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MongoDB 等待複製超時

  1. 問題描述
    三台Windows Server 2012 R2 安裝MongoDB 3.0.8 做複製集,批次upsert有時報「waiting for replication timed out(64):stdClass::__set_state(array('wtimeout' => true)) ” 錯誤。

  2. 相關代碼

$mongoManager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager( 'mongodb://test:test123@,,' );
$mongoWriteConcern = new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern( MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern :: MAJORITY, 1000 );

$bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();

foreach( $data as $i ) {
    $i = (array)$i;
    $bulk->update( array('unique' => $i['unique']), array('$set' => $i), array('upsert' => true, 'multi' => true) );

try {
    $mongoResult = $mongoManager->executeBulkWrite( 'test.data', $bulk, $mongoWriteConcern );
} catch ( MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException $e ) {
    $mongoResult = $e->getWriteResult();

    // Check if the write concern could not be fulfilled
    if ( $writeConcernError = $mongoResult->getWriteConcernError() ) {
        printf( "%s(%d):%s\n",
            var_export( $writeConcernError->getInfo(), true )

    // Check if any write operations did not complete at all
    foreach ( $mongoResult->getWriteErrors() as $writeError ) {
        printf( "Write #%d:%s(%d)\n",
} catch ( MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e ) {
    printf( "Other errors:%s\n", $e->getMessage() );
  1. 報錯訊息

waiting for replication timed out(64):stdClass::__set_state(array(
'wtimeout' => true,
  1. 複製集資訊

test:PRIMARY> rs.status()
        "set" : "test",
        "date" : ISODate("2016-01-19T01:01:09.279Z"),
        "myState" : 1,
        "members" : [
                        "_id" : 0,
                        "name" : "",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 1,
                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
                        "uptime" : 57786,
                        "optime" : Timestamp(1453165025, 125),
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2016-01-19T00:57:05Z"),
                        "electionTime" : Timestamp(1453108221, 1),
                        "electionDate" : ISODate("2016-01-18T09:10:21Z"),
                        "configVersion" : 2,
                        "self" : true
                        "_id" : 1,
                        "name" : "",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 2,
                        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
                        "uptime" : 56945,
                        "optime" : Timestamp(1453165025, 125),
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2016-01-19T00:57:05Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2016-01-19T01:01:07.726Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2016-01-19T01:01:08.781Z"),
                        "pingMs" : 1,
                        "syncingTo" : "",
                        "configVersion" : 2
                        "_id" : 2,
                        "name" : "",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 2,
                        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
                        "uptime" : 56018,
                        "optime" : Timestamp(1453165025, 125),
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2016-01-19T00:57:05Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2016-01-19T01:01:07.847Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2016-01-19T01:01:07.581Z"),
                        "pingMs" : 1,
                        "syncingTo" : "",
                        "configVersion" : 2
        "ok" : 1
为情所困为情所困2875 天前1805


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