首頁 >硬體教學 >硬體測評 >專注產品創新,引領業界進步:三星高解析度顯示器成為職場人士的最佳拍檔


2024-03-28 10:46:251053瀏覽



隨著使用者實際需求的變遷,對顯示器的要求已不再局限於基本顯示功能,更加重視清晰度、色彩表現等高階特性,以及智慧化功能、互動性和可自訂性。三星高解析度顯示器ViewFinity S9(S90PC)以5K 超高解析度為使用者帶來了卓越的畫質表現,比傳統4K 解析度顯示器多出77% 像素點,彰顯了更多的創作空間和更精湛的細節還原。 99% DCI-P3 色域覆蓋與超高的色彩準確度獲彩通(PANTONE)認證,輔以高達600nit 的亮度與1000/1 的對比度,不僅能夠逼真展示彩通色彩以及膚色指南中的膚色,為影視特效調色、攝影後期等工作者免除色差煩惱,更能讓夜景更加深邃、星空更加明亮,讓每個細節都纖毫畢現,助力創作者釋放靈感與潛力。此外,三星S90PC 還可實現客製化,輕鬆獲得個人化體驗,只需透過手機智慧校色功能即可調整白平衡、伽瑪和RGB 色彩平衡等參數,讓用戶能夠在極為出色的出廠校色及硬件校色基礎上,將追求真實還原原生色彩這一目標精研到極致。


面對現代化辦公室模式和整個PC 生態重新佈局的重重挑戰,三星持續升級顯示器硬體規格,在提升解析度、刷新率等指標的同時將顯示器向生產力中心轉型,可整合豐富接口,連接各類外設,同時支援人機互動、遠端管理等智慧化功能。三星 S90PC 配備 ThunderBoltTM4 接口和 DP 接口,能夠任意連接 Windows 和 Mac 設備,傳輸資料更穩定,創作過程更流暢。三星 S90PC 還搭載了 4K 磁吸纖薄攝像頭,以便用戶進行遠端視訊會議,充分滿足職場人士的多元化辦公室需求。而三星 S90PC 對於傳統專業顯示器的解構不僅體現在畫質與性能的全面超越,也以頗具人性化的人體工學設計成為創意人士的理想搭檔。根據使用情境的不同,使用者可以自由調整顯示器高度、傾斜角度,以獲得最適合的辦公體驗,減輕頸部負擔。標配旋轉升降支架,能夠將顯示器旋轉 90 度。防眩光霧面螢幕搭配 TUV 認證的智慧護眼功能,為職場人士的眼部健康保駕護航。


三星高解析度顯示器利用創新技術呈現深邃清晰、栩栩如生的畫質,為內容創作者、影像工作者、平面設計師等從事創意工作的人群提供全新創作體驗。三星高解析度顯示器S8(S80PB)同樣是職場人士的" 得力助手",超高清解析度和IPS 面板還原影像的驚人細節與逼真色彩,高達98% 的DCI-P3 色域與DisplayHDR 600 標準實現豐富、精緻的色調。透過分割畫面技術,顯示器能夠同步審查兩個項目或運行兩個程序,利用畫中畫技術,還能將第二個訊號源的尺寸調整到螢幕的 25%,讓辦公室、聊天或娛樂同步進行。作為三星第一台通過 UL 認證的防眩光顯示器,其啞光顯示技術讓專業人士即使在沒有顯示器遮光罩的情況下,也能以清晰可見的亮度和色彩水平,查看和編輯內容。


As office workers in different industries continue to put forward new requirements for the display effect, performance, appearance, controllability and other aspects of terminal display equipment, displays are increasingly developing towards high-end and refinement. Samsung curved high-resolution display S9 (S95UC) expands the creative field with a 49-inch ultra-wide screen, and its excellent display effects allow users to experience the joy of efficient office work. The 1000R curved display delivers stunning images with a 32:9 aspect ratio, and you can see and do more with the DQHD ultrawide screen. The 120Hz refresh rate allows users to reduce lag when scrolling through internet sites and working in apps. VESA DisplayHDR 400 delivers high dynamic range images, delivering deep blacks and brilliant whites. Multiple input interfaces turn the monitor into a desktop docking station in seconds. DisplayPort interface, dual HDMI interface, and USB Type-C interface that supports 90W reverse charging make connection, transmission and viewing between devices more convenient. Only one set is needed to integrate KVM function The keyboard and mouse can control the two signal sources connected to the monitor, and the Easy setting Box software can quickly partition the screen, making multitasking simple.


Expand horizons and start a new chapter, Samsung Display insists on being user-centered, taking the research and development of the highest quality products and the most cutting-edge technology as its own responsibility, and constantly launching cutting-edge breakthroughs in imagination Technological Achievements. In the future, Samsung's multi-function high-resolution displays will continue to aim at simplifying the working environment, improving work comfort and productivity, and will penetrate deeper into the business office market and use product innovation to promote the advancement of the industry.

