前不久我寫過 XML XSL 與 Html 的結合 文章,之後有人問我如何把 CDATA 中的內容以Html方式展現出來(尤其是用戶寫的Html不規範)。本來想寫範例,後來到Google上一查,發現已經有人寫了。就在:http://java.blogger.cn/wuyu/posts/1460.aspx
其核心就是利用 disable-output-escaping="yes"
MSDN 上對它的描述如下:
Default is "no". If the value is " yes", a text node generated by instantiating the element will be output without any escaping. For example, yes" can be used to generate non-well-formed be used to generate non-well-formed documents, and thus should be used with caution, because non-well XML document requires that the result be well-formed and thus may not complete ifdisable-output-escaping has affected the well-formedness of the document. Consider disablecom understood.