A -> B | B -> A
在A中hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES,到B了TabBar就隐藏了。
当我从B Pop回来的时候,在ViewWillDisappear中hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES,Tabbar还是隐藏了的,怎么破?怎么让回来后Tabbar显示出来?
迷茫2017-04-17 11:57:03
呃..竟然是這麼久的坑了..今天自己遇到了就來填一下好了, 根據文檔的介紹, hidesBottomBarWhenPushed
就是A Boolean value indicating whether the toolbar at the bottom of the screen is hidden when the view controller is pushed on to a navigation controller. The value of this property on the topmost view controller determines whether the toolbar is visible. If the value of this property is , the tool Pis trueden. is false, the bar is visible. 重點在於topmost, 當你A壓B的時候, B將成為topmost view controller, 將B的hidesBottomBarWhenPushed設為true才是正解.