首頁 >網路3.0 >一文了解重塑代幣發行方式的創新平台ZAP


2024-04-08 19:10:101093瀏覽



ZAP 的目標是讓代幣發行變得更容易,同時為專案提供早期融資的機會。 ZAP將Blast的強大功能與一套新的融資機制相結合,為創辦人和投資者提供更多價值,並使早期投資更加民主、透明和公平,同時激勵長期投資者參與生態系統。

關於 ZAP

ZAP是基於Ethereum Layer2 Blast社群驅動的代幣發行協議,旨在解決目前代幣發行領域的問題。該專案由創始人和投資者共同支持,致力於為緩解當前代幣發行領域的問題,並為專案的創始人和投資者提供一個公平、可信賴的平台。


在Blast的官方組織的Big Bang競賽活動中獲得冠軍!活動有超3000支團隊參與,最後篩選出47個優勝者。在獲勝公告中,Blast表示將重大的空投部分分配給獲獎項目,時間在5月主網上線後。

ZAP 核心元件

ZAP 協定基於三個核心元件建構:Labs、Launch和Drops。每個組件都有不同的目的,在滿足專案啟動代幣和公平分發的需求的同時,為ZAP的用戶提供更多收益機會。透過這些組件,ZAP的用戶可以獲得更多收益,同時讓整個生態系統更加穩定和繁榮。

ZAP Labs

ZAP Labs 為處於產品開發高級階段,通常擁有風險投資資金的項目,提供量身定制的發布體驗。


  • #專職客戶經理:在整個發布過程中提供個人化指導和幫助

  • 諮詢服務:協助修訂策略、優化代幣經濟,並為成功發布代幣提供建議

  • 訪問ZAP 合作夥伴:協助提供策略合作夥伴和額外資源,包括交易所合作夥伴、做市商和增值投資者

  • 獲得外部資金:在需要時幫助獲得額外資金

  • 啟動後支援:根據需要提供持續指導和協助

透過ZAP Labs 提供的資源和專業知識,專案能夠採用最適合的發行方式成功啟動。為專案的初期運作提供基礎,並為專案和投資者帶來巨大的收益。

ZAP launch

ZAP Launch 為無許可代幣發行提供了一個公平發布的平台,是將新代幣推向市場的最簡單的方法。專案可以使用Lauch設立募資、創建代幣,並將流動性導向其選擇的交易所。使用 ZAP 提供的基礎設施,這個過程只​​需幾分鐘的時間,最大程度減少專案在發行代幣時產生的混亂和風險!


ZAP Drops

對於選擇空投的項目,Drops 提供了一個智慧化的防機器人措施的平台。透過 Drops,專案可以設定各種鏈上和鏈下操作,使用者透過遊戲化的體驗完成社交任務,互動任務等! ZAP 會驗證使用者是否成功完成這些操作,並給予積分獎勵。積分越多,空投的分配越多。


Drops 的一個主要特點是使用者儀表板,使用者可以在儀表板中輕鬆領取空投,無需擔心錯過!這不僅提升了用戶體驗,也消除了專案在進行大型空投時通常會產生的高額交易成本。此外,Drops 還提供全面的行銷支持,以提高空投活動的有效性和影響力。

ZAP Vaults

在 ZAP 的動態生態系統中,ZAP Vault 旨在獎勵最早的支持者,擁有 ZAP Vault 是在 ZAP 平台解鎖各種獎勵的關鍵。 Vault 不僅可以解鎖 ZAP 獎勵,還提供專屬福利,增強持有者和 ZAP 在各方面的互動。

持有 Vaults 福利包括:

Daily ZAP Rewards

20% of the total ZAP supply is reserved for ZAP Vault holders (aka the Vault supply) and distributed daily for 900 days. 150,000 rewards are distributed to users at 0:00 UTC every day, and the rewards can be withdrawn in TGE! Every 180 days, the number of rewards will be halved and the reward distribution for each Vault holder will be recalculated. The halving mechanism can reward early supporters more and encourage holders to participate in the ZAP ecosystem for the long term.

Bonus Pool

20% of the Vault supply is reserved as a bonus pool. Earn more rewards by actively participating in the ecosystem and increasing your referrals and Vault holdings. The prize pool is designed to incentivize user participation and growth within the ZAP ecosystem.

Its allocation is based on two different weighting indices: the number of recommendations and the number of Vaults held. The more referrals you make and the more Vaults you hold, the higher the weight will be and the more rewards you will receive. Allocating more rewards to holders who contribute to the ecosystem can strategically stimulate growth and participation.

It should be noted that users must hold at least 1 Vault to qualify. Once one of the weight requirements is reached, users will earn daily from the bonus pool based on their weight.

Vault Staking

Fees from the ZAP platform (such as the mining pool) will be allocated to the ZAP staking pool and distributed as rewards. Stake ZAP to get rewards, and by reinvesting, you can still enjoy compound interest and receive more future rewards. From ecosystem benefits to launch partner rewards, Vault holders can earn great rewards.


Other exclusive rewards

NFT Drops: ZAP Vault holders can get mysterious airdrops, and currently one lucky holder will get the Fat Penguin AirDrop


#Labs Drop: Priority access to upcoming features and products.

Additional benefits: Enjoy early participation in events, exclusive promotions and enhanced rewards.

ZAP Vault is still on sale, with a fixed price of $1,000 USDB for the first 10,000 Vaults. The next 200 vaults have a fixed price of 1,250 USDB. For every 200 additional vaults purchased, the price will increase by 15 USDB. Sales began on March 28, and more than 10,000 Vaults were sold in just over a day, equivalent to raising $1,000,000.

  • Sales start time: March 28

  • Total Vault quantity: 30,000 Vaults

  • Sales link: zap.tech/vault



ZAP is built on the EVM-compatible Layer2 public chain Blast. Able to inherit the security and liquidity of Ethereum! According to data from DifiLIama, Blast’s TVL ranks 7th among all public chains. There is a large amount of funds on the chain, and there are also a large number of projects waiting to launch and issue tokens.

As an innovative project dedicated to solving problems in the field of token issuance, ZAP provides project founders and investors with a fair, authentic and trustworthy platform through its powerful community-driven token issuance protocol. platform. Through the perfect combination of the three core components of ZAP Labs, Launch, Drops and Vault, a democratic, transparent and fair token issuance ecosystem has been built, providing a foundation for project launch and providing investors with more participation opportunities. A strong infrastructure has been built to drive the development of the entire cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

As ZAP continues to develop and grow, we look forward to seeing more projects successfully launched through the ZAP platform and contributing to the prosperity of the entire ecosystem.

