (L2) 技术的多链网络结构,旨在解决传统区块链在水平可扩展性上的挑战。传统的多链架构通常面临着协同工作的困难和高昂的开销问题,而“超级链”通过将各条链视为“可互换的计算资源”,即将区块链商品化,从而允许开发人员在不增加系统性风险的情况下构建跨链应用程序。

在“超级链”模型中,各个链(如 OP 链)被标准化处理,并集成到由 Optimism Collective 正式管理的网络中。这些链不仅共享安全性和通信层,还共享一个开源技术堆栈。这种设计使得开发人员可以更加专注于在整个超级链上构建应用程序,而不必担心单个链的具体技术细节。

OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?


OP Chain 是怎么做到安全性的

在 “超级链”桥接安全模型中,安全性(即有效性)和活跃性(即抗审查性)能够得到保证。安全性由证明系统保证,活跃性由直接向 L1 提交交易的能力保证。安全性和活跃性的结合意味着,如果 OP Chain 排序器出现异常,用户始终可以将交易提交给 L1,L1 将他们的使用迁移到具有正确运行的排序器的新 OP Chain。

下面是 Optimism 官方对“超级链”的定义,符合以下条件即为“超级链”:

属性 目的
共享 L1 区块链 为所有 OP 链提供交易的完全顺序,也就是排序器。
所有 OP 链的共享桥接 使 OP 链具有标准化的安全属性。
低成本的 OP 链部署 允许在不需要支付高额 L1 交易费用的情况下部署和进行交易。
OP 链的配置选项 允许 OP 链配置他们的数据可用性提供者、排序者地址等。
安全交易和跨链消息 使用户能够安全地在 OP 链之间迁移数据。

OP technology “decentralization” route

## As a framework supporter, OP Labs has done a lot of work to make OP Stack support a wider range of technical decentralization. For example, the Bedrock version supports multiple attestation schemes and multiple clients. Multi-client failure proofing is a fundamental component of technology decentralization, and Bedrock’s modular framework has greatly impacted the community’s ability to decentralize the actual development of OP Stack.

Strategy - Staying Honest

Be intellectually honest about the challenges in the pursuit of decentralization is important. Specifically, writing complex and bug-free code is difficult, but crucial, as any single vulnerability can have catastrophic consequences for any L2.

Strategy - Parallel Development Protocol Upgrade

OP advocates maintaining purposefulness in the steps of on-chain failure proofing , pragmatic and cautious. Achieving full proof-of-failure will take time, but Optimism believes that several protocol upgrades can be developed in parallel to allow the OP Stack to meaningfully further develop in terms of decentralization without waiting for proof-of-failure to be ready.

Maintaining updates to technical solutions is actually the reason why two bugs were discovered by Arbitrum in the OP a while ago

[1]. As a technology provider, such an open source framework that is widely used by the community is always waiting for scrutiny by the market and the community, and needs to bear more.

OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?

##Technical Decentralization Timeline and Milestones

OP Stacks Super Chain Layout

Success in the Commercial Bank

##according to L2Beat data shows that as of May 4, 2024, Layer2 TVL (total locked value) totaled US$39.98 billion, of which OP Stack had US$18.61 billion, nearly half of the total TVL and ranking first. Optimism's Stack service has been widely adopted, and more and more projects have adopted the OP Stack framework to quickly build a new L2, such as Optimism, Base, Mode, Zora, Frax, Lyra, Ancient, Redstone, Worldcoin, Mint, Lisk . This highlights the value of Stack’s services in the market narrative.

OP Stacks——

How to evolve into a super chain?

From a technical point of view, we removed part of the code and official information to answer the question

Introducing the SystemConfig contract

Bedrock, the technology platform behind OP Stack, introduced the SystemConfig contract and began to define the L2 chain directly through the L1 smart contract. This can be extended to putting all the information that defines the L2 chain on the chain, including generating unique chain IDs, block gas limits and other key configuration values. The SystemConfig contract fragment is intercepted as follows
<code style="font-size: inherit; font-family: PingFang SC,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Hiragino Sans GB,Heiti SC,Microsoft YaHei,WenQuanYi Micro Hei,sans-serif;">/** * @title SystemConfig * @notice The SystemConfig contract is used to manage configuration of an Optimism network. All *         configuration is stored on L1 and picked up by L2 as part of the derviation of the L2 *         chain. */contract SystemConfig is OwnableUpgradeable, Semver {    /**     * @notice Enum representing different types of updates.     *     * @custom:value BATCHER              Represents an update to the batcher hash.     * @custom:value GAS_CONFIG           Represents an update to txn fee config on L2.     * @custom:value GAS_LIMIT            Represents an update to gas limit on L2.     * @custom:value UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNER  Represents an update to the signer key for unsafe     *                                    block distrubution.     */    /*     * @notice Minimum gas limit. This should not be lower than the maximum deposit gas resource     *         limit in the ResourceMetering contract used by OptimismPortal, to ensure the L2     *         block always has sufficient gas to process deposits.     */    uint64 public constant MINIMUM_GAS_LIMIT = 8_000_000;    /**     * @notice Identifier for the batcher. For version 1 of this configuration, this is represented     *         as an address left-padded with zeros to 32 bytes.     */    bytes32 public batcherHash;    /**     * @notice L2 gas limit.     */    uint64 public gasLimit;</code>

CREATE2 generates a determined chain address

Based on SystemConfig design, After the data is completely placed on the chain, a chain factory can be created to deploy configuration and all other required contracts for each chain. We extend this step further by using CREATE2 to generate one-to-one contract addresses: this means that, given a chain configuration, we can determine all bridge addresses associated with that chain. This also allows us to interact with the chain without deploying the bridge contract, making deployment of the chain nearly free and allowing the chain to inherit standard security properties.

Communication between OP chains - "Chain Factory" continues to use OP chain data

Bedrock introduces the establishment of L1 chain Method for L2 chains where all chain data can be synchronized with L1 blocks. With the L1 chain factory extension placing all configuration on-chain, Optimism nodes are able to deterministically synchronize any OP chain with just an L1 address plus a connection to the L1.

It should be noted that when the OP chain synchronization is completed, the chain status is calculated locally. This means that determining the status of the OP chain is completely permissionless and secure. Since all invalid transactions are ignored by the local node calculation process performed by the node, the derivative chain does not require a proof system. However, in order to guarantee withdrawals on the Superchain chain, a proof system is still required.

Modularly design the sequencer with SystemConfig

Setting the sorting in the SystemConfig contract was introduced in Bedrock function of the address. With the introduction of multiple chains with their own SystemConfig contracts, it is possible to allow the deployer of the OP chain to configure the orderer address. This configurable sorter design is called modular sorting. This allows different entities to order the OP chain while retaining the standard [Superchain Bridge] security model – a key step towards the decentralization of orderers.

Modular sorting allows experimenting with different sorting models without permissions. Developers can adopt various ordering protocols, such as round-robin ordering, orderer consensus protocol, price competitive ordering (PGA ordering), or first-in-first-out ordering (FIFO ordering). We can expect that over time, more user-friendly sorting criteria will emerge.

OP chains share a technology upgrade path

To launch with a high degree of confidence in security and decentralization For the initial Superchain, a decentralized security committee should be introduced to manage upgrades. The security committee should be able to update the chain prover set, initiate contract upgrades with a delay, and press the bridge pause button in emergency situations while canceling ongoing upgrades.

The ability to suspend the bridge in an emergency means that in the worst case scenario, where a security committee member’s private key is compromised, the result will be that withdrawals are suspended indefinitely and bridge upgrades are permanently canceled . In other words, the L1 bridge will be frozen. This follows the design principle of prioritizing security over liveness - i.e. the loss of ETH or tokens should always be prevented (i.e. enforcing security), even if this means ETH or tokens being locked (i.e. sacrificing liveness).

OP Stack has become a "super chain"pain point on the road

Of course becoming a super chain, there are still some important pain points that need to be solved before the vision of scalable blockchain can be fully realized. Anticipated pain points include:

  • Withdrawal requests rely on a set of trusted chain provers.

  • Cross-chain transactions are slow and need to wait for a challenge period.

  • Submitting transactions to Superchain is not scalable enough and transaction data must be submitted to L1 with limited capacity.

    • Cross-chain transactions are asynchronous, which destroys the ability to perform atomic cross-chain transactions (such as flash loans).

    • This has improved after EIP4844.

    • Lack of useful frameworks to build scalable applications that leverage multiple OP chains.

    • Lack of a simple wallet to manage tokens and applications across multiple OP chains.

    We envision that when these pain points can be solved, it will be possible to build decentralized alternatives to the most complex web2 applications.

    4844 Large-scale application of super chain?

    The launch of EIP-4844 coincides almost exactly with the Delta upgrade of the Optimism ecosystem, making it a perfect fit.

    Data availability (DA) solutions such as Celestia are mainly to reduce the cost of rollup when submitting data to L1, while 4844 provides a native solution that reduces the operating cost (OPEX) of the OP chain by more than 90% .

    We see that before 4844, the main cost of OP Stack was concentrated on the gas overhead of L1, as follows:

    • OP Stack chain L1 activity data (chain/L2 Revenue / L1 fee / Gross profit margin / L1 fee ratio):

      • OP Mainnet: 2k ETH / 1.97k ETH / 30 ETH / 98.5%

      • Base: 1.7k ETH / 1.37k ETH / 330 ETH / 80%

    ##After 4844, the super chain ecology is a good thing for OP Stack , more and more project parties will be willing to use L2 as a technical solution. We also hope to see the fee reduction of blockchain solutions provide more business opportunities for project parties and provide the possibility for large-scale application (Mass Adoption).

    How to use SuperchainEasy deployment of L2

    How to do it in practice? Superchain provides a platform called Superchain Dev Console

    [3][4], which supports Ethereum, Base, Fraxtel, Mode, OP Mainnet, Redstone, Lisk, and Zora as L1 or L2.

    OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?

    At the same time, there are many tools for one-click L3 issuance in the Superchain community, such as Mode Flare developed by the Mode team. The architecture uses Pyth, Blockscout and Goldsky, etc.[5].

    Some thoughts at the end: We have seen the layout of Optimism and the success of Superchain in the business landscape. OP Stacks has greatly lowered the threshold for publishing a chain. More and more teams are benefiting from OP Stack to conveniently and quickly deploy their own L2 and L3. Will OP Stack become an industry leader like AWS or Alibaba Cloud in the future, providing us with various infrastructure to facilitate developers to build their own projects? In fact, this decentralized technology solution can guarantee the open source and security of the technology to a certain extent. From a design perspective, does the super chain also have potential industry monopoly risks?

    Time will tell.

    以上是OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
