首頁 >科技週邊 >人工智慧 >統一角色、百變場景,影片生成神器PixVerse被網友玩出了花,超強一致性成「殺招」


2024-04-01 14:11:12948瀏覽
Another double click is the debut of a new feature.

Have you ever encountered someone who wants to change the background of a character in a picture, but the AI ​​always comes up with "the object is neither the person nor the object" Effect. Even in mature generation tools such as Midjourney and DALL・E, some prompt techniques are required to maintain character consistency, otherwise the characters will change here and there and you will not be able to achieve the results you want.

However, this time it’s your chance.

AIGC Tools PixVerse's new "Character - Video" feature can help you achieve all this. Not only that, it can generate dynamic videos to make your characters more vivid.


Input a picture, and you will be able to get the corresponding dynamic video results. On the basis of maintaining the consistency of the character, the rich background elements and character dynamics make the generated results easy to see. It looks very agile.

Let’s take a look at the effect first.



We can see from these examples that the faces of the characters generated by this tool are basically consistent, accompanied by vivid expressions, and Their backgrounds are richer. This helps users to resolve the complicated steps of re-creation to a great extent. Now, you can update it with one click and complete new works effortlessly.

Netizen @heyronir showed off his generation effect. He first entered the following picture:


Here are the results he got:


統一角色、百變場景,影片生成神器PixVerse被網友玩出了花,超強一致性成「殺招」                                                                                                   ‐   ‐ ‐ ‐ Result 2Comparing the input and generated results, we can see that the character in Result 1 has face shape, facial proportions, The bone appearance is consistent with the original material, but the eye sockets are slightly deeper and the hair length is slightly shorter. Overall, it appears to be little different from the material originally provided. However, the difference between the generated result 2 and the original material is more obvious. The character's face shape, facial bone direction, pupil color, and hairstyle are all very different.

However, this has a certain correlation with the prompt entered by the user. We can continue to debug in the tool to achieve the desired effect. If you are interested, go and try it.

Experience address: https://app.pixverse.ai/login

This tool is also very easy to use. Simple, specifically it only takes three steps to complete.

Step 1: Find the "Character - Video" function

From the app or Start with the home page of the website. Look for the option labeled "Character," click on it to continue, then select Create Character.

步驟 2:建立角色 

#現在就可以上傳你想用來當角色臉部的圖片。給角色一個名字,然後進行創建,等待大約 20 秒,PixVerse 就會完成訓練。

#點選「建立」並從選單中選擇角色。輸入所需的 prompt,選擇生成影片的寬高比,點擊創建,幾分鐘後,角色影片就會製作完成。






其實,這已經不是PixVerse 第一次暴露在大家的視野中引起廣泛關注了。它是愛詩科技上線的影片產生工具。只要輸入文字,PixVerse 就能基於這些文字生成影片。

在 PixVerse 的 Discord 頻道,它還會就每段文字給出四個選項,你可以在選項中慢慢挑選,不斷調整生成方向。你甚至能夠基於它的​​畫面對天氣進行選擇,晴天、雨天、白天、晚上都可供選擇。

今年二月,愛詩科技王長虎曾接受過本站的訪問。他表示,PixVerse 的性能在某些方面已經達到了 Pika 的水平,甚至在多項評測中超越了它們。

自媒體KOL 歸藏在PixVerse、Pika 以及Runway 的對比評測中表示:PixVerse 的模型是這三者最為平衡的,可以有比較強的運動幅度,同時可以維持較好的一致性。

統一角色、百變場景,影片生成神器PixVerse被網友玩出了花,超強一致性成「殺招」                               https://weibo.com/6182606334/49941694026ibo. ,每個工具都在尋求自己的新出路。顯然這次 PixVerse 使用技能是「一致性」。

