我正在處理兩個元件之間的通訊(使用Vue 2),其中一個是按鈕,可以具有初始、載入和完成(成功或失敗)等狀態,對於按鈕的每個狀態,我可能會顯示不同的文本,不同的圖標(加載:旋轉圖標,成功完成:勾號,錯誤完成:x),我還有一個表單,將使用按鈕組件。我不確定如何根據表單提交的當前狀態來更改按鈕的狀態。請查看下面的程式碼。
<template> <button class="ui-button" @click="clicked" :data-status-type="status_type" :disabled="is_disabled" :type="type" > <i :class="icon" v-if="is_disabled || concluded"></i> {{ title }} </button> </template> <script> export default { props: { title: { type: String, }, type: { default: "button", type: String, }, }, data() { return { concluded: false, icon: "fa fa-spin ", is_disabled: false, status_type: "success", }; }, methods: { clicked() { if (!this.is_disabled) { this.$emit( "clicked", () => { this.is_disabled = true; this.icon = "fa fa-spin fas fa-spinner"; }, (succeeded) => { this.is_disabled = false; this.concluded = true; this.icon = succeeded ? "fas fa-check" : "fas fa-xmark"; this.status_type = succeeded ? "success" : "error"; setTimeout(() => { this.concluded = false; this.icon = ""; this.status_type = ""; }, 1500); } ); } }, }, }; </script>
<template> <div> <ThePages :parents="accompaniments"> <!-- ... some reactive stuff --> <template #extra_button> <TheButton @clicked="sendItemToCart" :title="button_text" :disabled="button_disabled" /> </template> </ThePages> </div> </template> <script> import axios from 'axios' import FormatHelper from '../helpers/FormatHelper' import SwalHelper from '../helpers/SwalHelper' import TheButton from './TheButton.vue' import ThePages from './ThePages.vue' import TheQuantityPicker from './TheQuantityPicker.vue' export default { props: ['product'], components: { TheButton, ThePages, TheQuantityPicker, }, data() { return { accompaniments: this.product.accompaniment_categories, button_text: '', button_disabled: false, format_helper: FormatHelper.toBRCurrency, observation: '', quantity: 1, success: false, } }, created() { this.addQuantityPropToAccompaniments() this.availability() }, methods: { // ... some other methods async sendItemToCart(startLoading, concludedSuccessfully) { startLoading() // This will change the button state this.button_text = 'Adicionando...' await axios .post(route('cart.add'), { accompaniments: this.buildAccompanimentsArray(), id: this.product.id, quantity: this.quantity, observation: this.observation, }) .then(() => { concludedSuccessfully(true) // This will change the button state this.button_text = 'Adicionado' SwalHelper.productAddedSuccessfully() }) .catch((error) => { concludedSuccessfully(false) // This will change the button state if ( error?.response?.data?.message == 'Este produto atingiu a quantidade máxima para este pedido.' ) { SwalHelper.genericError(error?.response?.data?.message) } else { SwalHelper.genericError() } this.button_text = 'Adicionar ao carrinho' }) }, }, } </script>
P粉0236500142023-09-15 09:27:59
如果我們討論的是Vue 3(你沒有指定Vue的版本,所以不確定是Vue 2),你可能正在尋找provide/inject
<script setup> import {reactive, provide} from 'vue'; const form = reactive({button_disabled: false, button_text: '', sendItemToCart}); provide('form', form); function sendItemToCart(){ // your logic here } </script> <template> <div> <ThePages :parents="accompaniments"> <!-- ... some reactive stuff --> <template #extra_button> <TheButton /> </template> </ThePages> </div> </template>
<script setup> import {inject} from 'vue'; const props = defineProps('button_disabled button_text'.split(' ')); const form = inject('form', props); // use either provide of props </setup> <template> <button class="ui-button" @click="() => form.sendItemToCart ? form.sendItemToCart() : $emit('clicked')" :data-status-type="status_type" :disabled="form.button_disabled" :type="type" > <i :class="icon" v-if="form.button_disabled || concluded"></i> {{ form.button_text }} </button> </template>
將程式碼調整為Options API。
使用Vue 2進行更新
OP更正了答案,使用的是Vue 2。所以...
幸運的是,Vue 2也支援provide/inject
How do I make Vue 2 Provide / Inject API reactive?