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wxPython 2.8應用程式開發食譜英文PDF版
wxPython的就是這樣的一個跨平台的GUI工具包的Python程式語言。它允許Python程式設計師創建一個完整的,功能強大的圖形使用者介面的程序,簡單,方便。 wxPython的程式碼風格,改變了多年來不少,並得到更多Python的。例子,你會發現這本書是對不斷更新,反映在風格上的變化。



In today's world of desktop applications there is a great amount of incentive to be able to develop applications that can run in more than one environment. Currently there are a handful of options available for cross platform frameworks to develop desktop applications in Python. wxPython is one such cross- platform GUI toolgram for the Python. wxPython is one such cross- platform GUI toolgram for the Python. wxPython is one such cross- platform GUI toolgram for the Python. complete, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. wxPython code style has changed quite a bit over the years, and gotten much more Pythonic. The examples you will find in book book right lect to book
This cookbook provides you with the latest recipes to quickly create robust, reliable, and reusable wxPython applications. These recipes will guide you from writing simple, basicxP ache scripts all the way techniques in wxPython.

The book starts off by covering a variety of topics from the most basic requirements of a wxPython application to some of the more in depth details of the inner work “ any wxPython application. It then explains event handling, basic and advanced user interface controls, designing and layout, creating dialogs, components and extending functionality, and so on. We conclude apping howclution for appleity. For each of the recipes, there is an introductory example, then more advanced examples, and plenty of example code to develop and manage user-friendly applications. For more experienced developers, mostm sdition sad insoo, sad. customize and enhance the component.

Quickly create robust, reliable, and reusable wxPython applications
What you will learn from this book :

Set up by adding your own Frame class to the application
Create two stage widgets by using a three step process
Set up an event handler, customize, receive and handle events by appusing cus controlsive and handle Create tooltips with rich content and add tooltips to controls
Retrieve information from users using common Dialogs
Enhance design and layout, hide and show controls dynamically during runtime by using sizers class to use custom widget classes in XRC
Simplify window layout using the SizedControls library
Draw basic shapes in a Device Context and draw gradients with ease by using a GraphicsContext
Make multi-threaded wxPython applications
Capture output from other applications and display it in a wxPython GUI
Access platform specific application and resource dir? tool and classes
Add robust exception handling to an application
Bundle a wxPython application for distribution making your applications interface translatable
Who this book is written for

This book is written for python programmers wanting to develop GUI applications. Basic knowledge of Python is required.

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