我目前正在嘗試使用 React 建立一個 Web 應用程序,提示使用者使用表單輸入一些內容。提交時,程式碼會建立一個物件“teammate”,然後推送到陣列“Team”。然後,我希望使用地圖方法循環遍歷我的數組,並將所有隊友物件顯示在每張卡片上。我不明白為什麼 App.js 的第 94 行沒有顯示我的陣列。請幫助任何建議,我們將不勝感激。
import logo from './Nemo.jpg'; import './App.css'; import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import './Card.css' const App = () => { const NavBar = () => { return( <> <nav> <div style={{display: 'inline-flex'}}> <a href='index.js'> <img src={logo} width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none"></img> </a> <h1>Metric Dashboard</h1> </div> </nav> <br></br> </> ) } const MyForm = () =>{ //Define Team array const [Team,setTeam] = useState([]); //Function used for submit const handleSubmit = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); let teammate = { myId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), myUserName: document.getElementById('user').value, mySweepName: document.getElementById('SweepName').value, mySweepDate: document.getElementById('SweepDate').value, mySweepCases: document.getElementById('SweepCases').value, update: function() { this.mySweepDate = document.getElementById('SweepDate').value; this.mySweepCases = document.getElementById('SweepCases').value; this.mySweepName = document.getElementById('SweepName').value; } } console.log(teammate) if(Team.length === 0 ){ //If array is empty console.log("This array is empty") Team.push(teammate) console.log("Array is no longer empty") } //If not empty checks if the user submits with the same sweep name. If same, update and not push to array else if(Team.length !== 0 ){ console.log("This Array is not empty") for(let i = 0; i < Team.length; i++){ if(Team[i].mySweepName === document.getElementById('SweepName') && Team[i].myUserName === document.getElementById('user').value){ console.log("Teammate Updated") document.forms[0].reset() return(Team[i].update()) } } //If not empty and no duplicates, push object to array Team.push(teammate) } console.log(Team) document.forms[0].reset() } return( <> <form> SWEEP <br/> Name: <select id="user"> <option value="default">Select your name</option> <option value="John Doe">John Doe</option> <option value="Plain Jane">Plain Jane</option> <option value="Mike Jones">Mike Jones</option> </select><br/> Name of Sweep: <input type='name'placeholder='Name of Sweep' id="SweepName" /><br/> Date: <input type='date' placeholder='Data' id="SweepDate"/><br/> Cases: <input type="number" min="0" placeholder='# of cases' id="SweepCases"/> <br/> <input className='mySubmit' type="submit" onClick= {handleSubmit}/><br/><br/> </form> <div className='cardContainer'> {Team.map((item) =>( <ul key={item.myId} className='sweepCard'> <li>{item.myUserName}</li> <li>Sweep Name: {item.mySweepName}</li> <li>Sweep Date: {item.mySweepDate}</li> <li>Sweep Cases: {item.mySweepCases}</li> </ul> ))} </div> </> ) } return ( <div className='App'> <div className='NavBar_Component'> <NavBar/> </div> <div className='Display_comps'> <div className='tryAgain'> <MyForm/> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default App;
在偵錯中,我發現我的運行到達了 App.js 中的第 94 行,但從未開始 Team.map 迭代。
P粉6511093972023-09-17 13:28:08
要解決這個問題,你應該使用useState鉤子提供的setTeam函數來正確更新狀態數組。 setTeam函數會更新狀態並觸發元件的重新渲染,確保新資料被顯示出來。
const handleSubmit = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const newTeammate = { myId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), myUserName: document.getElementById('user').value, mySweepName: document.getElementById('SweepName').value, mySweepDate: document.getElementById('SweepDate').value, mySweepCases: document.getElementById('SweepCases').value, }; if (Team.length === 0) { console.log('This array is empty'); setTeam([newTeammate]); // 使用setTeam来更新状态数组 console.log('Array is no longer empty'); } else { console.log('This Array is not empty'); const duplicateIndex = Team.findIndex( (item) => item.mySweepName === newTeammate.mySweepName && item.myUserName === newTeammate.myUserName ); if (duplicateIndex !== -1) { console.log('Teammate Updated'); const updatedTeam = [...Team]; updatedTeam[duplicateIndex] = newTeammate; setTeam(updatedTeam); } else { //如果不为空且没有重复项,将对象推入数组 setTeam((prevTeam) => [...prevTeam, newTeammate]); } } console.log(Team); document.forms[0].reset(); };