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2016-06-06 19:59:091335瀏覽

The WordPress HTTP API makes fetching from or posting to remote servers a breeze. It does this by allowing you to be transport agnostic when you fetch or post something. The HTTP API will choose the fastest and most reliable method out of

The WordPress HTTP API makes fetching from or posting to remote servers a breeze. It does this by allowing you to be transport agnostic when you fetch or post something. The HTTP API will choose the fastest and most reliable method out of the five different transports available in PHP. It’ll take care of discovering what transports are allowed on that server at that time.

The two most important functions and the ones you will probably use 99% of the time are:

  • wp_remote_get().
  • wp_remote_post().
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( 'http://mysite.com/' ) );
