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ETH 等公鏈基礎設施近期又有哪些新變化值得關注?

2024-04-16 23:20:271130瀏覽

撰稿:Lao Bai

最近在一級市場,最火熱的賽道無疑是AI,其次是BTC,每天聊的項目80%都集中在這兩個賽道,我個人最多的時候一天可以聊5、6 個AI 專案。

可以預見的是AI 泡沫會在明後年達到頂峰,隨著數以百計的AI 新項目上線,AI 賽道市值攀向巔峰,在最終泡沫破裂,一地雞毛的同時,也會誕生出真正找到AI X Crypto 契合點的獨角獸,把這條賽道以及整個產業繼續向前推進。

所以在當前 AI 過熱的環境下,靜下心來,看看近幾個月在基礎設施層面,尤其是公鏈基礎設施這個賽道發生了哪些變化? 其中有些新的東西還是值得一說。


當年Celestia 第一次提出模組化概念以及DA 層這個概念的時候,市場其實花了不少時間去消化和理解,現在這個概念早已深入人心,各種RaaS 基礎設施已經氾濫到基建數量>應用數量>用戶數量這麼一個誇張的階段。 (RaaS:Rollup-as-a-Service 的縮寫,是指提供現成的Rollup 產品和服務,幫助應用開發者快速啟動Rollup)

##執行層、DA 層、結算層在過去幾個月分別發生了一些不同技術上的進展,每層都衍生出新的技術方案,甚至結算層的概念也不再是ETH 專有。



執行層最火熱的概念無疑是並行EVM,以Monad、Sei、MegaETH 為代表,FTM、Canto 等一些現有專案也開始計劃往這個方向升級。不過正如不是所有 ZK 專案都會保護隱私一樣,被並行 EVM 標籤的專案其實在技術路線和最終目標上面都各有不同。

拿Sei 的一張圖來做個直觀的展示,很明顯在樂觀的情況下,


ETH 等公链基础设施近期又有哪些新变化值得关注?

並行EVM 裡面其實又可以分成幾個不同的技術路線:

##1)從交易如何並行的角度- 太陽底下無新鮮事,無非先驗與後驗的區別

#先驗以Solana 和Sui 為代表,要求交易明確聲明他們修改了鏈狀態的哪些部分

,這樣在打包區塊之前事先檢測是否有狀態衝突(例如對同一個AMM 池的存取),有的話就丟棄這些造成衝突的交易。

後驗也叫樂觀並行,以 Aptos BlockSTM 為代表,也就是先假設大家都沒有衝突把交易收進來再說,執行完了再檢測。

發現衝突的交易就宣布這個交易無效,結果刷新,重新執行,重複這個步驟直到區塊中的所有交易都被執行。 Sei,Monad,MegaETH,Canto 使用了類似的解決方案。 我們在一級市場還有看到針對狀態衝突情境下(像上文說的同一AMM 池訪問)做並行的解決方案,但看上去工程會相對複雜,不確定商業上是否可行,還在評估中。

2)從對並行EVM 重視的程度- 也可以分成兩個流派

一個是Monad,Sei 為代表,把如何交易並行作為主要擴容思路

,即並行為主敘事,例如Monad 除了樂觀的平行處理,還有專門開發的MonadDB,非同步I/O 專門配合並行處理。

另一個是Fantom, Solana, MegaETH 的思路,並行是擴容方案之一

,但也只是之一,並行是個輔助敘事,性能提升更多依賴其他的技術方案。 例如 Fantom 的 Sonic 升級,主打的是 FVM 虛擬機器 與優化過的 Lachesis 共識機制。 Solana 下一階段主打的是 Firedancer 新客戶端的模組化架構,優化的網路通訊機制和簽章驗證等等。

MegaETH's goal is to implement Realtime Blockchain. The first is based on Paradigm's newly developed Reth high-performance client, the state synchronization mechanism of the full node (only synchronizing state differences rather than all data), and the hardware design of Sequencer (a large number of high-performance RAM with storage functions for state access) , avoid slow disk I/O), Merkle Trie's data structure improvement and other aspects have been further optimized and improved, is equivalent to software, hardware, data structure, disk IO, network communication, transaction sorting and parallelism Comprehensive and all-round improvements in processing push the performance ceiling of EVM to the limit, approaching "Realtime Blockchain".

DA layer

The DA layer does not have particularly large technical iterations, so the level of this track volume is far less than that of the execution layer. After all, there are only a few major players.

ETH's CallData has been upgraded to Blob, and the cost of each Layer2 has dropped significantly. Now ETH is already a "less expensive" DA.

Celestia’s greater role is that after it went online, as the first project to propose the concept of DA layer, it raised the DA track from the ceiling of 2 billion FDV to 20 billion. From then on, the pattern and imagination Open. The DA of choice for many new Layer2 Appchains is naturally Celestia. (FDV means "fully diluted valuation", which is a valuation indicator derived from Token price * total amount)

Avail is independent from Polygon. Technically speaking, it is more like an "enhanced version of Celestia". For example, it uses Polkadot's Grandpa BABE consensus mechanism. Compared with Celestia's Tendermint, it can theoretically support the decentralization of more nodes and also For example, Validity Proof is supported but not supported by Celestia, etc. Of course, the technical differences are far less important than the ecological aspects. Avail still needs to catch up at the ecological level.

EigenDA was also launched two days ago along with the EigenLayer mainnet

. EigenLayer is one of the strongest narrative projects in this round and the most capable of commercial cooperation. The adoption rate of EigenDA is my personal opinion. The feeling will not be low. In theory, as long as it "feels safe and the price is cheap", not many projects really care whether you use Validity Proof or Fraud Proof, whether DAS supports it, etc.

The following three DAs are worth mentioning:

1) Near DA

Near It is a magical public chain. It was originally designed for sharding, and it is still doing it now, but while doing sharding, it also does DA.

Cheaper than Celestia, it also supports Layer2’s fast settlement;

Chain Abstraction

- Near recently launched chain signatures, allowing users to request to any chain through a single NEAR account Transaction signature;


- Founder illia is one of the eight Transformers. The person who was tapped on the shoulder by Huang Renxun at the NVIDIA conference is now planning to hire AI engineers. The official website will be launched next month Post related announcements... Hexagon Warriors, which I also threw into the DA circuit.


Because the Layer1 of BTC does not support smart contracts and cannot be settled directly, so now dozens of BTC EVM Layer2 are basically converting BTC When using

as DA, the difference is simply whether to throw ZK Proof directly onto BTC or throw the Hash of ZK Proof, as if you cannot call yourself "BTC Layer 2" if you don't do this. Recently, I actually encountered a new project and said, "I don't want to pretend anymore. I am ETH Layer2, and DA settlement is all on ETH, but I serve the BTC ecosystem!" It's quite joyful...

The only alternative expansion plan is RGB launched by CKB. In this framework, CKB has become a DA-like existence, while BTC has almost become the settlement layer of RGB due to the black technology of UTXO isomorphic binding.

3) New DA

I will talk about the two new DA ideas I saw, without mentioning the project name.

One is to combine DA with AI

. In addition to being a high-performance DA itself, it can also serve as a storage layer for large AI models, training data and training trajectories; The other is to improve Celestia, etc. The underlying error correction code mechanism of DA can provide a more robust network status in an unstable state such as a dynamic network (several nodes are randomly dropped offline in each round). Settlement Layer

Originally this layer was almost exclusive to ETH

. DA has Celestia to compete and implement its own Layer 2. Only for settlement, other chains such as Solana and Aptos do not yet have Layer 2. BTC’s Layer 2 is not used and BTC cannot be used for settlement. Currently, the only settlement layer you can think of is ETH.

However, this situation will change soon. We have seen several new projects moving in the direction mentioned at the beginning of the article. Some old projects have also begun to transform in this direction, namely ZK The verification/settlement layer further deconstructs ETH (grabs the business of ETH).

Why is there such a concept? The reason is that running the contract on ETH Layer1 to verify ZK Proof is indeed not an optimal choice in theory:

Technically speaking, in order to verify the correctness of ZK Proof, development Personnel need to write verification contracts based on Solidity based on the ZK project and the ZK Proof System they choose. Among them, it needs to rely on a lot of cryptographic algorithms, such as supporting different elliptic curves. These cryptographic algorithms are usually relatively complex, and the EVM-Solidity architecture is not an optimal platform for implementing these complex cryptographic algorithms. For some ZK projects, the cost of writing and verifying these verification contracts is also very high. This to some extent prevents some ZK ecosystems from natively joining the EVM ecosystem. Therefore, ZK-friendly languages ​​such as Cario, Noir, Leo, and Lurk can currently only be verified on their own Layer1. At the same time, updating or upgrading these things in ETH will always turn the ship around.

In terms of cost, Although the "protection fee" DA paid by Layer 2 accounts for the majority, ZK's contract verification also requires Gas fees, and verification on Ethereum is definitely not cheap. options. Coupled with the fact that ETH Gas fees soar from time to time and it turns into a "noble chain", the verification cost will also be greatly affected.

As a result, new ZK verification/settlement layer concept projects have emerged. New projects are still relatively early, represented by Nebra. Some old projects are also pivoting in this direction, such as Mina, and Zen, which has just passed a new proposal.

The overall idea of ​​most projects in this track is basically:

  • Support multiple ZK languages
  • Support ZK aggregation proof, more efficient and cheaper
  • Faster final confirmation time
ZK settlement layer and decentralization At present, the Proof Market is likely to be tied together. After all, to have technology, you need to have computing power. You may see some settlement layer projects cooperating with Proof Market projects, or the settlement layer with the computing power may directly create a Proof Market by itself, or the Proof Market with mastery of technology may create a settlement layer package by itself.

The market has the final say on how to proceed.


There should be many articles written about other areas of infrastructure, such as OEV in the Oracle and MEV fields, and ZK light clients in the interoperability field. , which will not be described in detail here. Next time I see something new and interesting, I’ll share it with you.

以上是ETH 等公鏈基礎設施近期又有哪些新變化值得關注?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
