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重新分配變數時動態類型未清除 - 這是一個錯誤嗎?

2024-02-13 16:00:11584瀏覽

重新分配变量时动态类型未清除 - 这是一个错误吗?

php小編小新在這裡為大家解答一個常見的問題:「重新分配變數時動態類型未清除- 這是一個錯誤嗎?」在PHP中,變數的動態類型是其靈活性的重要特點。當我們重新給一個變數不同類型的值時,PHP會自動根據新的值來調整變數的類型。然而,有時候我們可能會因為忘記清除變數而導致意外的結果。那麼,這種情況算不算是個錯誤呢?讓我們一起來探討一下。


Go 中有一個眾所周知的怪癖,即持有 nil 值的介面不等於 nil。這是因為在底層,介面是動態類型和值的組合,只有當兩者都是 nil 時,它才會是 nil。所以 (*MyStruct)(nil) != nil(nil)(nil) == nil。本部落格對此進行了更好的解釋。




Unlike regular variable declarations, a short variable declaration may redeclare variables provided they were originally declared earlier in the same block ... Redeclaration does not introduce a new variable; it just assigns a new value to the original.




package main

import (

type CustomError struct{}

func (e *CustomError) Error() string {
    return "err"

// ===================

func FuncThatReturnsCustomError() *CustomError {
    return nil

func FuncThatReturnsCustomErrorAsErrorInterface() error {
    // although the underlying returned value is nil, the return value from this func != nil
    // https://glucn.medium.com/golang-an-interface-holding-a-nil-value-is-not-nil-bb151f472cc7
    return FuncThatReturnsCustomError()

// ===================

func main() {
    // Assign a non-nil value to err (value is nil, dynamic type is not)
    err := FuncThatReturnsCustomErrorAsErrorInterface()
    fmt.Printf("err == nil: %v                                    false because although the value is nil, the dynamic type is not nil (expected)\n", err == nil)

    // Call func where return type is a pointer to a struct and and returns nil
    // It is nil, as expected, this call is just to provide a comparison with the call after
    newlyDeclaredErr := FuncThatReturnsCustomError()
    fmt.Printf("newlyDeclaredErr == nil: %v                        true because func returned nil (expected)\n", newlyDeclaredErr == nil)

    // Exactly the same call as above, but reusing the original err variable instead of declaring a new one
    // Back to not nil, unexpected
    err = FuncThatReturnsCustomError()
    fmt.Printf("original err reassigned == nil: %v                false presumably because err remembered its old dynamic type even after reassignment (unexpected)\n", err == nil)

    // Reassign err again, but explicitly to nil rather than by calling a function that returns nil. This time it's nil again
    err = nil
    fmt.Printf("original err after assignment to nil == nil: %v    true, expected but not consistent with the case above\n", err == nil)



err = FuncThatReturnsCustomError()

您期望結果為 nilerr 是介面類型(error)的變數,FuncThatReturnsCustomError() 的回傳類型為 *CustomError。這不是一個介面類型,而是一個具體類型(指向 CustomError 的指標)。由於它會傳回一個非介面值,因此當指派給介面類型的變數時,必須將其包裝到介面值中。這是將建立非 nil 介面值的位置。這與「記住」或「保留」舊類型資訊無關。


func returnNilErr() error {
    return nil


err = returnNilErr()
fmt.Printf("result of returnNilErr() == nil: %v\n", err == nil)

您會得到(在 Go Playground 上嘗試):

result of returnNilErr() == nil: true

因為returnNilErr()已經有介面結果型別(error),所以它的回傳值不需要打包成介面值,在賦值給err變數時可以照原樣使用。 p>

查看相關/可能的重複:隱藏 nil 值,理解為什麼 Go 在這裡失敗

Go 常見問題:為什麼我的 nil 錯誤值不等於 nil? 一个>

以上是重新分配變數時動態類型未清除 - 這是一個錯誤嗎?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
