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2024-05-06 09:50:15968瀏覽

對於想要自行組裝電腦的初學者來說,選擇合適的主機箱至關重要。然而,在面對種類繁多、規格不一的主機箱時,常常令人疑惑,特別是對於體積較小的小主機箱。 php小編百草為此特為您整理了一份組裝小主機箱的實用指南。文中詳細介紹了小主機箱的尺寸、結構、相容性等關鍵訊息,幫助您輕鬆挑選並組裝出符合需求的個人化電腦。

小主机箱怎么组装? 组装电脑机箱通用吗?



1. 準備工作:

- 確定您有所需的所有零件,包括主機板、CPU、記憶體、硬碟、電源、顯示卡等。

- 清理工作區域,確保桌面整齊和寬敞,以便進行組裝工作。

- 讀取並精確遵循主機箱和其他硬體設備的操作手冊和說明書。

2. 安裝主機板:

- 將主機板插入主機箱內,並將其與主機箱背板上的輸入/輸出介面對齊。

- 使用螺絲固定主機板,通常使用薄型螺絲固定主機板的角落。確保螺絲不要太緊,以避免損壞主機板。

3. 安裝CPU、記憶體和顯示卡:

- 根據主機板說明書的指引,安裝CPU到主機板的CPU插槽中。

- 安裝記憶體條到主機板的記憶體插槽。

- 如有需要,安裝顯示卡到主機板上的PCIe插槽。

4. 安裝硬碟和其他裝置:

- 安裝硬碟或SSD到主機箱的硬碟倉中,並使用螺絲固定。

- 連接硬碟和其他裝置的數據線和電源線。確保連接正確,緊固可靠。

5. 連接電源:

- 將電源裝入主機箱內,並使用螺絲固定。

- 根據各硬體設備的需求,將適當的電源線連接到主機板、顯示卡、硬碟等零件上。

6. 連接其他配件:

- 連接顯示器、鍵盤、滑鼠和音訊裝置等外部裝置。

7. 驗證與整理:

- 仔細檢查所有元件和連接,確保它們穩固且正確地安裝。

- 整理電線和數據線,使其整齊有序,以提供更好的空氣流動和散熱效果。

8. 進行首次開機測試:

- 連接電源並啟動計算機,進入BIOS介面進行設定和驗證。

- 如果一切正常,您可以繼續安裝作業系統和其他所需軟體。










立式機箱和臥式機箱最大的差別就在於,你是吧它立起來還是臥下去、 立起來就是立式機箱,臥下去就是臥式機箱,開個玩笑怎麼說呢,現在基本上找不到臥式機殼了。但是臥式機殼的製作材料確實比直立式的好,為什麼這麼說呢因為水平機箱需要在上面放顯示器,在臥式機箱還沒有淘汰出局的時候顯示器都是純平的那種,很重,如果機殼材質不好,顯示器會吧台機殼壓變形的而立式機殼就沒這個顧慮了,所以現在的機殼材質不說光厚度就達不到臥式的標準,硬度抗壓程度都不行





Can I assemble the Lenovo computer case by myself?

Lenovo computer chassis can be assembled by yourself. Since Lenovo computer motherboards and power supplies are all standard, we can use other brands of chassis to replace Lenovo computer Jixiang. Remove the Lenovo computer motherboard and power supply. After downloading, install it into a new chassis. At the same time, install the hard disk and other components in the chassis so that it can be used normally by connecting a few signal lines.

How to assemble a new computer from an old chassis?

After removing the old motherboard and installing the new motherboard, you can install new accessories on the new motherboard.

Why are horizontal computer cases so rare?

The chassis can be divided into two types: vertical and horizontal. Both styles have their own advantages and disadvantages. The internal space of the vertical chassis is relatively large, and due to the principle of hot air rising and cold air falling, the power supply of the vertical chassis is at the top, and its heat dissipation is better than that of the horizontal chassis. It is also more convenient to add various accessories. However, the vertical chassis is larger and not suitable for use in narrow environments.

The horizontal chassis is not as good as the vertical chassis in terms of heat dissipation and ease of use, but it can be placed under the monitor, which can save a lot of desktop space. It was mostly used by commercial computers in the past.

In the current market, generally what we can see are vertical chassis, and horizontal chassis have been basically eliminated.

The materials and construction of the two types of chassis are basically the same. The only difference is that they are vertical or horizontal. There is not much difference in the selling price. The high price is because things are rare and expensive, so I am fooling you. Wouldn't it be enough to use a vertical one instead?

Replace a large computer case with a small one?

Computer motherboards mainly include ATX, MATX, MINIATX, etc., with different sizes. Whether it can be replaced depends on whether the original motherboard is a large board or a small board. A large case can accommodate either a large motherboard or a small motherboard. Small cases can only accommodate small motherboards.

