我想使用 ssh 隧道來存取 Mysql 資料庫。 不幸的是,此程式碼的體系結構似乎不支援我的查詢格式,因為該函數似乎與我的查詢格式不相容。
/Users/peter/PycharmProjects/MySqlLocalhostTest/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/transport.py:236: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated "class": algorithms.Blowfish, Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/code.py", line 90, in runcode exec(code, self.locals) File "<input>", line 96, in <module> File "<input>", line 65, in run_query File "/Users/peter/PycharmProjects/MySqlLocalhostTest/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/sql.py", line 399, in read_sql_query return pandas_sql.read_query( File "/Users/peter/PycharmProjects/MySqlLocalhostTest/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/sql.py", line 2081, in read_query columns = [col_desc[0] for col_desc in cursor.description] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
像 (Select * From Table) 這樣的簡單語句可以完美地運作。
我必須在 mysql 語法或函數中更改什麼才能使其工作?
import pandas as pd import pymysql import logging import sshtunnel from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder ssh_host = '172.xxx.xxx.xxx' ssh_username = 'root' ssh_password = 'xxxxxxx' database_username = 'root' database_password = 'xxxxxxxx' database_name = 'analysis-db' localhost = '' def open_ssh_tunnel(verbose=False): """Open an SSH tunnel and connect using a username and password. :param verbose: Set to True to show logging :return tunnel: Global SSH tunnel connection """ if verbose: sshtunnel.DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = logging.DEBUG global tunnel tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder( (ssh_host, 22), ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, remote_bind_address=('', 3306) ) tunnel.start() def mysql_connect(): """Connect to a MySQL server using the SSH tunnel connection :return connection: Global MySQL database connection """ global connection connection = pymysql.connect( host='', user=database_username, passwd=database_password, db=database_name, port=tunnel.local_bind_port ) def run_query(sql): """Runs a given SQL query via the global database connection. :param sql: MySQL query :return: Pandas dataframe containing results """ return pd.read_sql_query(sql, connection) def mysql_disconnect(): """Closes the MySQL database connection. """ connection.close() def close_ssh_tunnel(): """Closes the SSH tunnel connection. """ tunnel.close day_of_test = "24.01.22" gold_close = 1000 sap_close= 1000 bonds_close= 1000 btc_est= 1000 btc_actual= 1000 actual_difference = 1000 open_ssh_tunnel() mysql_connect() query = ("INSERT INTO `ML1`(`day_of_test`, `gold_close`, `sap_close`, `bonds_close`, `btc_est`, `btc_actual`,`actual_difference`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);"% (day_of_test, gold_close, sap_close, bonds_close, btc_est, btc_actual, actual_difference)) df = run_query(query) print(df) df.head() mysql_disconnect() close_ssh_tunnel()
P粉3582815742024-04-07 00:23:28
您的 df = run_query(...)
df = run_query("INSERT INTO `ML1`(`day_of_test`, `gold_close`, `sap_close`, `bonds_close`, `btc_est`, `btc_actual`,`actual_difference`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" % (day_of_test, gold_close, sap_close, bonds_close, btc_est, btc_actual, actual_difference))