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從 Golang 中的另一個模組覆蓋函數

2024-02-14 18:15:10626瀏覽

从 Golang 中的另一个模块覆盖函数



如何覆寫 golang 中另一個模組中所建立的函數?

模組 a

在一個模組中,我有 newpersonapiservice 函數,完整程式碼如下:

package openapi

import (

// personapiservice is a service that implements the logic for the personapiservicer
// this service should implement the business logic for every endpoint for the personapi api.
// include any external packages or services that will be required by this service.
type personapiservice struct {

// newpersonapiservice creates a default api service
func newpersonapiservice() personapiservicer {
    return &personapiservice{}

// showperson - detail
func (s *personapiservice) showperson(ctx context.context) (implresponse, error) {
    // todo - update showperson with the required logic for this service method.
    // add api_person_service.go to the .openapi-generator-ignore to avoid overwriting this service implementation when updating open api generation.

    //todo: uncomment the next line to return response response(200, person{}) or use other options such as http.ok ...
    //return response(200, person{}), nil

    //todo: uncomment the next line to return response response(0, error{}) or use other options such as http.ok ...
    //return response(0, error{}), nil

    return response(http.statusnotimplemented, nil), errors.new("showperson method not implemented")

模組 b

在一個單獨的模組中,我想覆寫這個 newpersonapiservice。


package main

import (

    openapi "build/code/spec/src"

func main() {

    log.printf("server started")

    personapiservice := openapi.newpersonapiservice()
    personapicontroller := openapi.newpersonapicontroller(personapiservice)

    router := openapi.newrouter(personapicontroller)

    log.fatal(http.listenandserve(":8080", router))


但是,如果我嘗試覆寫該函數,則會出現編譯錯誤,openapi 的類型無法解析,以下是我嘗試執行的操作:

package main

import (

    openapi "build/code/spec/src"

func main() {

    log.printf("server started")

    personapiservice := openapi.newpersonapiservice()
    personapicontroller := openapi.newpersonapicontroller(personapiservice)

    router := openapi.newrouter(personapicontroller)

    log.fatal(http.listenandserve(":8080", router))


func (s openapi.personapiservice) showperson(ctx context.context) (openapi.implresponse, error) {

    return openapi.response(200, openapi.person{}), nil


其他資訊: 我相信模組 b 正確引用了模組 a。


module build/code/spec

go 1.13

require github.com/go-chi/chi/v5 v5.0.3


module bakkt.com/boilerplate

go 1.19

replace build/code/spec => ./../build/generated/

require build/code/spec v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

require github.com/go-chi/chi/v5 v5.0.3 // indirect


解決方案是在另一個模組中實作 showperson 方法,您需要建立一個新類型來實作 personapiservicer 介面並提供其自己的 showperson 方法的實作。

在模組 b 中運行此程式碼有效,並允許我更改模組 a 中定義的 api 呼叫的回應。

package main

import (

    openapi "build/code/spec/src"

type MyPersonApiService struct{}

func NewMyPersonApiService() openapi.PersonApiServicer {
    return &MyPersonApiService{}

func (s *MyPersonApiService) ShowPerson(ctx context.Context) (openapi.ImplResponse, error) {
    // TODO: Add your own implementation of the ShowPerson method here.

    // For example, you could retrieve a person's details and return them as follows:
    person := openapi.Person{Id: 23, Name: "Vark Thins", Age: 20}
    return openapi.Response(http.StatusOK, person), nil

func main() {

    log.Printf("Server started")

    PersonApiService := NewMyPersonApiService()
    PersonApiController := openapi.NewPersonApiController(PersonApiService)

    router := openapi.NewRouter(PersonApiController)

    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))


以上是從 Golang 中的另一個模組覆蓋函數的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
