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真正的一鏡走天下 尼克爾 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 鏡頭上手體驗

2024-03-28 14:54:181415瀏覽

很多攝影愛好者喜歡使用鏡頭,他們的拍攝需求非常多變,因此在鏡頭的選擇上更傾向於一支比較全能的產品,也就是我們俗稱的"一鏡走天下"鏡頭。剛好,現在尼康推出了新的產品,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭,一支真正的"一鏡走天下"鏡頭。鏡頭從28mm廣角端一直覆蓋到400mm長焦端,配備其Z卡口相機,可以輕鬆拍攝十分豐富的攝影主題,並帶來一場豐富的視角變化。今天,我們就透過近期的使用體驗,跟大家一起聊聊這支尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR是首款14.2倍變焦的Z卡口全片幅變焦鏡頭,它以單眼F卡口時代的AF-S 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR為基礎設計,並滿足Z卡口時代的使用者使用需求。鏡頭本身所涵蓋的拍攝場景豐富,例如運動、活動、景物、街拍、人像等,因此為使用者帶來了廣泛的拍攝可能性。


作為一支具備超長焦距的高倍變焦鏡頭,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR在體積控制和重量控制方面有著十分到位的表現,它的重量只有約725克。在設計上,尼康除了在規格上進行反覆試驗,還搭配了輕薄的金屬部件等操作來為鏡頭減重。對於用戶來說,可以用輕巧便攜來形容這支鏡頭,因此日常拍攝和攜帶也無需擔心體力和空間問題。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭的核心參數:















#尼克爾Z 28 -400mm f/4-8 VR在外觀上給用戶的第一印象就是輕巧便攜,一支擁有超過14倍變焦倍率的鏡頭,其體積卻相對十分小巧,同時約725克的重量控制也做的十分到位,可以帶給使用者輕量化的拍攝體驗,也充分滿足現在使用者對於攝影器材輕量化的需求。

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尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的28mm端

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

尼克爾Z 28- 400mm f/4-8 VR的400mm端

尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭採用了外變焦設計,28mm端時鏡頭的長度是最短的。如果變焦到400mm端,那麼鏡頭的長度會伸長一倍,但是由於具備輕量化的設計優化,因此即使完全變焦展開鏡頭之後,也不會讓用戶有頭重腳輕的感覺。此外,雖然鏡頭的變焦行程很長,但是尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR採用了95°的變焦環設計,用戶可以很輕鬆的通過單手單次將鏡頭從28mm變焦到400mm或者反之。

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尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的變焦鎖定

由於鏡頭採用外變焦設計,為了轉場或攜帶時的安全考慮,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR也搭載了變焦鎖設計。

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尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的控制環

尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR同樣設計了Z卡口鏡頭標誌性的控制環,使用者可以在選單中自行設定控制環對應的功能。

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尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的方形遮光罩設計

尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR採用了HB-114鏡頭遮光罩設計,這是一款方形遮光罩,其外觀十分別致,搭配鏡頭之後也有高顏值和高辨識度。


首先我們來看看尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的畫質表現。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

這是我們使用尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的28mm端實拍的樣片,透過放大可以看到細節記錄清晰完整,畫面整體銳利度表現優異。整體來看,這支鏡頭的畫質表現超過我們的預期。接著,我們分別為大家展示鏡頭在28mm、50mm、105mm、200mm、300mm和400mm端的畫質表現。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

在28mm端,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的整體畫質表現非常出色,尤其是在F4光圈全開的情況下,中心畫質和邊緣畫質都有較理想的表現。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

在50mm和105mm端,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭的整體畫質表現也十分穩定出色,不論是中心畫質或邊緣畫質都有比較好的表現。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验


 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

在300mm和400mm端,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR的畫質水準開始下降。可以看到此時鏡頭的中心畫質表現依然比較理想,但是邊緣畫質水平有比較明顯的下降。

很多用戶在看到尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR鏡頭的時候,往往會與Z卡口另一支鏡頭Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR進行比較,我們接著來進行這兩支鏡頭的畫質對比。

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验


 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

#在200mm端,中心畫質方面兩支鏡頭的表現也十分接近,幾乎看不出來差別。但在邊緣畫質方面,Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR要比Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR稍好。

整體來說,尼克爾Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR在200mm以下,具備非常出色的畫質表現。在200mm以上,鏡頭的中心畫質表現仍可圈可點。


Regarding the NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens, there must be many users concerned about its focusing problem. First, let’s introduce the two focus optimizations of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens. One is that this lens supports close-up shooting. Its minimum focusing distance at the 28mm wide-angle end reaches 0.2 meters, allowing you to shoot "close to" objects; the minimum focusing distance at the telephoto end is 1.2 meters. The other is that this lens has a separate optimization for video. It is optimized to suppress the breathing effect and adopts a linear manual focus design.

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

Overall, the overall focusing performance of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR exceeded our expectations, especially the performance in terms of focusing speed. Here comes the surprise. Under ideal lighting conditions, the overall focusing speed of the lens is excellent, but in dimly lit environments, bellows may occasionally occur.

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

It can be seen that the overall performance of the lens is also very good in terms of recognition and focus. It can fully meet daily shooting needs. Therefore, for users, if you use this lens to simply experience ecological photography, it can also meet user needs. However, for specialized ecological photography, we recommend using a professional telephoto lens.

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

When shooting video, the lens performs well in suppressing the breathing effect. When the focus point moves back and forth, the angle of view almost does not change, which is the same as the official claim . Therefore, users can also properly use this lens for video shooting.

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As you can see, the linear manual focus design of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is very friendly for video shooting, and the manual focus can be very smooth. , the focus transition is perfect.

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Shooting at the minimum focusing distance of 1.2 meters at the 400mm end

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

Shooting at the minimum focusing distance of 0.2 meters at the 28mm end

What is particularly worth mentioning is the close-up shooting function of Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR. When shooting at the 28mm wide-angle end, the minimum focusing distance is only 0.2 meters, so you can almost shoot close to the scenery in front of you. Therefore, in daily shooting, this lens can also meet everyone's need to sit and take pictures of the delicious food on the table.

Bokeh: normal blur performance, ideal spot effect

Next, let’s take a look at the blur and spot performance of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR.

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

In terms of blurring, the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens itself is not designed with a large aperture, but the focal length With the blessing of , its blurring effect is still very obvious. In terms of the blur effect of the lens, the overall feeling is relatively hard.

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

In terms of spot effect, the telephoto end has better performance than the wide-angle end. The light spot at the wide-angle end is polygonal, while the light spot at the telephoto end is almost circular, but suffers from aperture erosion. However, it is commendable that the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens has almost no onion ring phenomenon in the light spot.

Anti-shake: Up to about 5.5 stops, you can shoot with confidence

The Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens itself has up to about 5 stops of anti-shake effect, and it is matched with the body When using an anti-shake Z mount camera, it can achieve a maximum anti-shake effect of about 5.5 stops. Next, let’s take a look at the anti-shake performance of this lens in actual shooting.

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400mm end, 1/15s real shot sample

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Enlarged display of screenshot area

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400mm end, 1/10s real shot sample

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Enlarged display of screenshot area

Through our actual test, at the 400mm end, we Using a shutter speed of 1/15s for handheld shooting can achieve a 100% success rate. Also at the 400mm end, we use a shutter speed of 1/10s for handheld shooting, which has a relatively high probability of successful shooting. But if the shutter speed continues to drop, the success rate will be very low. After actual testing, the anti-shake effect of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is almost consistent with the official nominal effect.

Optical quality test: overall performance meets expectations

1, dispersion

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

##In terms of dispersion , at the wide-angle end of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR, slight dispersion can still be seen under extreme shooting. But at the telephoto end, we can hardly see the dispersion problem, indicating that the dispersion performance at the telephoto end is better.

2. Glare

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验 ##28mm side glare test

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验 400mm side glare test

In terms of glare, the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR has a very good performance overall. Whether it is the 28mm wide-angle end or the 400mm telephoto end, it has excellent glare control.

3. Dark corners

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

##The vignetting of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is relatively obvious. At the 28mm wide-angle end, you can see more obvious vignetting. Even at the 400mm end, there is still slight vignetting, but it does not actually affect our viewing of the picture during daily shooting.  真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

4. Distortion

##28mm end distortion test

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400mm end distortion test

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验 In terms of distortion, after the lens is connected to the camera, the distortion correction function will be enabled by default, so the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR has almost no distortion problems in the test. In addition, this kind of high-magnification zoom lens will have distortion problems to a greater or lesser extent, so after distortion correction is performed in the body, we can also make it easier in post-processing.

Summary: If you want to experience the world with one lens, choose this perfect one

Here, our introduction to the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens comes to an end. For users, the first impression of the NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is its lightweight and comprehensive focal range coverage. The weight of the lens itself is about 725g, and the length when stored is about 141.5mm, so it gives users a lightweight and portable feel whether it is carried daily or used. In addition, the focal length coverage of the lens is very comprehensive, from the 28mm wide-angle end to the 400mm telephoto end, allowing users to fully experience the changes in perspective brought about by different focal lengths without changing lenses. Currently in the market, this lens is cost-effective and has a lightweight design. You can experience a 400mm telephoto product, which is very attractive.

In addition, the performance of the lens is excellent in all aspects. The overall image quality of the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is excellent, especially at focal lengths of 200mm and below, with excellent center and edge image quality; at focal lengths above 200mm, the center image quality is still very good. The focusing performance of the lens also exceeded our expectations. It can meet the daily shooting needs of most users and is also optimized for video users. Of course, the 0.2-meter close-up capability on the 28mm end can meet users’ more diverse shooting needs. In terms of handheld shooting, the anti-shake capability of the lens is also sufficient for use at the 400mm end. At the same time, the overall optical quality of the lens is good, and it can be used for shooting in various environments with confidence.

The Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is very suitable for travel photography users. It allows users to experience various shooting types without changing lenses, such as using a telephoto lens. Photograph flowers, landscapes, sunsets, animals and more. Of course, this lens can be used to simply experience ecological photography, but if it is professional ecological photography or landscape photography, it still needs to be paired with a professional-grade telephoto lens.

Finally, if we want to differentiate between the Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR and the Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR, our suggestion is: Z 28-400mm The f/4-8 VR focal length covers a more comprehensive range and has a telephoto focal length of 400mm. If you have a high demand for telephoto, such as traveling to Tibet, Xinjiang and other places, then this lens is more suitable; if you want a simple experience For shooting distant scenery, animals, birds, etc., the Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR is also suitable. In comparison, the Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR has a wider 24mm focal length, is smaller in size, has a larger aperture, and is currently priced at a relatively lower price. Therefore, if you do not have high demand for telephoto, you can Consider this lens.

Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR sample appreciation:

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

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 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

 真正的一镜走天下 尼克尔 Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR 镜头上手体验

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