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2024-06-07 09:19:58441浏览

作者:王1,深潮 TechFlow

编辑:David,深潮 TechFlow








5 月 22 日,计划本周 TGE 的 zkSync 发文表示,“我绝不能审查。审查制度是自由的杀手。”



大家纷纷猜测 zkSync 明面上是在讲审查制度的危害,但实际上是醉翁之意不在酒,通过抨击审查制度表露未来对查女巫这一行为可能会相对宽松的意向。

毕竟如果自己立过 Flag 抨击审查,之后又查女巫,大项目自然不会前后矛盾给大家落了口实。


因为在本月,同受撸毛群体关注的另一个项目 LayerZero,施行的反女巫机制严苛到超乎人们想象。


2024 年 5 月,撸毛党期待已久的项目 LayerZero 宣布已完成第一季快照,并在正式发币之前宣布发起反女巫活动。

Unlike previous project parties that used databases to identify witch addresses, LayerZero this time introduced "self-reporting" and "reporting by others" mechanisms.


Starting from May 4th, users who believe that their address is suspected of being a witch have 14 days to self-report to LayerZero, confirmed by LayerZero Afterwards, 15% of the airdrop quota can be retained, but the airdrop share of addresses that have not been self-reported will be cleared once identified.

After the "self-exposure" stage is over, the next 14 days will enter Report mode, where community users are encouraged to report witch behavior to each other. Successful reporters can receive 10% of the airdrop of the reported address. Share distribution, if the reported witch address originally deserves 0 tokens, then the reporter will not be rewarded.

Yes, LayerZero has introduced a large model of human nature - a reporting mechanism - in catching witches. This unexpected and thunderous method caused an uproar in the community. More people expressed anger at this mechanism, saying that "this is not something that should happen in the encryption community" and "would rather be shot than surrender." Although there is a lot of opposition, under this mechanism similar to coercion and inducement, many people still see the opportunity.

Before the end of the self-reporting period, LayerZero CEO Bryan Pellegrino stated on social platforms that more than 338,000 addresses had admitted to being witches. On the second day of reporting mode, LayerZero said it had solicited 2,312 witch reports and was gradually reviewing them.

After this move, only a small part of the originally planned airdrop addresses are expected to be retained. Judging from the results, the project team has indeed achieved the purpose of "witch hunting".

Is it the pattern or the interests that we want to maintain?

But the focus of this matter no longer seems to be on the effectiveness of catching witches.

Airdrops are to reward users who invest real time and energy in the project. The original intention of Anti-Witch is to ensure fairer distribution of airdrops and protect the reward value of real users from being mass-produced by studios. The dilution of fake users also ensures the healthy development of the project in the future.

From the perspective of protecting distribution fairness and industry development, the project party’s behavior of “catching witches” is worthy of recognition, but using reporting, especially a reporting system with rewards, This may have changed.

The other side of human nature cannot withstand amplification. Under the reporting mechanism, individuals who have no interest in themselves may become opponents in a zero-sum game.

When bound to one's own interests, the reporting mechanism may become a tool for personal gain. The distrust between people will continue to be annihilated in the face of repeated reports, and will be infinitely amplified. This is really a profound irony for the creation of crypto to solve the trust problem.

Taking a step back, if the project team wants to ensure fair airdrop distribution, should they inform the witch checking mechanism in advance? Instead of waiting for many fake addresses to add good-looking data to the project data, then "the birds are gone and the bows are hidden".

The continuous upgrading of the anti-witch mechanism is a foreseeable and inevitable development trend of the industry. Once a mechanism like Layerzero is started, it will most likely be imitated by more project parties in the future, and individual users will be accidentally injured. The risks will also become greater and greater. For ordinary users, it may be a good response to try to abandon "more and faster" and turn to "fine and slow" at the operational level and think about how to be a real user.

Lu airdrop is originally a game where you contribute money and I contribute, and in the end you are good to me and everyone is good to "common prosperity."

But gradually it seems that everyone is starting to be helpless: if the project team wants a better ecological future, they will continue to expand the means of checking witches; the Wool Party wants to smoothly launch airdrops , it is necessary to continuously improve technology and successfully hide it from the project side. Even the Woolies are now wary of each other.

In this "Witch Hunt", "Infernal Affairs" was frequently performed between people, and the airdrop eventually turned into an endless torture, and never again There is no free lunch, but a tiring competition for interests.


The arena of human nature has never ended. I wish you peace in the turbulence.

