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2016-06-07 17:32:44999浏览

OS: CentOSDB: PostgreSQL9.3 , OS user: postgres 一、编写pg_dump备份脚本: # get the day of week 1-7 starting mon=1 DOW=`

OS: CentOS

DB: PostgreSQL9.3 , OS user: postgres 


# get the day of week 1-7 starting mon=1 DOW=`date +"%u"` # define variables DB_INSTALL_DIR='/opt/PostgreSQL/9.3' # DB_TYPE='PostgreSQL' # DB_SERVER='' # DB_PORT='5432' DB_INSTANCE='mydb' DB_USER='postgres' DB_PASSWORD='postgres' DB_STORAGE='/home/postgres/backup' # specify the postgres password in the PGPASSWORD var # for pg_dump not to prompt for a password export PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD # change to the bin dir cd $DB_INSTALL_DIR/bin # run pg_dump ./pg_dump -f $DB_STORAGE/${DOW}-mydb.sql -U $DB_USER -F p -a $DB_INSTANCE

将以上脚本保存到 /home/postgres/backup/backup.sh。


每个用户都有各自不同的计划任务列表,用各自的帐户su username登录后,

执行crontab -l命令可查看到各任务的计划任务情况,

执行crontab -e进入vi模式,可以修改自己的计划任务,

每次添加完任务后,一定要service crond restart重新启动crond服务,,否则任务不会生效;如果当前用户没有权限重启任务,可以切换到root用户再进行重启服务。


su postgres crontab -l crontab -e


*/2 * * * * root run-parts /home/postgres/backup/backup.sh 表示每隔2分钟执行一次backup.sh ,即每隔2分钟备份一次;
或者 0 2 * * * root run-parts /home/postgres/backup/backup.sh 表示每天的2点执行一次backup.sh ,即每天2点备份一次。

su root service crond restart



通过crontab -e 添加的内容,实际上是在/var/spool/cron目录下,生成了一个名为操作系统用户名(此处为postgres)的文件,其内容就是crontab -e添加的内容(此处为 */2 * * * * root run-parts /home/postgres/backup/backup.sh)。


2.crontab usage: crontab [-u user] file

crontab [-u user] [ -e | -l | -r ]
(default operation is replace, per 1003.2)
-e (edit user’s crontab)
-l (list user’s crontab)
-r (delete user’s crontab)
-i (prompt before deleting user’s crontab)
-s (selinux context)

3.pg_dump Usage:

pg_dump [OPTION]… [DBNAME]

General options:
-f, –file=FILENAME output file or directory name
-F, –format=c|d|t|p output file format (custom, directory, tar,
plain text (default))
-j, –jobs=NUM use this many parallel jobs to dump
-v, –verbose verbose mode
-V, –version output version information, then exit
-Z, –compress=0-9 compression level for compressed formats
–lock-wait-timeout=TIMEOUT fail after waiting TIMEOUT for a table lock
-?, –help show this help, then exit

Options controlling the output content:
-a, –data-only dump only the data, not the schema
-b, –blobs include large objects in dump
-c, –clean clean (drop) database objects before recreating
-C, –create include commands to create database in dump
-E, –encoding=ENCODING dump the data in encoding ENCODING
-n, –schema=SCHEMA dump the named schema(s) only
-N, –exclude-schema=SCHEMA do NOT dump the named schema(s)
-o, –oids include OIDs in dump
-O, –no-owner skip restoration of object ownership in
plain-text format
-s, –schema-only dump only the schema, no data
-S, –superuser=NAME superuser user name to use in plain-text format
-t, –table=TABLE dump the named table(s) only
-T, –exclude-table=TABLE do NOT dump the named table(s)
-x, –no-privileges do not dump privileges (grant/revoke)
–binary-upgrade for use by upgrade utilities only
–column-inserts dump data as INSERT commands with column names
–disable-dollar-quoting disable dollar quoting, use SQL standard quoting
–disable-triggers disable triggers during data-only restore
–exclude-table-data=TABLE do NOT dump data for the named table(s)
–inserts dump data as INSERT commands, rather than COPY
–no-security-labels do not dump security label assignments
–no-synchronized-snapshots do not use synchronized snapshots in parallel jobs
–no-tablespaces do not dump tablespace assignments
–no-unlogged-table-data do not dump unlogged table data
–quote-all-identifiers quote all identifiers, even if not key words
–section=SECTION dump named section (pre-data, data, or post-data)
–serializable-deferrable wait until the dump can run without anomalies
use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of
ALTER OWNER commands to set ownership

Connection options:
-d, –dbname=DBNAME database to dump
-h, –host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
-p, –port=PORT database server port number
-U, –username=NAME connect as specified database user
-w, –no-password never prompt for password
-W, –password force password prompt (should happen automatically)
–role=ROLENAME do SET ROLE before dump

If no database name is supplied, then the PGDATABASE environment
variable value is used.




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