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2016-06-07 17:34:001105浏览

DB重要的日志概念 $ db2 get db cfg for sample Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 1000 Number of primary log files (LOGPR


如果 "USEREXIT" 没有启用,可将 logarchmeth1 或 logarchmeth2 设置为 OFF 以外的值,使用数据库可以进行前滚恢复。

如果更新 userexit或 logretain 配置参数,,将自动更新 logarchmeth1,

反之亦然。然而,如果您正在使用 userexit 或 logretain, 必须将 logarchmeth2 设置为 OFF。

另外,db2 8.2里面还提供了FAILARCHPATH(故障转移日志归档路径)


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2level

DB21085I Instance "db2inst1" uses "64" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09013"

with level identifier "01040107".

Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.3", "s070719", "MI00203", and Fix Pack


Product is installed at "/u01/db2v9".


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ mkdir -p /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 "update db cfg for xcldb using logfilsiz 8 LOGARCHMETH1 disk:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/"

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ mkdir -p /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/cold


-- db2 rollforward db xcldb query status -- not pending

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 backup db xcldb to /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/cold

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20131213225508


First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 get db cfg for xcldb|grep "LOGARCHMETH1"

First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 get db cfg for xcldb|grep "LOGFILSIZ"

Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 8

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 archive log for db xcldb

DB20000I The ARCHIVE LOG command completed successfully.


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ ls -lrt /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/db2inst1/XCLDB/NODE0000/C0000000

total 24

-rw-r-----. 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 12288 Dec 13 22:53 S0000000.LOG

-rw-r-----. 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 12288 Dec 13 23:07 S0000001.LOG

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2level

DB21085I Instance "db2inst1" uses "64" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09013"

with level identifier "01040107".

Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.3", "s070719", "MI00203", and Fix Pack


Product is installed at "/u01/db2v9".


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ mkdir -p /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 "update db cfg for xcldb using logfilsiz 8 LOGARCHMETH1 disk:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/"

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ mkdir -p /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/cold


-- db2 rollforward db xcldb query status -- not pending

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 backup db xcldb to /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/cold

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20131213225508


First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 get db cfg for xcldb|grep "LOGARCHMETH1"

First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 get db cfg for xcldb|grep "LOGFILSIZ"

Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 8

[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ db2 archive log for db xcldb

DB20000I The ARCHIVE LOG command completed successfully.


[db2inst1@O11g64 bin]$ ls -lrt /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/mylog/db2inst1/XCLDB/NODE0000/C0000000

total 24

-rw-r-----. 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 12288 Dec 13 22:53 S0000000.LOG

-rw-r-----. 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 12288 Dec 13 23:07 S0000001.LOG
