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將資料透視表與 Laravel 中的另一個表相關聯


|Table receipts       |
|- id                 |
|- code               |
|- date               |
|Table plans          |
|- id                 |
|- number             |
|- name               |
|Table plan_receipt   |(Pivot)  
|- id                 |
|- receipt_id         |
|- plan_id            |
|- employee_id        |
|Table employees      |
|- id                 |
|- name               |

如您所見,我有典型的many-to-many 關係,產生一個包含所述表的鍵的資料透視表,但我還有第三個foreign key 引用另一個表格"employees",如何我可以將這張員工表與我的表格關聯起來嗎?樞?除了使用->using() 之外,嘗試為資料透視表創建一個模型並建立關係,但到目前為止它對我來說還沒有工作,我給你留下一個我當前模型的例子。

class Receipt extends Model
    public function plans()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Plan::class)->using(PlanReceipt::class);

class Plan extends Model
    public function receipts()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Receipt::class);

class PlanReceipt extends Pivot
    protected $table = 'plan_receipt';

    public function employee()
        return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class, 'employee_id');

class Employee extends Model
    public function plan_receipt()
        return $this->hasMany(PlanReceipt::class, 'id');

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    class Employee extends Model
        public function plan_receipt()
            //Specifying foreign key is not required as it is as per Eloquent convention
            return $this->hasMany(PlanReceipt::class);
            //If you want to specify the keys then it should be
            // return $this->hasMany(PlanReceipt::class, 'employee_id', 'id');
    class PlanReceipt extends Pivot
        protected $table = 'plan_receipt';
        //Assuming the id column on plan_receipt table is auto incrementing 
        public $incrementing = true; 
        public function employee()
            //return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class, 'employee_id');
            //Specifying foreign key is not required as it is already as per Laravel Eloquent convention
            return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class);

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