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2024-02-19 09:12:06734瀏覽




在 Finder 中,您可以透過選取要移動或重新命名的資料夾,然後點擊「檔案」選單中的「移至」或「重新命名」選項來執行對應操作。此外,您還可以簡單地拖曳資料夾到目標位置,或右鍵單擊資料夾以進行更多操作。


【/Applications】常用軟體的安裝目錄。 【/private /var/ mobile/Media /iphone video Recorder】錄影檔存放目錄。 【/private /var/ mobile/Media /DCIM】相機拍攝的照片檔案存放目錄。


方法1 首先我們需要將Finder的顯示路徑開啟。



1、如果您能夠找到桌面資料夾,將其拖回桌面即可。方法2:Time Machine備份復原資料夾如果您定期使用Time Machine進行備份,那麼可以直接使用它來恢復消失的桌面資料夾。首先,請確保您的外部硬碟或網路儲存裝置與Mac電腦連接。


Time Machine備份是Mac用戶的重要工具,可在多種資料遺失情況下發揮作用。如果開啟了Time Machine備份,可以輕鬆地恢復永久刪除、格式化分割區遺失、系統崩潰等情況下遺失的檔案。




3、在 Finder 中,您可以透過選取要移動或重新命名的資料夾,然後點擊「檔案」選單中的「移動到」或「重新命名」選項來執行對應操作。此外,您還可以簡單地拖曳資料夾到目標位置,或右鍵單擊資料夾以進行更多操作。


1、方法透過鍵盤快速鍵因此資料夾輸入組合快捷鍵:【command shift .】就可以顯示出隱藏資料夾了。再輸入一次組合快捷鍵【command shift .】就可以繼續隱藏資料夾了。

2、按住Command 空格,輸入終端機。打開終端,輸入指令chflags hidden ,注意後面有一個空格也需要複製貼上。將你要隱藏的檔案/資料夾拖曳至終端機視窗。接著按下 Enter後,就可以看到資料夾被隱藏了。


4、mac怎麼隱藏資料夾 樓上說到的library確實是隱藏資料夾,不錯,你可以把文件放到library把它隱藏起來。

5、在Dock欄上按F4進入,選擇Automator,然後在右上角的狀態列中點擊檔案 - 新建,然後選擇「工作流程」。然後在左側的資源庫點選檔案和資料夾。並將「獲得指定的 Finder 項目」拖曳到右邊的空白位置。


在Dock欄上按F4進入,選擇Automator,然後在右上角的狀態列中點選檔案- 新建,然後選擇「工作流程」。然後在左側的資源庫點選檔案和資料夾。並將「獲得指定的 Finder 項目」拖曳到右邊的空白位置。



After restarting the computer, open the mobile hard disk, and you can see that the files to be recovered have completely appeared in the mobile hard disk. But one thing that needs special attention is that if there are new operations on the disk after the data is lost, you can go to the found.000 folder and copy them out.

What should I do if I can’t find the file storage location on Apple Mac?

For example, if you want to specify a folder to download files from the browser, click the browser first. Then we click on browser. We click [Preferences] as follows. Then we click Settings General and we click [Download file location] as follows.

To find the downloaded file, simply open File Explorer and navigate to the Downloads folder. In the macOS operating system, downloaded files are stored in the Downloads folder by default.

Many Mac users have encountered the situation where desktop files have disappeared and they cannot be found no matter how they look for them on the computer. So what should I do if my Mac desktop files are missing? How to recover missing files? This needs to be targeted according to the specific cause of the problem. Next, let’s take a look at how to effectively solve it.

When making things in the mac system, file storage location: Open finder and find your user name. It contains the system’s default folder categories. You can just save them by category. Of course, you can also create your own folders. , saving the desktop is so messy, you can drag those classified folders into the dock and access them directly from there.

In the Apple operating system, the automatic recovery function of Word software is slightly different from that of the Windows platform. Let me demonstrate it to you: Open Finder, and then click Go to Go to Folder Options on Mac. You can directly search and go to the AutoRecover folder.

The folder structure of Apple computers is different from that of Windows, so some novices may not know the specific location of Apple folders. The following will introduce in detail the location of the Apple folder and how to access it.

Conclusion: The above is all the content about the management of files that cannot be found when opened on Mac introduced by this website. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about this aspect, remember to bookmark it. Follow this site.

