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轉換。 html日誌與巢狀表到。 csv文件

<p>我試著轉換一個。 html文件,其中包含表格形式的日誌,它有嵌套的表。我正在將其轉換為。 csv文件。其中一列有錯誤報告,並在該列中作為新表。我想把整個表格轉換成純文字。試著在python中使用beautifulsoup來實現這一點,但還沒有運氣。嵌套表中的資料分散到父表的所有列中,而不固定在原始列中。有什麼我能做的嗎?<br /><br />使用python與beautifulsoup庫沒有給出所需的輸出</p><p><br /></ p>
P粉190883225P粉190883225589 天前598


  • P粉662614213

    P粉6626142132023-08-02 10:42:21

    將帶有巢狀表的HTML檔案轉換為CSV,同時保留結構可能有點困難。 BeautifulSoup是解析HTML的一個很好的函式庫,但它可能需要額外的操作才能正確處理巢狀表。



    1. 找到父表並提取其標題。
    2. 尋找父表中的所有行。
    3. 對於每一行,在相關列中找到巢狀表(如果存在)。
    4. 從巢狀表中提取數據,並將其附加到父表中的相應單元格中。


    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import csv
    def extract_nested_table_data(table_cell):
        # Helper function to extract the data from a nested table cell
        nested_table = table_cell.find('table')
        if not nested_table:
            return ''
        # Process the nested table and extract its data as plain text
        nested_rows = nested_table.find_all('tr')
        nested_data = []
        for row in nested_rows:
            nested_cells = row.find_all(['td', 'th'])
            nested_data.append([cell.get_text(strip=True) for cell in nested_cells])
        # Convert nested_data to a formatted plain text representation
        nested_text = '\n'.join(','.join(row) for row in nested_data)
        return nested_text
    def convert_html_to_csv(html_filename, csv_filename):
        with open(html_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as html_file:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html_file, 'html.parser')
            parent_table = soup.find('table')
            headers = [header.get_text(strip=True) for header in parent_table.find_all('th')]
            with open(csv_filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csv_file:
                csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
                rows = parent_table.find_all('tr')
                for row in rows[1:]:  # Skipping the header row
                    cells = row.find_all(['td', 'th'])
                    row_data = [cell.get_text(strip=True) for cell in cells]
                    # Extract data from nested table (if it exists) and append to the row
                    for idx, cell in enumerate(cells):
                        nested_data = extract_nested_table_data(cell)
                        row_data[idx] += nested_data
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        html_filename = 'input.html'
        csv_filename = 'output.csv'
        convert_html_to_csv(html_filename, csv_filename)

    This code assumes that your nested table data is comma-separated. If it's not, you may need to adjust the separator accordingly. Additionally, consider other delimiters if your sested table contains thatother delimiters#if your nested table contains that#. complex HTML structures may require further adjustments to this code, depending on the specifics of your data. Nonetheless, this should serve as a good starting point to tackle the task.

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