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SQLSERVER2014 2014年4月1日发布

2016-06-07 15:20:18983浏览

SQLSERVER2014 2014年4月1日 发布 http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoft_blog/archive/2014/03/18/sql-server-2014-released-to-manufacturers-will-be-generally-available-april-1.aspx 吸引眼球的地方: 首个云数据平台 in-memory 内存技术(In-Memory O

SQLSERVER2014 2014年4月1日发布





in-memory 内存技术(In-Memory OLTP 性能提升30倍,每秒处理250,000


Today I am very happy to announce SQL Server 2014 has been released to manufacturing and will be generally available on April 1.

SQL Server 2014 is the culmination of thousands of hours of hard work from Microsoft engineers and thousands of hours of testing

and input from our preview customers. The result is an important component of Microsoft’s overall cloud-first data platform.

The platform delivers breakthrough performance, accelerated insights through tools everyone uses

and the ability to scale globally on-premises and in the cloud – letting our customers get the most from their data.

This release of SQL Server is significant in that, in addition to delivering key hybrid scenarios, it rounds out our journey to

embrace in-memory technology(拥抱in-memory内存技术). Several years back, we began exploring the changing hardware

landscape – memory being one of the key areas of focus. Today, our in-memory technology spans the core workloads in the data platform:

business intelligence as part of Analysis Services, Excel and Power BI for Office 365; complex event processing with StreamInsight; in-memory columnstore in SQL Server and our data warehousing product; and now with SQL Server 2014 – in-memory transaction processing.

The completeness of Microsoft’s data platform and the strength of its mission-critical capabilities are the reasons our customers increasingly

build on and deploy SQL Server. It has garnered market share and industry recognition because it meets the increasingly

demanding needs of business customers of all sizes. SQL Server is the most widely-deployed database in the world and continues to gain revenue share at the expense of our competitors. Our data platform has surpassed our competitors in key technology areas like cloud, in-memory

and business intelligence. With SQL Server 2014, we’ll continue to build on that momentum with an enterprise-ready, mission-critical database.

Built-in in-memory technology for faster application performance

What I am most proud of is that the technology innovations we’re delivering today in SQL Server 2014

help customers create new business value and open up new possibilities and opportunities with data.

In-memory transaction processing

(In-Memory OLTP), speeds up an already very fast experience by delivering speed improvement of up to 30x.

For a company like bwin, the largest regulated online gaming company, faster processing means not only can they serve more customers

by scaling their applications to 250,000 requests a second, but it means the experience their customers have

with their application is better, faster and smoother. It is exciting to see what customers can do

when raw performance and throughput of a database changes this dramatically.

Important to our in-memory work is our approach to build SQL Server’s In-Memory OLTP right into the box.

This means our customers don’t need expensive additional software to take advantage of the technology.

More importantly, it means customers do not have to rewrite their application or deploy new servers. We approached in-memory columnstore the same way – it is built into SQL Server and our data warehouse product Parallel Data Warehouse. Our customers have appreciated this approach, and it sets us apart from our competitors.

Hybrid cloud capabilities offer greater flexibility

The other key area of investment for SQL Server 2014 has been hybrid features that span the cloud and on-premises,

giving customers a choice in how they deploy database solutions. Customers can easily and securely backup and recover on-premises

SQL Server databases using Windows Azure. SQL Server 2014’s AlwaysOn technology was not just improved for this release,

它的构建目的是将运行 SQL Server 的 Windows Azure 虚拟机注册到客户的灾难恢复解决方案中。

这一交钥匙解决方案建立在 Windows Azure 虚拟机中的 SQL Server 2014 可用性之上 - 人们可以获得内存中的 SQL Server

任务关键型功能只需几分钟即可在 Azure VM 中启动并运行。 SQL Server 2014 将于 4 月 1 日正式发布,并以 Windows Azure 虚拟机映像的形式提供。

Windows Azure 和 SQL Server 为我们的客户在本地部署选项中提供了连续的功能和灵活性

在云端。 Windows Azure 还支持重要的数据工作负载 – Windows Azure HDInsight,我们基于 Apache Hadoop 的解决方案

在云端。今天,我们宣布 Windows Azure HDInsigh 全面支持 Hadoop 2.2t,

已更新以充分利用最新的 Hadoop 2.2 平台,包括对 YARN 和 Stinger Phase 2 的支持。


在一个几乎一切都将变得数字化的时代,今天我们提供的数据平台将帮助我们的客户实现业务数字化。客户可以在 4 月 1 日下载 SQL Server 2014 或立即注册,以便在版本发布后收到通知。

客户还可以在 4 月 15 日的“加速您的见解”活动中了解有关该版本和我们的数据平台策略的更多信息,

微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉 (Satya Nadella) 和首席运营官凯文·特纳 (Kevin Turner) 将与我一起出席。此外,我们的一些客户还从


