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How to use Redactor image upload in laravel 4?

2016-06-06 20:09:451073瀏覽

FROM?http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16736196/how-to-use-redactor-image-upload-in-laravel-4 I am trying to use Redactor with Laravel4. I can succesfully edit my textarea but I cant get to work with image uploads. When I try to upload a


I am trying to use Redactor with Laravel4. I can succesfully edit my textarea but I cant get to work with image uploads. When I try to upload a file I get 500 error and In developer tools , I can see

Request URL:http://projemiz.dev/admin/blogs/3/postimage/3

This is my link for redactor photo upload:

$('#editor').redactor({ imageUpload: "postimage/{{$post->id}}"});

My routes are inside prefixes :

# Blog Management
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'blogs'), function()
    Route::get('/', array('as' => 'blogs', 'uses' => 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@getIndex'));
    Route::get('create', array('as' => 'create/blog', 'uses' => 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@getCreate'));
    Route::post('create', 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@postCreate');
    Route::get('{blogId}/edit', array('as' => 'update/blog', 'uses' => 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@getEdit'));
    Route::post('{blogId}/edit', 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@postEdit');
    Route::get('{blogId}/delete', array('as' => 'delete/blog', 'uses' => 'Controllers\Admin\BlogsController@getDelete'));

and my controller is :

public function postImage($blogId) {
    $path = base_path().'/public/uploads/img/posts/' . (int)$blogId;
    $image = Input::file('photo');
    if (Input::hasFile('photo'))
    $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
        $image = new Image;
        $image->name = $fileName.name;
        // resizing an uploaded file
        Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(300, 200)->save($path.'thumb-'.$fileName);
        Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(300, 200)->save($path.'thumb-'.$fileName);
        //File::delete( $path . '/' . Input::file('file.name'));*/

Can anyone help me to fix my link inside redactor?

Try changing your js-script this:

$('#editor').redactor({ imageUpload: "/{{$post->id}}/postimage"});

In the upload function return the path of the image after upload

public function postImage($blogId) 
    $path = base_path().'/public/uploads/img/posts/' . (int)$blogId;
    $image = Input::file('photo');
    if (Input::hasFile('photo'))
        $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
        $image = new Image;
        $image->name = $fileName.name;
        // resizing an uploaded file
        Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(300, 200)->save($path.'thumb-'.$fileName);
        Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(300, 200)->save($path.'thumb-'.$fileName);
        // Return Image path as JSON
       if ($file->move($path, $fileName))
           return Response::json(array('filelink' => $path . '/' . $fileName));