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2024-04-09 08:07:161163瀏覽






4月8日上午,華為終端微博正式公開了華為WATCH 4 Pro的預熱海報,並宣布該產品的發布會定檔於同日晚7點。






華為WATCH 4 Pro共有4款型號,分別為棕皮錶帶款的木星棕、複合錶帶款的蔚藍地球、鈦金屬錶帶款的火星鈦以及太空探索版,定價依序為3199元、3499元、3799元及4999元。



太空探索版WATCH 4 Pro是今日剛上線的新款,配置較前款有一些變化,例如表面材質選用了奈米微晶陶瓷,錶殼部分則是升級到了航天級鈦合金材料,兩種材質的疊加使WATCH 4 Pro在耐用性上得到提升。與市面上大多數智慧手錶不同,太空探索版WATCH 4 Pro也使用了球面藍寶石玻璃的錶鏡,這使其在視覺觀感上要更加出色,抗劃能力也有一定的進步。

硬體之外,太空探索版WATCH 4 Pro最需要被關注到的是:得益於UWB技術其支援與問界M9進行連動,可使用UWB無感車鑰匙、智慧迎賓等功能。

除了UWB,華為還在太空探索版WATCH 4 Pro提供了「弦月窗」功能,即手機上的外帶、出行、航班等動態消息即時投射在手錶上,用戶不方便掏出手機查看資訊時也能「抬腕檢閱」。




#以華為春季發布會第一款登場的產品,華為WATCH 4 Pro太空探索版以智慧穿戴裝置的身份串聯起整個鴻蒙生態,例如「弦月窗」功能,體現鴻蒙生態下手機、平板、PC以及手錶之間的互聯互動;而新加入的UWB技術,讓手錶與問界M9之間實現連動。不難看出,智慧穿戴裝置在鴻蒙生態裡依然是至關重要的一環,同時也是將生態裡所有裝置串連起來的核心關鍵。




更重要的是,華為WATCH 4 Pro太空探索版是華為第一款原生搭載鴻蒙4.0作業系統的智慧手錶,以這款裝置作為本次「分段式發表會」的首款產品,一方面是透露了鴻蒙生態即將有新動向要公開,另一方面則是希望透過這款設備為接下來要發布的P70系列、AI PC等產品做一個預熱。


Last year, Huawei chose to launch the Mate60 series in a "raid". It singled out the protagonist of what was supposed to be a full-scenario fall conference and launched it for sale before the conference, which immediately attracted a lot of attention. Although such a plan shifted the focus of the autumn all-scenario press conference from mobile phones to other smart products, the effect was outstanding and attracted great attention to products such as tablets, watches, and smart screens.

Judging from the early popularity, the focus of Huawei’s spring new product launch this year is still mobile phones, which is the Huawei P70 series that has been frequently searched recently. Indeed, for mass consumers, the Huawei P70 series is a product worth paying attention to, which determines which mobile phone they should buy next.

However, from Huawei’s perspective, it is now a critical moment for the development of the Hongmeng ecosystem. In addition to mobile phones, other products in the ecosystem are also worthy of attention. Huawei's views on AI hardware, especially AI mobile phones, AI PCs, AI wearables, AI cars, and AI systems, will also be fully released at this "relay conference".


(Photo source: Weibo@fixfocusdigital)

The most anticipated one is Huawei’s first AI PC - MateBook X Pro.

As a pioneer in the field of AI, Huawei released the self-developed Pangu model as early as 2021. As the AI ​​PC concept was established, Intel released Ultra processors. The notebook computer market has also ushered in a new round of competition.

MateBook X Pro 2024 is expected to be equipped with Intel Ultra processor and continue the 16GB 1TB storage solution of the previous generation. As for AI features, Xiaolei speculates that MateBook


##(Photo source: Huawei Mall)

Secondly Huawei’s audio product FreeBuds Lipstick 2, which competes for female users, is expected to debut.

In 2021, Huawei launched the first generation FreeBuds Lipstick. Because the headphone compartment is shaped like lipstick, it is also called "lipstick headphones." Although this product caused some controversy when it was first released, its unique texture and long battery life have won the support of a group of loyal female users.

In the past two years, Huawei has accelerated the layout of products for the female market, such as the "fashion trend" of the nova series, the "jewel box" concept of the Pocket folding screen, and the FreeBuds Smart audio products like Lipstick are completely targeted at the female market. We are also looking forward to any changes or improvements in the form and audio connection performance of the upcoming FreeBuds Lipstick 2.


(Source: Huawei Mall)

Finally, about HarmonyOS The latest progress of NEXT may be released in large quantities.

Huawei held the "Hongmeng Eco Thousand Sails Launch Ceremony" on January 18, and HarmonyOS NEXT officially debuted. As a new system that completely abandons the Android ecosystem, the challenges faced by HarmonyOS NEXT are undoubtedly huge. Whether it is system adaptation for new and old devices, development support for native applications, or optimization of smart interconnection, it is equivalent to starting over.

The ceremony at the beginning of the year also announced a major news: HarmonyOS NEXT will be open to users in the fourth quarter of 2024. At this point in April, Huawei naturally needs to report the latest development progress of HarmonyOS NEXT to the public, especially the progress of native application development. This determines whether users who upgrade to HarmonyOS NEXT in the fourth quarter of this year can maintain their daily needs.


(Photo source: Huawei)

In addition to the Huawei P70 series, In addition to the development progress of AI PC, smart audio, and Hongmeng ecosystem, this conference also disclosed the products and latest progress of whole-house intelligence and Huawei's smart mobility business. Based on this summary, almost every product and plan of Huawei's spring press conference is a top priority. If only one press conference is held, the public may only pay attention to the P70 series or Huawei's first AI PC, thereby ignoring Other products and highlights of the Hongmeng Eco Plan, this may not be the best choice for Huawei.

Will relay press conferences become a new trend in the industry?

Huawei split its quarterly press conference into a "relay press conference" with an independent press conference every day, which aroused widespread discussion and successfully launched Huawei's The meeting entry was once again on the hot search list, and the market attention was immediately filled.

In industries such as consumer electronics, home appliances, and automobiles, press conferences are a crucial means of product promotion, because these industries are driven by new products. If there is no press conference, users will not notice the birth of a new product at all. As the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is afraid of the depth of the alley.

However, today, when users’ attention is fragmented, distracted, and forgetful, it has become even more difficult for manufacturers to rely on traditional press conferences to gain attention. Therefore, the "segmented press conference" that splits the press conference into multiple releases has long become an industry trend.

Take Xiaomi Automobile SU7 as an example. Before officially announcing the price, Xiaomi held a special press conference for technology release. In addition, there were many "releases" outside the press conference. , after all, the information density is too high, and one press conference really can’t finish it all. In addition to Xiaomi Motors SU7, leading manufacturers such as OPPO, vivo, Honor, OnePlus, Realme, and iQOO will conduct "segmented releases", such as holding technical communication meetings before the release of new products to release some key information to warm up the market.

Huawei’s breakthrough is that it has unprecedentedly split the entire conference into a single category to hold multiple conferences, and directly put the conferences together, bringing users The competition for attention has increased from "a few hours" to "a week". Lei Technology (ID: leitech), who has participated in a large number of machine launch conferences, calls this a "relay conference", from "package release" to "package release". "There is a press conference for each category", which reflects its concept of "not distinguishing the importance" of different categories of products. Each category can receive equal attention (if the popularity can remain consistent).

This also shows that Huawei is quite confident in its brand appeal. After all, the market has to pay close attention to it for five consecutive days, which is huge for most brands. challenge.

Compared with the “platter-style press conference”, the “relay-style press conference” is more friendly to consumers.

In the past many years, Xiao Lei has participated in many flagship conferences, quarterly conferences, and annual conferences. The "platter-style conference" lasted very long and had a very large number of products Many, after watching the entire press conference, you may have forgotten the highlights of the first product. For reports on such conferences, Lei Technology sometimes even outputs long articles of 10,000 words to cover all product information. It often needs to arrange the entire editorial team to conduct "special reports" and output 5 or 6 in-depth content reports. For users, , in fact, it is also a huge challenge to accept such a massive amount of information intensively.

This time Huawei separated different categories and held a "relay-style press conference". Consumers only need to pay attention to the products they are interested in and watch them selectively. , and because there are only a few products, the press conference is of a suitable length, so you won’t feel tired when watching it.

However, it is difficult for other manufacturers to imitate the "relay press conference". The main reason is that non-flagship products of ordinary brands have not received much attention from the market. For many days in a row, Consumers may not necessarily pay attention to a development conference.

At present, only a few brands such as Huawei, Apple, Honor, and Xiaomi release new products in the form of multiple quarterly launches every year. For example, Apple has spring and autumn launches. Two new product launches (hardware main body), WWDC developer conference (software main body), in addition to some "online releases".


(Source: Apple official website)

Apple’s press conference Plans have always been formulated according to ecological logic. For example, Mac usually releases new products in the spring or at the end of the year, while new iPhones and Apple Watches are regularly released in the fall. As for the WWDC conference, only products closely related to developers will be made public at this conference, such as Vision Pro. Of course, Apple, which has been established for decades, has clarified its ecological logic since the release of the iPhone in 2007. The plan for the press conference is naturally traceable. It is rare that a large number of product lines need to be updated at the same press conference. Condition.

Huawei is completely opposite to Apple. Regarding the Hongmeng system and ecosystem, which has just been launched, a large number of its products have been significantly updated. At the same time, because HarmonyOS NEXT is in the development stage, many Technical details need to be explained to developers and consumers. In the stage of "breaking the old and establishing the new", a relay press conference is more suitable.


(Photo source: Weibo @ Huawei Terminal)

Currently It seems that this wave of Huawei's press conference has gained enough popularity. As for whether this wave of heat can be transformed into consumers' enthusiasm for the product, it depends on the performance of the first press conference held tonight. In any case, Huawei's "Redefinition Conference" itself has been quite successful. Lei Technology will also continue to pay attention to Huawei's "relay press conference" this week, bringing you first-hand information and professional interpretation, so stay tuned.

