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重慶強化新能源車基礎設施佈局,到 2025 年底建成 2,000 座以上超級充電站

2024-04-04 21:31:17470瀏覽






為了滿足超充需求,2024-2025年間各區縣均超充站規模將得到最佳化建置。 2024年,將建成1005座超充站,其中,中心城區達700座,主城新區和萬州區建成180座,兩群地區建成40座,高速公路服務區建成85座。這些建設將綜合考慮超充需求旺盛、土地資源充足、電力保障充裕等因素,以優化建造時序、提升服務能力,更能滿足超充需求。

重庆强化新能源汽车基础设施布局,到 2025 年底建成 2000 座以上超级充电站




The "Action Plan" also requires improving the level of interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, accelerating the construction of a charging infrastructure network system, promoting the intelligent transformation of power grid infrastructure, and carrying out mutual coordination and support of photovoltaic power generation, energy storage and energy saving, tram charging and other facilities. Pilot new smart microgrids for source, grid, load and storage to improve the grid's ability to accept, allocate and regulate clean energy. Actively explore the V2G application model of new energy vehicles, build V2G charging piles in public places such as parks, schools, hospitals, government agencies and institutions, and combine the trade-in action of consumer goods to encourage the purchase of new vehicles in public areas such as public transportation, official business, rental, shuttle buses, school buses, and sanitation. Configure V2G functions to accelerate the demonstration application of V2G two-way charging and discharging of vehicles in public areas. Give full play to the important role of new energy vehicles in the electrochemical energy storage system, strengthen the integration and interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, improve the power grid's peak and frequency regulation, safety and emergency response capabilities, and promote the Internet of Vehicles, vehicle-grid interaction, and the integration of source, grid, and load storage. Pilot demonstrations such as chemical and integrated optical storage and charging stations will be carried out to promote the local balancing of distributed power sources, vehicle discharge, energy storage, etc. and the grid-connection of surplus electricity. Vigorously promote intelligent and orderly charging. In principle, new charging infrastructure should adopt intelligent facilities. Promote the intelligent transformation of existing charging facilities as needed. Encourage charging operators to accept the entrustment of owners and carry out "unified construction and unified service" of charging and discharging facilities in residential areas. . Promote virtual power plants to widely aggregate various charging and discharging loads to achieve positive interaction between vehicles and networks. By the end of 2025, a total of 45 V2G demonstration projects in the public domain (23 V2G demonstration projects for public transportation) will be built in the central urban area, of which 22 V2G demonstration projects in the public domain (11 V2G demonstration projects for public transportation) will be built in the central city in 2024.

以上是重慶強化新能源車基礎設施佈局,到 2025 年底建成 2,000 座以上超級充電站的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
