首頁 >硬體教學 >硬體新聞 >吉利雷達四驅新品「雷達地平線」上市在即,中國皮卡迎來Cyber​​truck時刻


2024-02-26 12:55:021074瀏覽


也正是在2023年,吉利雷達推出了國內首款原生純電皮卡雷達RD6,以先行者之姿,改變傳統皮卡競爭格局,並交出了全年61.5%細分市場市佔第一的答案卷,成為當之無愧的新能源皮卡領導者。 2024年,吉利雷達性能更強悍的四驅車型即將到來,就在2月26日,吉利雷達官員宣四驅新品正式命名為“雷達地平線”,併計劃於今年第二季度上。






中國皮卡市場從不缺少用戶,只是缺少能真正滿足用戶需求的皮卡產品。 1月份,剛在美國交付的特斯拉Cyber​​truck來到中國巡展,在新能源加持下讓它成為了前所未有的“新物種”,各大城市巡展人氣火爆。不少業內人士認為,Cyber​​truck的轎跑級加速、高功率外放電、SUV舒適感等產品特性,率先為新能源皮卡樹立了行業基準線。









In terms of extreme control, Radar Horizon not only has 7 driving modes to meet the driving needs of various road conditions, but also can be switched by voice, which is more convenient; it is also equipped with an intelligent all-terrain feedback system, which can intelligently adjust the four-wheel torque distribution to achieve the goal. Torque responds instantaneously in milliseconds, allowing you to drive with confidence whether it is ice, snow or muddy conditions. At the same time, Radar Horizon uses the OneBox intelligent integrated braking system with a braking response time of ≤150ms to protect drivers and passengers.


In addition, Radar Horizon also has strong adaptability outdoors. The peak total torque of 594N·m combined with the adaptive adjustment of the slope gradient can achieve a maximum grade of 95%, allowing you to ride freely on complex road conditions. In narrow outdoor sections, Radar Horizon can achieve a minimum turning radius of 3.5m by accurately controlling the power distribution between the front and rear wheels, and can make a smart U-turn to easily get out of trouble.

When encountering wading road conditions, the maximum wading depth of the radar horizon is 815mm, which exceeds the Hummer EV. The maximum rated load is 865kg, which is far ahead in the pickup truck industry and can store all the equipment for outdoor travel in an orderly manner. Not only that, Radar Horizon breaks through the time-limited outdoor power ecosystem, providing powerful power guarantee for outdoor life and work. The maximum external discharge power of 21kW is the only one in the world, making power consumption worry-free in all scenarios, allowing users to bid farewell to the anxiety of outdoor power consumption.


Radar Horizon also brings ultimate security protection to users. In terms of body safety, it adopts endoskeleton integrated body technology, has an 8-ton roof compressive strength, and a torsional stiffness of 30,300N·m/deg. The high-rigidity body can be called a performance fortress, providing users with ultimate safety and leading its class. In terms of battery safety, Radar Horizon is equipped with five BMS battery management functions, which can be controlled in real time 24/7. In the extremely cold environment of -32°, low-temperature charging is faster, and the battery life is longer and safer.

With the continuous evolution of the new energy vehicle market, new energy pickup trucks with a series of advantages such as strong power, high-power external discharge, high comfort, large space, and rich expansion will become a new choice for more users. , China’s pickup truck market will also usher in the “new energy era of pickup trucks.” As China's first four-wheel drive pure electric super pickup truck, Radar Horizon will also use its super performance to establish a new value benchmark in the new energy era of pickup trucks.

