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ruby - 部署rails應用的new relic,日誌顯示invalid license key,設定如何修改?

這台伺服器曾經部署過另一個new relic license key的應用程式
部署新的應用程式時,debug log顯示正在使用另一個應用程式的license

common: &default_settings
  # Required license key associated with your New Relic account.
  license_key: '25905xxxxxxxxxxxxx04b6'

  # Your application name. Renaming here affects where data displays in New
  # Relic.  For more details, see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/new-relic-apm/maintenance/renaming-applications
  app_name: 'xxx sandbox'

  # To disable the agent regardless of other settings, uncomment the following:
  # agent_enabled: false

  # Logging level for log/newrelic_agent.log
  log_level: debug

# Environment-specific settings are in this section.
# RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV (as appropriate) is used to determine the environment.
# If your application has other named environments, configure them here.
  <<: *default_settings
  app_name: 'xxx (Development)'

  <<: *default_settings
  # It doesn't make sense to report to New Relic from automated test runs.
  monitor_mode: false

  <<: *default_settings
  app_name: 'xxx (Staging)'


[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : Sending request to collector-213.newrelic.com:443/agent_listener/14/7424fbxxxxxxxxxxxxx4bd/get_agent_commands?run_id=216855451632610815&marshal_format=json with POST
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : Received response, status: 200, encoding: ''
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : Received get_agent_commands = []
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : No thread profiles with data found to send.
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : EventLoop: Dispatching event 'report_event_data' with 1 callback(s).
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : Sending analytic_event_data to New Relic Service
[2017-04-27 22:24:55 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1183)] DEBUG : EventLoop: Dispatching event 'reset_log_once_keys' with 1 callback(s).
[2017-04-27 22:25:20 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1103)] DEBUG : EventLoop: Dispatching event 'report_data' with 1 callback(s).
[2017-04-27 22:25:20 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1103)] DEBUG : Sending data to New Relic Service
[2017-04-27 22:25:20 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1103)] DEBUG : Sending 31 items to metric_data
[2017-04-27 22:25:20 -0700 sandbox.aviagames.com (1103)] DEBUG : Sending request to collector-252.newrelic.com:443/agent_listener/14/25905dxxxxxxx04b6/metric_data?run_id=201836671014945180&marshal_format=json with POST
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