2016-06-06 20:00:371332瀏覽

Welcome 目前网络上充斥着大量的陈旧信息,让PHP新手误入歧途,传播着错误的实践和糟糕的代码,这必须得到纠正。PHP之道网站的目标就是搜集PHP最佳实践、编码规范和网络上的权威学习指南,给PHP学习者提供一个易于阅读,快速查找的入口。 翻译 PHP之道已经翻





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PHP之道 有多个banner宣传图片可以放在你的站点上显示,让更多开发者知道这个网站,找到权威的学习资料!



使用当前稳定版本 (5.5)

如果你刚开始学习PHP,请使用最新稳定版本 PHP 5.5. PHP近年来有了巨大的改进,增加了许多强大的 新特性。不要让低版本的PHP如5.2的缺陷误导你,这些新特性是对旧版本的重要改进。如果 你想查找一个函数及其用法,可以去官方PHP手册php.net查找。


有了它,你可以不用安装和配置功能齐全的Web服务器,就可以开始学习PHP(要求PHP 5.4+版本)。要启动内置Web服务器,需要从你的命令行终端进入项目的Web根目录,执行下面的命令:

> <span>php</span> <span>-S</span> <span>localhost</span><span>:8000</span>
  • 了解更多内置的命令行Web服务器

Mac 安装

OSX系统会预装PHP,只是版本比最新稳定版低一点。 目前Lion下是PHP 5.3.6,Mountain Lion下是5.3.10, Mavericks下是5.4.17.

要更新OSX中的PHP,你可以通过那些Mac包管理器来安装,推荐使用php-osx by Liip。

另外一种方式是自己编译,不过要确认已经安装Xcode或“Command Line Tools for Xcode”,它们可以 从Apple的Mac Developer Center下载。


Windows 安装


若只是本地开发和学习,可以直接使用PHP 5.4+内置的Web服务器,还能省去配置服务器的麻烦。如果你喜欢包含PHP、Apache和MySQL的 一键安装包,可以下载Web Platform Installer、Zend Server CE、XAMPP或WAMP,它们可以帮你快速搭建出PHP运行环境。 不过这些工具和你产品的正式运行环境会有一些差别,特别是你在Windows下开发,而代码最终部署在Linux服务器上的时候。

如果你需要把产品部署在Windows上,那么IIS7将给你最稳定和性能最佳的环境,你可以使用phpmanager(IIS7下的PHP 管理插件)来配置和管理PHP。IIS7已经内置FastCGI,你只需把PHP配置为它的处理器即可。更多详情可以参考dedicated area on。


如果你在开发应用和发布应用的时候采用了不同的环境,那么在正式使用时,应用可能出现许多奇怪的BUG。如果你是在开发团队里工作,那么保证各位的开发环境和所有的库文件都是最新的并且处在同一版本,会是件更麻烦的事。 如果你在Windows平台开发并准备部署到Linux(或其他非Windows的平台)上,或者你是在开发团队里工作,那你应该考虑用个虚拟机。这虽然听起来挺麻烦,但是 Vagrant这个程序可以辅助你用几步就创建一个简单的虚拟机。 接下来,你可以手动配置这些基础的环境,或者你可以找个部署软件来替你完成这些事情,比如说Puppet或Chef。部署个基础环境,能很好地保证大家的开发环境建立的方式都大致相似,而且还能省去你维护那些复杂的“安装命令”列表的麻烦。 你也可以轻易地毁掉现有的基础环境后再做一个新的出来,这样你就能有一个全新的环境。




  • Rove: 通过Chef来提供常用的Vagrant构建,其中包含了PHP选项。
  • Puphpet: 简单的图形界面来设置虚拟机的PHP开发环境,专注于PHP开发,不仅可以配置本地的虚拟机,还可以部署到云服务上,它的底层是通过Puppet实现。
  • Protobox: 构建在Vagrant上的服务层,提供Web界面设置虚拟机的Web开发环境,通过单个YAML文档控制虚拟机的所有配置。

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PHP社区百花齐放,拥有大量的函数库、框架和组件。PHP开发者通常会在自己的项目中使用若干个外部库,因而PHP代码遵循或尽量接近 同一个代码风格就非常重要,可以让开发者方便地把多个代码库集成在自己的项目中。

框架互操作组(即PHP标准组)发布了一系列推荐风格。其中有部分是关于代码风格的,即PSR-0,PSR-1,PSR-2和PSR-4。 不要让这些名称所混淆,这些推荐仅是一些被其它项目所遵循的规则,如Drupal, Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, phpBB, AWS SDK, FuelPHP, Lithium等,你可以把这些规则用在自己的项目中,或者继续使用你自己的风格。

通常情况下,你的PHP代码应该遵循其中一项或多项标准,从而其他开发者可以方便地阅读和使用你的代码。这些标准都是在前一个标准 上附加新的规则,所以使用PSR-1就同时要求遵循PSR-0,但可以不遵循PSR-2。

  • 阅读PSR-0
  • 阅读PSR-1
  • 阅读PSR-2
  • 阅读PSR-4
  • Read about PEAR Coding Standards
  • Read about Zend Coding Standards
  • Read about Symfony Coding Standards

可以使用PHP_CodeSniffer来检查代码是否符合这些标准,文本编辑器插件Sublime Text 2还能 提供实时检查。如果不符合规范,可以使用Fabien Potencier提供的工 具PHP Coding Standards Fixer自动修复,不用自己手工修复。




PHP是一个灵活的动态语言,支持多种编程范式。这些年来一直在不断的进化,重要的里程碑包括PHP 5.0 (2004)增加完善的 面向对象模型、PHP 5.3 (2009)增加匿名函数和命名空间和PHP 5.4 (2012)增加traits.



  • 学习PHP面向对象编程
  • 学习Traits


PHP支持第一类函数(first-class function),即函数可以赋值给变量,包括用户自定义的函数和内置函数,然后动态调用它。 函数可以作为参数传递给其他函数(即高阶函数),也可以作为函数返回值返回。


2009年发布的PHP 5.3开始引入支持闭包的匿名函数。

PHP 5.4支持把闭包绑定到对象作用域,并改善其可调用性,从而可以在大部分场景中使用匿名函数替代普通函数。

  • 学习更多PHP函数式编程
  • 学习匿名函数
  • Read about the Closure class
  • More details in the Closures RFC
  • Read about Callables
  • 学习动态调用函数call_user_func_array


PHP通过反射API和魔术方法机制,支持多种方式的元编程。开发者通过魔术方法,如__get(), __set(), __clone(), __toString(), __invoke()等,可以改变类的行为。Ruby开发者经常说PHP没有method_missing方法,实际上通过__call()和__callStatic()就可以 完成同样的功能。

  • 学习魔术方法
  • 学习反射





PSR-0 里提供了命名空间的推荐使用方式, 它试图提供一个标准的文件、类和命名空间的使用惯例,从而让代码做到即插即用。

2013年12月,PHP-FIG发布了新的自动加载标准:PSR-4,将来可能会替换旧的PSR-0标准。PSR-4要求PHP5.3版本以上,而目前很多项目用的都是PHP5.2, 因此当前两个标准都可用,但是对于新应用或者包的话,应优先考虑PSR-4.

  • 了解更多命名空间
  • 了解更多PSR-0
  • 了解更多PSR-4


标准PHP库(SPL)和PHP一起发布,提供了一组类和接口,包括了常用的数据结构如栈,队列和堆等,以及遍历这些数据结构的迭代器, 或者你还可以自己实现SPL接口。

  • 学习更多SPL


PHP的主要目的是开发Web应用,不过它的命令行脚本接口(CLI)也非常有用。PHP命令行编程可以帮你完成自动化的任务,如测试,部署和 应用管理。

CLI PHP编程非常强大,可以直接调用你自己的app代码而无需创建Web图像界面,需要注意的是不要把CLI PHP脚本放在公开的web目录下!


> php -<span>i</span>



接下来写一个简单的”Hello, $name” CLI程序,先创建名为hello.php的脚本:

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>if</span>(<span>$argc</span> != <span>2</span>) {
    <span>echo</span> <span>"Usage: php hello.php [name].\n"</span>;
<span>$name</span> = <span>$argv</span>[<span>1</span>];
<span>echo</span> <span>"Hello, $name\n"</span>;

PHP会在脚本运行时根据参数创建两个特殊的变量,$argc是一个整数,表示参数个数,$argv是一个数组变量,包含每个参数的值, 它的第一个元素一直是PHP脚本的名字,如本例中为hello.php。



> php hello<span>.php</span>
<span>Usage:</span> php hello<span>.php</span> [name]
> php hello<span>.php</span> world
Hello, world
  • 学习如何在命令行运行PHP
  • 学习如何在Windows环境下运行PHP命令行程序


调试器是软件开发过程中非常重要的一个工具,通过它,可以跟踪代码的执行过程,查看堆栈信息。XDebug是一个PHP调试器,可以集成在常见的IDE中,提供设置断点、 查看堆栈信息等功能,还可以和PHPUnit、KCacheGrind等工具配合,执行代码覆盖率测试和性能调优。




php_value xdebug.<span>remote_host=192.168.?.?</span>
php_value xdebug.<span>remote_port=9000</span>

“remote host”和”remote port”对应本机IDE的监听地址和端口,然后设置IDE为”等待连接”模式,打开URL:




  • 了解更多XDebug
  • 了解更多MacGDBp


如今有大量的PHP函数库、框架和组件可供选择,一个项目中可能会使用其中的若干——这就是项目的依赖。到目前为止,PHP还没有有效的 项目依赖管理方案。即使你手工的管理它们,你还不得不处理它们的自动加载问题。


  • 管理单个项目的依赖时使用Composer
  • 管理整个系统的PHP依赖时使用PEAR

通常情况下,Composer包只在你项目中明确指定时才可用,而PEAR包在所有的PHP项目中可用。尽管PEAR听起来似乎更简单,但是根据每个 项目制定方案可能更合适。

Composer and Packagist

Composer是一个出色的PHP依赖管理器,把项目的依赖列在composer.json文件中,然后通过一些简单的命令,Composer就会 自动的帮你下载这些依赖,并配置好自动加载路径。



Composer可以安装在本地(在当前工作目录,不推荐这种方式),也可以安装在系统中(如/usr/local/bin)。假设你要在本地安装,在 项目的根目录执行:

curl <span>-s</span> https:<span>//</span><span> | php</span>

它会下载composer.phar(PHP二进制文档),然后你就可以用php运行它来完成项目依赖的管理。 请注意:如果 你通过管道直接把下载的代码传给PHP解释器,请先在线阅读代码以确保该代码是安全的。



  • PHP版本满足要求
  • .phar文件可以正确执行
  • 相关目录的权限设置正确
  • 没有加载某些不兼容的扩展
  • 相应的php.ini设置正确


curl -<span>s</span> https:<span>//getcomposer</span>.org/composer.phar -o <span>$HOME</span>/<span>local</span>/bin/composer
<span>chmod</span> +<span>x</span> <span>$HOME</span>/<span>local</span>/bin/composer


这样文档中描述的运行Composer的命令php composer.phar install,就可以用如下命令替代:

composer <span>install</span>



Composer通过文件composer.json跟踪项目的依赖。这个文件可以手工维护,也可以通过Composer管理,命令php composer require用于添加项目的依赖,如果项目下还没有composer.json文件,则会自动创建一个。下面是一个依赖Twig例子,在项目的根目录执行:

composer <span>require</span> twig/<span>twig:</span>~<span>1.8</span>

或者通过composer init命令也可以一步步地引导你创建项目所需的composer.json文件。无论使用哪种方式创建了composer.json文件后,就可以通过Composer下载和安装项目依赖到目录vendors/:

composer <span>install</span>


<span><span><?php </span>
<span>require</span> <span>'vendor/autoload.php'</span>;


Updating your dependencies

Composer creates a file called composer.lock which stores the exact version of each package it downloaded when you first ran php composer.phar install. If you share your project with other coders and the composer.lock file is part of your distribution, when they run php composer.phar install they’ll get the same versions as you. To update your dependencies, run php composer.phar update.

This is most useful when you define your version requirements flexibly. For instance a version requirement of ~1.8 means “anything newer than 1.8.0, but less than 2.0.x-dev”. You can also use the * wildcard as in 1.8.*. Now Composer’s php composer.phar update command will upgrade all your dependencies to the newest version that fits the restrictions you define.

Update Notifications

To receive notifications about new version releases you can sign up for VersionEye, a web service that can monitor your GitHub and BitBucket accounts forcomposer.json files and send emails with new package releases.

Checking your dependencies for security issues

The Security Advisories Checker is a web service and a command-line tool, both will examine your composer.lock file and tell you if you need to update any of your dependencies.

  • 学习Composer


Another veteran package manager that many PHP developers enjoy is PEAR. It behaves much the same way as Composer, but has some notable differences.

PEAR requires each package to have a specific structure, which means that the author of the package must prepare it for usage with PEAR. Using a project which was not prepared to work with PEAR is not possible.

PEAR installs packages globally, which means after installing them once they are available to all projects on that server. This can be good if many projects rely on the same package with the same version but might lead to problems if version conflicts between two projects arise.

How to install PEAR

You can install PEAR by downloading the phar installer and executing it. The PEAR documentation has detailed install instructions for every operating system.

If you are using Linux, you can also have a look at your distribution package manager. Debian and Ubuntu, for example, have an apt php-pear package.

How to install a package

If the package is listed on the PEAR packages list, you can install it by specifying the official name:

pear <span>install</span> foo

If the package is hosted on another channel, you need to discover the channel first and also specify it when installing. See the Using channel docs for more information on this topic.

  • Learn about PEAR

Handling PEAR dependencies with Composer

If you are already using Composer and you would like to install some PEAR code too, you can use Composer to handle your PEAR dependencies. This example will install code from

    "<span>repositories</span>": <span>[
            "<span>type</span>": <span><span>"pear"</span></span>,
            "<span>url</span>": <span><span>"</span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span>"</span>
    "<span>require</span>": <span>{
        "<span>pear-pear2/PEAR2_Text_Markdown</span>": <span><span>"*"</span></span>,
        "<span>pear-pear2/PEAR2_HTTP_Request</span>": <span><span>"*"</span>

The first div "repositories" will be used to let Composer know it should “initialise” (or “discover” in PEAR terminology) the pear repo. Then the require div will prefix the package name like this:


The “pear” prefix is hardcoded to avoid any conflicts, as a pear channel could be the same as another packages vendor name for example, then the channel short name (or full URL) can be used to reference which channel the package is in.

When this code is installed it will be available in your vendor directory and automatically available through the Composer autoloader:


To use this PEAR package simply reference it like so:

$<span>request</span> = <span>new</span> pear2\HTTP\<span>Request</span>();
  • Learn more about using PEAR with Composer

Coding Practices


PHP是一个伟大的语言,可以让各个层次的程序员都能够快速高效地完成编码任务。虽然如此,我们还是经常会因为临时救急或者 坏习惯而忽视了PHP的基础。为了解决这个问题,这部分专门给开发者回顾一下PHP的基础编码实践。

  • 继续阅读基础知识


PHP使用DateTime类完成读取、设置、比较和计算日期与时间。虽然PHP中有很多日期和时间处理相关的函数,但是DateTime类提供了 完善的面向对象接口完成各项常见操作,而且还能处理时区,这里不作深入介绍。

要使用DateTime,可以用工厂方法createFromFormat()把原始的日期时间字符串转换为DateTime对象,或直接用new \DateTime 获得当前日期和时间的DateTime对象。用format()方法可以把DateTime对象转换成字符串输出。

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>$raw</span> = <span>'22. 11. 1968'</span>;
<span>$start</span> = \DateTime::createFromFormat(<span>'d. m. Y'</span>, <span>$raw</span>);

<span>echo</span> <span>"Start date: "</span> . <span>$start</span>->format(<span>'m/d/Y'</span>) . <span>"\n"</span>;

DateTime计算时间时通常需要DateInterval类,如add()和sub()方法,都是将DateInterval作为参数。尽量避免直接用 时间戳表示时间,夏令时和时区会让时间戳产生歧义,使用间隔日期更为妥当。计算两个日期的差值使用diff()方法,返回 DateInterval对象,输出显示也很方便。

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>// create a copy of $start and add one month and 6 days</span>
<span>$end</span> = <span>clone</span> <span>$start</span>;
<span>$end</span>->add(<span>new</span> \DateInterval(<span>'P1M6D'</span>));

<span>$diff</span> = <span>$end</span>->diff(<span>$start</span>);
<span>echo</span> <span>"Difference: "</span> . <span>$diff</span>->format(<span>'%m month, %d days (total: %a days)'</span>) . <span>"\n"</span>;
<span>// Difference: 1 month, 6 days (total: 37 days)</span>


<span><span><?php </span>
<span>if</span>(<span>$start</span> $end</span>) {
    <span>echo</span> <span>"Start is before end!\n"</span>;

最后一个例子是DatePeriod类的用法,它用于循环事项(recurring events)的迭代。它的构造函数参数为:start和end,均为 DateTime对象,以及返回事项的间隔周期。

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>// output all thursdays between $start and $end</span>
<span>$periodInterval</span> = \DateInterval::createFromDateString(<span>'first thursday'</span>);
<span>$periodIterator</span> = <span>new</span> \DatePeriod(<span>$start</span>, <span>$periodInterval</span>, <span>$end</span>, \DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE);
<span>foreach</span>(<span>$periodIterator</span> <span>as</span> <span>$date</span>)
    <span>// output each date in the period</span>
    <span>echo</span> <span>$date</span>->format(<span>'m/d/Y'</span>) . <span>" "</span>;
  • 了解更多DateTime
  • 学习更多日期格式化知识 (accepted date format string options)



如果你的项目使用了框架,那么在代码和项目结构上,都会遵循框架的约束,自然也就继承了框架中的各种模式, 这时你所需要考虑的是让上层代码也能够遵循最合适的模式。反之,如果没有使用框架,那么就需要你自己选择 适用于当前项目类型和规模的最佳模式了。

  • 了解更多设计模式

Dependency Injection

From Wikipedia:

Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them, whether at run-time or compile-time.

This quote makes the concept sound much more complicated than it actually is. Dependency Injection is providing a component with it’s dependencies either through constructor injection, method calls or the setting of properties. It is that simple.

Basic Concept

We can demonstrate the concept with a simple, yet naive example.

Here we have a Database class that requires an adapter to speak to the database. We instantiate the adapter in the constructor and create a hard dependency. This makes testing difficult and means the Database class is very tightly coupled to the adapter.

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>namespace</span> <span>Database</span>;

<span><span>class</span> <span>Database</span>
    <span>protected</span> <span>$adapter</span>;

    <span>public</span> <span><span>function</span> <span>__construct</span><span>()</span>
        <span>$this</span>->adapter = <span>new</span> MySqlAdapter;

<span><span>class</span> <span>MysqlAdapter</span> {</span>}

This code can be refactored to use Dependency Injection and therefore loosen the dependency.

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>namespace</span> <span>Database</span>;

<span><span>class</span> <span>Database</span>
    <span>protected</span> <span>$adapter</span>;

    <span>public</span> <span><span>function</span> <span>__construct</span><span>(MySqlAdapter <span>$adapter</span>)</span>
        <span>$this</span>->adapter = <span>$adapter</span>;

<span><span>class</span> <span>MysqlAdapter</span> {</span>}

Now we are giving the Database class its dependency rather than it creating it itself. We could even create a method that would accept an argument of the dependency and set it that way, or if the $adapter property was public we could set it directly.

Complex Problem

If you have ever read about Dependency Injection then you have probably seen the terms “Inversion of Control” or “Dependency Inversion Principle”. These are the complex problems that Dependency Injection solves.

Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control is as it says, “inverting the control” of a system by keeping organisational control entirely separate from our objects. In terms of Dependency Injection, this means loosening our dependencies by controlling and instantiating them elsewhere in the system.

For years, PHP frameworks have been achieving Inversion of Control, however, the question became, which part of control are you inverting, and where to? For example, MVC frameworks would generally provide a super object or base controller that other controllers must extend to gain access to its dependencies. This is Inversion of Control, however, instead of loosening dependencies, this method simply moved them.

Dependency Injection allows us to more elegantly solve this problem by only injecting the dependencies we need, when we need them, without the need for any hard coded dependencies at all.

Dependency Inversion Principle

Dependency Inversion Principle is the “D” in the S.O.L.I.D set of object oriented design principles that states one should “Depend on Abstractions. Do not depend on concretions.”. Put simply, this means our dependencies should be interfaces/contracts or abstract classes rather than concrete implementations. We can easily refactor the above example to follow this principle.

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>namespace</span> <span>Database</span>;

<span><span>class</span> <span>Database</span>
    <span>protected</span> <span>$adapter</span>;

    <span>public</span> <span><span>function</span> <span>__construct</span><span>(AdapterInterface <span>$adapter</span>)</span>
        <span>$this</span>->adapter = <span>$adapter</span>;

<span><span>interface</span> <span>AdapterInterface</span> {</span>}

<span><span>class</span> <span>MysqlAdapter</span> <span>implements</span> <span>AdapterInterface</span> {</span>}

There are several benefits to the Database class now depending on an interface rather than a concretion.

Consider that you are working in a team and the adapter is being worked on by a colleague. In our first example, we would have to wait for said colleague to finish the adapter before we could properly mock it for our unit tests. Now that the dependency is an interface/contract we can happily mock that interface knowing that our colleague will build the adapter based on that contract.

An even bigger benefit to this method is that our code is now much more scalable. If a year down the line we decide that we want to migrate to a different type of database, we can write an adapter that implements the original interface and inject that instead, no more refactoring would be required as we can ensure that the adapter follows the contract set by the interface.


The first thing you should understand about Dependency Injection Containers is that they are not the same thing as Dependency Injection. A container is a convenience utility that helps us implement Dependency Injection, however, they can be and often are misused to implement an anti-pattern, Service Location. Injecting a DI container as a Service Locator in to your classes arguably creates a harder dependency on the container than the dependency you are replacing. It also makes your code much less transparent and ultimately harder to test.

Most modern frameworks have their own Dependency Injection Container that allows you to wire your dependencies together through configuration. What this means in practice is that you can write application code that is as clean and de-coupled as the framework it is built on.

Further Reading

  • Learning about Dependency Injection and PHP
  • What is Dependency Injection?
  • Dependency Injection: An analogy
  • Dependency Injection: Huh?
  • Dependency Injection as a tool for testing


通常PHP代码使用数据库来持久化存储数据,并有多种方式去连接和操作数据库。在_PHP 5.1.0_之前,推荐的方式有mysql、 mysqli和pgsql等。

如果应用只是使用一个数据库的话,原生驱动就工作的非常好,否则使用MySQL的同时,还需要使用MSSQL或Oracle数据库的话,那么 就没有办法只使用一个原生驱动了,只能分别学习各个数据库驱动的API,这非常令人生厌。

另外需要注意,mysql这个原生驱动已经不在活跃开发状态了,从PHP 5.4.0开始被标记为不推荐使用,意味着将来版本如PHP 5.6可能会 移除这个扩展。如果你正在使用mysql_connect()和mysql_query(),那么将来可能要重写部分代码,所以最好用mysqli或PDO来 代替。如果你正在开发新项目,请不要用mysql扩展,尝试用MySQLi扩展或PDO来替代

  • PHP: 选择MySQL API


PDO是数据库连接抽象库,从PHP 5.1.0开始提供,提供多种数据库的统一的操作接口。PDO不会转化你的SQL查询或者模拟缺失特性; 它只是提供统一的API去连接不同的数据库而已。

更重要的是,PDO允许你绑定SQL查询语句中的变量,而无需担心SQL注入问题,这主要通过PDO statements和变量绑定来实现。


<span><span><?php </span>
<span>$pdo</span> = <span>new</span> PDO(<span>'sqlite:users.db'</span>);
<span>$pdo</span>->query(<span>"SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = "</span> . <span>$_GET</span>[<span>'id'</span>]); <span>// 

这是非常糟糕的代码,直接在SQL中插入一个原始输入变量,导致潜在的SQL注入风险。假如黑客构造URL:来传入恶意参数id,则$_GET['id']的变量值为1;DELETE FROM users, 这将删除数据表中的所有用户!因此,你应该使用PDO的绑定参数功能来处理ID输入参数。

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>$pdo</span> = <span>new</span> PDO(<span>'sqlite:users.db'</span>);
<span>$stmt</span> = <span>$pdo</span>->prepare(<span>'SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = :id'</span>);
<span>$stmt</span>->bindParam(<span>':id'</span>, <span>$_GET</span>[<span>'id'</span>], PDO::PARAM_INT); <span>// 

这才是正确的代码,在PDO statement中绑定一个参数,使得查询被发给数据库之前,对输入参数进行转义,防止SQL注入攻击。

  • 学习PDO

另外一个要注意的问题是,如果数据库连接没有隐式地关闭,那么数据库连接数可能会超过数据库服务器的限制而连接失败,这种 错误在其他编程语言中比较常见。PDO对象在销毁的时候会隐式的关闭数据库连接,只要你把指向它的引用全部删除即可,如设置 为NULL。如果没有,PHP也会在脚本结束时关闭所有非持久化的数据库连接。

  • 了解更多PDO连接


很多框架都提供了自己的数据库抽象层,有的是基于PDO,有的不是。它们通过PHP方法来包装实际的查询,能够模拟出只存在于 某些数据库系统的特性,给你一个真正的数据库抽象层。这么做会带来一些性能的损失,但是在一个需要支持MySQL、PostgreSQL 和SQLite的应用中,这个损失相对于由此带来的代码一致性而言是可以接受的。


  • Aura SQL
  • Doctrine2 DBAL
  • Propel
  • ZF2 Db
  • ZF1 Db

Errors and Exceptions


PHP has several levels of error severity. The three most common types of messages are errors, notices and warnings. These have different levels of severity; E_ERROR,E_NOTICE, and E_WARNING. Errors are fatal run-time errors and are usually caused by faults in your code and need to be fixed as they’ll cause PHP to stop executing. Warnings are non-fatal errors, execution of the script will not be halted. Notices are advisory messages caused by code that may or may not cause problems during the execution of the script, execution is not halted.

Another type of error message reported at compile time is the E_STRICT message, these messages are used to suggest changes to your code to help ensure best interoperability and forward compatibility for your code.

  • Predefined Constants for Error Handling


异常是大部分流行语言的标准特性,但是PHP开发者却不太重视。其他语言如 Ruby极度倚赖异常,在任何错误发生的时候,如HTTP请求失败 、DB查询错误,甚至图片资源未找到,都会抛出一个异常,以及时提示那里发生了一个错误。

PHP则对此很宽松,如调用file_get_contents()失败,只是返回FALSE并提示一个warning信息而已。很多老的PHP框架,如 CodeIgniter会返回false,然后在自己的日志里记录一个消息,开发者需要使用如$this->upload->get_error()的方式来查看发生了什么 错误。这么做需要你自己检查是否有错误,并需要根据不同类调用不同的方法来获取错误消息,而不能让错误明显的显示出来。

这种做法的另外一个弊端是当类自动在屏幕打印一个错误,然后退出进程,阻止了其他开发者动态处理该错误的机会。而异常则是让开发者知道 发生了错误,并让他们选择如何处理:

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>$email</span> = <span>new</span> Fuel\Email;
<span>$email</span>->subject(<span>'My Subject'</span>);
<span>$email</span>->body(<span>'How the heck are you?'</span>);
<span>$email</span>->to(<span>''</span>, <span>'Some Guy'</span>);

<span>catch</span>(Fuel\Email\ValidationFailedException <span>$e</span>)
    <span>// The validation failed</span>
<span>catch</span>(Fuel\Email\SendingFailedException <span>$e</span>)
    <span>// The driver could not send the email</span>
    <span>// Executed regardless of whether an exception has been thrown, and before normal execution resumes</span>



<span><span><?php </span>
<span><span>class</span> <span>ValidationException</span> <span>extends</span> <span>Exception</span> {</span>}

这使得你可以包含多个catch子句来处理不同的异常,但是这又会导致创建_很多的_自定义异常类,可以用SPL中的异常类来缓解这个问题 SPL扩展.

如使用__call()魔术方法,对不存在的方法调用抛出一个throw new BadFunctionCallException;,既避免了抛出含义模糊的 Exception异常,也省去了自定义异常类的麻烦。

  • 学习更多Exceptions
  • 了解跟多SPL Exceptions
  • PHP中的异常嵌套
  • PHP 5.3异常最佳实践



总有一些人会千方百计的想着破坏你的Web应用,提前想办法加强自己的Web应用的安全性非常重要。幸运的是, The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 已经提供详尽的已知安全问题列表和防范对策。 每个关注Web安全的开发者都应该仔细阅读该列表。

  • 阅读OWASP安全指南

Password Hashing

Eventually everyone builds a PHP application that relies on user login. Usernames and passwords are stored in a database and later used to authenticate users upon login.

It is important that you properly hash passwords before storing them. Password hashing is an irreversible, one way function performed against the user’s password. This produces a fixed-length string that cannot be feasibly reversed. This means you can compare a hash against another to determine if they both came from the same source string, but you cannot determine the original string. If passwords are not hashed and your database is accessed by an unauthorized third-party, all user accounts are now compromised. Some users may (unfortunately) use the same password for other services. Therefore, it is important to take security seriously.

Hashing passwords with password_hash

In PHP 5.5 password_hash was introduced. At this time it is using BCrypt, the strongest algorithm currently supported by PHP. It will be updated in the future to support more algorithms as needed though. The password_compat library was created to provide forward compatibility for PHP >= 5.3.7.

Below we hash a string, and then check the hash against a new string. Because our two source strings are different (‘secret-password’ vs. ‘bad-password’) this login will fail.

<span><span><?php </span>
<span>require</span> <span>'password.php'</span>;

<span>$passwordHash</span> = password_hash(<span>'secret-password'</span>, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

<span>if</span> (password_verify(<span>'bad-password'</span>, <span>$passwordHash</span>)) {
    <span>// Correct Password</span>
} <span>else</span> {
    <span>// Wrong password</span>
  • Learn about password_hash
  • password_compat for PHP >= 5.3.7 &&
  • Learn about hashing in regards to cryptography
  • PHP password_hash RFC


永远不要在PHP代码中信任外部输入,在使用之前一定要先过滤和验证,filter_var和filter_input函数可以帮助过滤文本和 验证文本格式(如邮箱地址)。

外部输入可以是:$_GET和$_POST表单输入数据、$_SERVER超级变量中的某些值和通过fopen('php://input', 'r')获取的 HTTP请求体。要记住外部输入不仅仅是用户提交的表单数据,还包括上传和下载的文件、session变量、cookie数据和第三方Web服务提供的 数据等。

当外部数据被存储合并之后,下次读取时,它们仍然算是外部输入,每次在代码中处理的时候,需要问自己是否已经正确过滤,是否可以 信任它们。

另外一个例子是传给命令行命令的选项,这可能非常危险(通常不是一个好主意),不过你可以用内置的escapeshellarg函数过滤命令行的 参数。

最后一个例子是根据外部输入来从文件系统中加载文件的操作,可以通过修改路径中的文件名实施攻击。你需要过滤输入中的”/”, “../”, null bytes, 或其他特殊字符,以防止加载不能公开的包含敏感数据的文件。

  • 学习更多数据过滤
  • 了解更多filter_var
  • 了解更多filter_input
  • 学习更多null字节处理


数据清洗就是删除或转义外部输入中的非法或不安全字符。比如把外部数据输出到HTML或插入到SQL语句之前,需要先清洗外部输入。 当你通过PDO绑定数据时,它会替你转义输入数据。

HTML Purifier库来进行数据清洗。







  • 配置文件保存在Web不能直接访问和上传的目录中。
  • 如果配置文件只能放在文档根目录时,请使用.php作为文件名后缀,这样即使直接访问该配置文件,也不会输出配置信息。
  • 配置文件内容应该加密,或者对文件设置访问权限。


提示:从PHP 5.4.0开始,register_globals配置已经删除,不再生效。保留这个配置,只是提示依赖该配置的应用进行升级。

启用register_globals配置后,$_POST, $_GET和$_REQUEST中的变量自动注册为全局变量,使得应用很难辨别变量的确切来源,从而产生安全漏洞。

例如:$_GET['foo']将注册变量$foo,这会覆盖程序中未声明的同名变量。如果你使用PHP 5.4.0之前的版本,请确保已经把register_globals设置为off。

  • Register_globals in the PHP manual


错误日志可以帮助追查应用的Bug,但是也会暴露应用的结构信息而产生安全问题,为此,需要在开发环境和线上环境设置不同的配置,防止 敏感信息的泄漏。



<span>display_errors = <span><span>On</span></span></span>
<span>display_startup_errors = <span><span>On</span></span></span>
<span>error_reporting = <span>-<span>1</span></span></span>
<span>log_errors = <span><span>On</span></span></span>


-1表示显示各种错误,包括将来增加的新错误类型,和PHP 5.4中的E_ALL行为相同。

E_STRICT错误级别在5.3.0版本引入,不在E_ALL中,不过5.4.0版本开始,E_ALL包含E_STRICT级别的错误。所以在5.3版本中,要显示 所有错误,需要把error_reporting设置为-1或者E_ALL | E_STRICT。


  •   5.3 -1 or E_ALL | E_STRICT
  • > 5.3 -1 or E_ALL



<span>display_errors = <span><span>Off</span></span></span>
<span>display_startup_errors = <span><span>Off</span></span></span>
<span>error_reporting = <span>E_ALL</span></span>
<span>log_errors = <span><span>On</span></span></span>


  • error_reporting
  • display_errors
  • display_startup_errors
  • log_errors


为PHP代码编写自动化测试被认为是一个最佳实践,可以帮助你构建出高质量的应用。自动化测试可以帮助你确认没有因为重构或添加 新功能而破坏原有功能,所以应该重视自动化测试。

PHP有多种类型的测试工具和框架可以使用,具体方法各有区别——但是它们的目标都是避免手工测试,满足大型QA组织的需求,保证最新的 更改没有破坏已有功能。



测试驱动开发(TDD)是以非常短的开发周期,不断进行迭代的软件开发流程:首先开发者针对改进或新功能编写失败的自动化测试用例,然后编写代码使测试用例通过, 最后重构代码,让代码满足可接受的标准。Kent Beck,该技术的创建者或者说重新发现者,在2003年声明TDD鼓励简单的设计和提振信心。



单元测试是从编写开始,贯穿于整个开发周期的一种用于保证函数、类和方法的行为与预期一致的编程方法。通过检查各个函数和方法的输入和输出值,你可以保证它们 内部逻辑已经正确执行;通过依赖注入、编写mock类和stubs,你可以验证依赖是否已经正确处理,提高测试覆盖率。

在编写一个类或函数的时候,应该为它的每一个行为创建一个单元测试,至少你要保证它收到错误参数时能够触发错误,而参数正确时能正常工作。这可以帮你在后面 修改类或函数的时候,确认已有功能仍然正常工作。PHP中var_dump()的功能与此类似,但是它是无法用于创建应用的。

单元测试的另外一个用武之地是在给开源项目贡献代码时,如果你编写一个测试,证明代码存在bug,然后修复代码,让测试通过,这样该补丁被接受的概率要高很多。 如果你的项目接受人家的补丁,你应该把单元测试作为项目的一项要求。


  • atoum
  • Enhance PHP
  • PUnit
  • SimpleTest



集成测试(也称集成与测试,缩写为I&T)是把各个独立模块集成在一起,作为一个整体进行测试的软件测试阶段,它处于单元测试和验收测试之间。集成测试把已经 做过单元测试的模块集成在一块,然后运行集成测试用例,最终输出一个可以进行系统测试的系统。



有时也称为验收测试,使用工具创建自动化的测试用例,然后在真实的系统上运行,这一点与单元测试验证单个模块的正确性和集成测试验证模块间交互的正确性是有 区别的,这些工具通常使用真实的数据集来模拟真实用户的使用行为来验证系统的正确性。


  • Selenium
  • Mink
  • Codeception is a full-stack testing framework that includes acceptance testing tools
  • Storyplayer is a full-stack testing framework that includes support for creating and destroying test environments on demand



采用StoryBDD,开发者编写人类可读的故事来描述应用的行为,然后这些故事可以作为应用的测试用例。PHP中用于StoryBDD编程的框架是Behat,从Ruby 的Cucumber项目演化而来,实现了Gherkin DSL来描述特性行为。

采用SpecBDD,开发者编写规格说明来描述实际代码的行为,与测试一个函数或方法不同,规格描述了一个函数或方法应该具有的行为。PHP中的PHPSpec框 架提供该编程方式的支持,它也是从Ruby的RSpec project演化而来。


  • Behat, the StoryBDD framework for PHP, inspired by Ruby’s Cucumber project;
  • PHPSpec, the SpecBDD framework for PHP, inspired by Ruby’s RSpec project;
  • Codeception is a full-stack testing framework that uses BDD principles.




  • Selenium is a browser automation tool which can be integrated with PHPUnit
  • Mockery is a Mock Object Framework which can be integrated with PHPUnit or PHPSpec
  • Prophecy is a highly opinionated yet very powerful and flexible PHP object mocking framework. It’s integrated with PHPSpec and can be used with PHPUnit.




PaaS提供运行PHP Web应用所需的系统和网络环境,对PHP应用和框架只需要做少量的配置即可。

现在PaaS已经成为部署、托管和扩展各种规模的PHP应用的流行方式,可以在 resources部分查看PHP PaaS “平台即服务”供应商列表。




PHP通过内置的FastCGI进程管理器(FPM),可以非常高效地和轻量级的高性能Web服务器nginx进行通信。 nginx比Apache消耗更少的内存,能更好的处理并发请求,这在内存限制较多的虚拟主机环境中尤为重要。

  • 阅读更多nginx
  • 阅读更多PHP-FPM
  • 学习如何配置安全的nginx和PHP-FPM


PHP和Apache是一个老搭档,历史悠久。Apache有很强的可配置性和大量的扩展模块, 是共享主机中常见的Web服务器,完美支持各种PHP框架和开源应用(如WordPress)。可惜的是,默认情况下,Apache比nginx更耗资源,并发处理能力不强。

Apache有多种方式运行PHP,最常见简单的方式是使用mod_php5的prefork MPM方式, 缺点是它对内存的利用效率不高,如果你不想深入学习服务器的管理,那么这种最简单的方式就是你的最佳选择了。注意,如果你使用mod_php5,最好使用 prefork MPM方式。

如果你想追求高性能和高稳定性,那么也可以为Apache选择与nginx类似的FPM系统worker MPM或 event MPM,它们分别使用mod_fastcgi和mod_fcgid模块。FPM方式可以更高效的利用内存,运行 速度更快,但是配置也相对复杂一些。

  • 阅读更多Apache
  • 深入学习多进程模块
  • 阅读更多mod_fastcgi
  • 阅读更多mod_fcgid


PHP非常流行,很少有服务器没有安装PHP的,因而有很多共享主机,不过需要注意服务器上的PHP是否是最新稳定 版本。共享主机允许多个开发者把自己的网站部署在上面,这样的好处是费用非常便宜,坏处是你不知道将和哪些 网站共享主机,因此需要仔细考虑机器负载和安全问题。如果项目预算允许的话,避免使用共享主机是上策。

Building and Deploying your Application

If you find yourself doing manual database schema changes or running your tests manually before updating your files (manually), think twice! With every additional manual task needed to deploy a new version of your app, the chances for potentially fatal mistakes increase. Whether you’re dealing with a simple update, a comprehensive build process or even a continuous integration strategy, build automation is your friend.

Among the tasks you might want to automate are:

  • Dependency management
  • Compilation, minification of your assets
  • Running tests
  • Creation of documentation
  • Packaging
  • Deployment

Build Automation Tools

Build tools can be described as a collection of scripts that handle common tasks of software deployment. The build tool is not a part of your software, it acts on your software from ‘outside’.

There are many open source tools available to help you with build automation, some are written in PHP others aren’t. This shouldn’t hold you back from using them, if they’re better suited for the specific job. Here are a few examples:

Phing is the easiest way to get started with automated deployment in the PHP world. With Phing you can control your packaging, deployment or testing process from within a simple XML build file. Phing (which is based on Apache Ant) provides a rich set of tasks usually needed to install or update a web app and can be extended with additional custom tasks, written in PHP.

Capistrano is a system for intermediate-to-advanced programmers to execute commands in a structured, repeatable way on one or more remote machines. It is pre-configured for deploying Ruby on Rails applications, however people are successfully deploying PHP systems with it. Successful use of Capistrano depends on a working knowledge of Ruby and Rake.

Dave Gardner’s blog post PHP Deployment with Capistrano is a good starting point for PHP developers interested in Capistrano.

Chef is more than a deployment framework, it is a very powerful Ruby based system integration framework that doesn’t just deploy your app but can build your whole server environment or virtual boxes.

Chef resources for PHP developers:

  • Three part blog series about deploying a LAMP application with Chef, Vagrant, and EC2
  • Chef Cookbook which installs and configures PHP 5.3 and the PEAR package management system

Further reading:

  • Automate your project with Apache Ant
  • Maven, a build framework based on Ant and how to use it with PHP

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily — leading to multiple integrations per day. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.

– Martin Fowler

There are different ways to implement continuous integration for PHP. Recently Travis CI has done a great job of making continuous integration a reality even for small projects. Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community. It is integrated with GitHub and offers first class support for many languages including PHP.

Further reading:

  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins
  • Continuous Integration with PHPCI
  • Continuous Integration with Teamcity


PHP自身效率很高,但是执行创建远程连接、加载文件等操作时容易出现瓶颈,幸运的是,我们有很多工具来加速这部分操作,或减少 这些耗时操作的执行次数。


在一个PHP文件被执行时,它先被编译为字节码(也称opcode),然后这些字节码被执行。如果文件没有修改,那么字节码也会保持不变, 这意味着编译这一步白白浪费了CPU资源。

这就是引入字节码缓存的原因,通过把字节码保存在内存中来消除冗余的编译,重用它们完成后续的调用。配置字节码缓存非常简单, 而且可以极大地提高应用的执行效率,没有理由不使用字节码缓存。

PHP 5.5开始内置字节码缓存组件OPcache,老版本的PHP可以使用第三方的字节码缓存组件, 流行的字节码缓存方案有:

  • APC (PHP 5.4 and earlier)
  • XCache
  • Zend Optimizer+ (part of Zend Server package)
  • WinCache (extension for MS Windows Server)


很多时候,在代码中缓存对象可以带来很大的收益,例如获取代价很大的数据和查询结果很少变化的数据库调用。我们可以使用对象 缓存系统缓存这些数据,大大加快后续的同类访问请求。如果你在取得这些数据之后,把它们缓存在系统中,在后续对这些数据的请求 中,就可以直接使用缓存中的对象,这么做可以很大的提示系统性能,减少服务器的负载。

很多流行的字节码缓存方案也允许你缓存自定义数据,因此我们更应该充分利用对象缓存功能。APCu、XCache和WinCache都提供API, 让你把数据缓存在他们的内存cache中。

使用最多的内存对象缓存系统是APCu和memcached,APCu是很好的一个对象缓存方案,它提供了简单的API来让你把对象存储在内存中,而且 配置和使用都非常容易,它的一个缺点是只能在本机使用。Memcached则是另外一种方式,它是一个单独的服务,可以通过网络访问,这 意味着可以在一个地方写入数据,然后在不同的系统中访问这份数据。

Note that when running PHP as a (Fast-)CGI application inside your webserver, every PHP process will have its own cache, i.e. APCu data is not shared between your worker processes. In these cases, you might want to consider using memcached instead, as it’s not tied to the PHP processes.



<?php // check <span>if there is data saved as <span>'expensive_data'</span> <span>in</span> cache
<span>$data</span> = apc_fetch(<span>'expensive_data'</span>);
<span>if</span> (<span>$data</span> === <span>false</span>) {
    // data is not <span>in</span> cache; save result of expensive call <span>for</span> later use
    apc_add(<span>'expensive_data'</span>, <span>$data</span> = get_expensive_data());


Note that prior to PHP 5.5, APC provides both an object cache and a bytecode cache. APCu is a project to bring APC’s object cache to PHP 5.5+, since PHP now has a built-in bytecode cache (OPcache).


  • APCu
  • APC Functions
  • Memcached
  • Redis
  • XCache APIs
  • WinCache Functions


From the Source

  • PHP Website
  • PHP Documentation

People to Follow

  • Rasmus Lerdorf
  • Fabien Potencier
  • Derick Rethans
  • Chris Shiflett
  • Sebastian Bergmann
  • Matthew Weier O’Phinney
  • Pádraic Brady
  • Anthony Ferrara
  • Nikita Popov


  • - Formal, peer to peer mentoring in the PHP community.

PHP PaaS供应商

  • PagodaBox
  • AppFog
  • Heroku (PHP support is undocumented but based on stable Facebook partnership link)
  • fortrabbit
  • Engine Yard Cloud
  • Red Hat OpenShift Platform
  • dotCloud
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • cloudControl
  • Windows Azure
  • Zend Developer Cloud
  • Google App Engine
  • Jelastic




  • 微框架
  • 全能(Full-Stack)框架
  • 组件框架

微框架仅是一个包装器(Wrapper),尽量快地把HTTP请求路由到回调函数、控制器或方法上,有些框架也会提供一些函数库,如基本的数据库 操作。微框架主要用于构建远程HTTP服务。


