單例模式確保一個類別只有一個實例。這對於需要全域存取的類別(如資料庫連接或設定管理員)非常有用。以下是單例模式的 PHP 實作:
class Database { private static $instance = null; private function __construct() {} public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new Database(); } return self::$instance; } }
interface Observer { public function update($message); } class ConcreteObserver implements Observer { public function update($message) { echo "Received message: $message" . php_EOL; } } class Subject { private $observers = []; public function addObserver(Observer $observer) { $this->observers[] = $observer; } public function notifyObservers($message) { foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { $observer->update($message); } } }
interface SortStrategy { public function sort($data); } class BubbleSortStrategy implements SortStrategy { public function sort($data) { // Implement bubble sort alGorithm } } class QuickSortStrategy implements SortStrategy { public function sort($data) { // Implement quick sort algorithm } } class SortManager { private $strategy; public function setStrategy(SortStrategy $strategy) { $this->strategy = $strategy; } public function sortData($data) { $this->strategy->sort($data); } }
interface Creator { public function createProduct(); } class ConcreteCreatorA implements Creator { public function createProduct() { return new ProductA(); } } class ConcreteCreatorB implements Creator { public function createProduct() { return new ProductB(); } } class Client { private $creator; public function setCreator(Creator $creator) { $this->creator = $creator; } public function createProduct() { return $this->creator->createProduct(); } }
interface Shape { public function draw(); } class Circle implements Shape { public function draw() { echo "Drawing a circle." . PHP_EOL; } } class Decorator implements Shape { private $component; public function __construct(Shape $component) { $this->component = $component; } public function draw() { $this->component->draw(); } } class RedDecorator extends Decorator { public function __construct(Shape $component) { parent::__construct($component); } public function draw() { parent::draw(); echo "Adding red color to the shape." . PHP_EOL; } }
PHP 設計模式提供了強大的工具來提高程式碼可維護性、可重複使用性和可擴充性。透過採用這些設計模式,您可以編寫更靈活、更易於理解和維護的程式碼,從而長期節省時間和精力。
以上是提升程式碼可維護性:採用 PHP 設計模式的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!