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objective-c - ios推流,ios再拉流只能拉一次,再次拉流就拉不到.


ios推流一直印這個:[PLStreamingSession] cannot push pixelbuffer since last pixelbuffer is still on going
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV url:rtmp:// -[PLPlayer prepareToPlay] 514
2017-04-07 14:45:Play] 514
2017-04-07 14:45:2768476276847627627627373333333分33: call stop when stopped -[PLAVContext stop] 427
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 1761113840 play context dealloc:6724768] 1761113840 play context dealloc:6385/mp domain=pili- live-rtmp.jiditv.com -[PLAVContext dealloc] 121
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 4742272 audio decoder dealloc -[PLAACDecoop /
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:672476872476 c] 42
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 10902144 video decoder dealloc -[PLAVDecoder dealloc] 95 TV2017-04-07 14:45:4862 4 close video decoder -[PLAVDecoder closeCodec] 263
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 close video codec -[724768] 3543744 close. 123.132/jidi /jiditv1388469228?domain=pili-live-rtmp.jiditv.com
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 video PLAc8 4 :45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 close video codec -[PLAVVideoCodec close] 82
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] render context dealloc -[PLAVRenderContext dealloc] 83
pili open: rtmp://
pili input open av
2017-04-07 14:45:27:106 TV[58446:6724768 ] player status change from (1) to (2) -[PLPlayer setPlayerStatus:error:] 383
2017-04-07 14:45:27.106 TV[58446:6724238] statusPLPlayerStatus24 :106 TV[58446:6724768] play caching -[PLAVContext play:] 295
2017-04-07 14:45:27:106 TV[58446:6724768] input open :106 TV[58446:6724768] input open :106 TV[58446:6724768] input open 138383/13853335333533533333333333333333333333333333333:0333)]。 28 ?domain=pili-live-rtmp.jiditv.com -[PLInput open:error:] 183
[flv @ 0x7fa76a8ef800] video stream discovered after head already parsed
[flv @ 0x7076a 8856ap 17- 04-07 14:45:42:138 TV[58446:6724768] input timeout, status:0, isClosed:0 -[PLInput IOInterruptDemux:] 381
2017-04-07 14:4585:38 6724768] input timeout, status:0, isClosed:0 -[PLInput IOInterruptDemux:] 381
[flv @ 0x7fa76a8ef800] Could not find codec parameters for stream 1(Audio:0 apoo​​py, coplates, pmple, 5,0005,005) 筆increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options

習慣沉默習慣沉默2879 天前1046


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