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棄用全域 JSX 命名空間後,JSX.Element 的正確回傳類型替換是什麼?

@types/react 中,全域 JSX 命名空間已被棄用:

declare global {
     * @deprecated Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace.
    namespace JSX {

由於我啟用了 ESLint 的 deprecation/deprecation 規則(來自外掛程式 eslint-plugin-deprecation),我現在收到如下函數元件傳回類型的錯誤:

export default function TestComponent(): JSX.Element { // This JSX is marked as deprecated
    return (

既然全域 JSX 命名空間已被棄用,那麼在這種情況下 JSX.Element 的正確回傳類型替換是什麼?

它是 React.JSX.Element 嗎,如棄用訊息中所述:

export default function TestComponent(): React.JSX.Element { ... }

或是 ReactElement 像這樣:

import { ReactElement } from "react";
export default function TestComponent(): ReactElement { ... }

或最好使用 React.FC 宣告函數元件並讓 TypeScript 推斷回傳類型,如下所示:

export const TestComponent: React.FC = () => { ... };

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    或從 "react" 匯入 JSX

    import {JSX} from 'react'

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    直接使用React.ReactElement(或更準確地說,React.ReactElement | null):

    import { ReactElement } from "react";
    export function TestComponent(): ReactElement | null {
      return (
        Math.random() < 0.5
          ? null
          : <>
              A single Element (could be a Fragment like here)

    這正是(不再建議)React.FC 強制執行:

    interface FunctionComponent<P = {}> {
      (props: P, context?: any): ReactElement<any, any> | null;
      // ...

    它也是 JSXElementConstructor

    type JSXElementConstructor<P> =
      | ((props: P) => ReactElement<any, any> | null) // Case of a Function Component
      | (new (props: P) => Component<any, any>); // Case of a Class-based Component


    export function TestComponent() {
      // ...


    const Example = () => <Component />; // Error here, due to Component returning the wrong thing

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