[gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:32 | 301 | 1.224601041s | ::1 | post "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:33 | 200 | 787.3905ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:33 | 200 | 197.989875ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:34 | 200 | 817.293166ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:34 | 200 | 206.107791ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:35 | 200 | 792.954375ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:35 | 200 | 201.972708ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:36 | 200 | 840.773625ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:36 | 200 | 198.680125ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:37 | 200 | 897.679708ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:37 | 200 | 200.759917ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:38 | 200 | 795.39975ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:38 | 200 | 196.538ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:39 | 200 | 844.680709ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:39 | 200 | 180.598084ms | ::1 | get "/login" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:40 | 200 | 814.666208ms | ::1 | get "/dashboard" [gin-debug] [warning] headers were already written. wanted to override status code 301 with 200 [gin] 2023/02/21 - 15:43:40 | 200 | 210.281ms | ::1 | get "/login"
現在,由於我正在填補老開發人員的空缺,所以我仍在學習/golang 和 gin 的新手,所以對我來說,這只是裸露的......
func main() { //gin.setmode(gin.releasemode) // uncomment for production // startup tasks startup() logging.loginfo("ran startup tasks...") // configure engine hostport := fmt.sprintf( "%s:%d", datamanagers.loadconfig().bshost, datamanagers.loadconfig().bsport) webengine := gin.default() webengine.settrustedproxies([]string{hostport}) logging.loginfo("configured engine...") // load middleware store := cookie.newstore([]byte(randstr.string(64))) webengine.use(sessions.sessions("session", store)) webengine.use(errorhandler.errorshandler500()) logging.loginfo("loaded middleware...") // configure routes pubroutes := webengine.group("/") privroutes := webengine.group("/") routes.publicroutes(pubroutes) privroutes.use(middleware.authrequired) routes.privateroutes(privroutes) logging.loginfo("configured routes...") // non routables webengine.noroute(errorhandler.errorshandler404()) logging.loginfo("configured non-routables...") // load template files loadtemplates(webengine) logging.loginfo("loaded templates...") // start the gin engine err := webengine.run(hostport) logging.loginfo("...blocksuite-webui loaded") logging.catch(err) }
當存取 /
時,我會被重新導向到 /login
我使用有效憑證提交表單,它會將我重定向到 /dashboard
#func publicroutes(webengine *gin.routergroup) { webengine.get("/login", entry.logingethandler) webengine.post("/login", entry.loginposthandler) webengine.get("/", other.indexgethandler()) } func privateroutes(webengine *gin.routergroup) { dashboardroutes := webengine.group("/dashboard") { dashboardroutes.get("/", dashboard.dashboardgethandler) } }
#func logingethandler(context *gin.context) { user := utility.getusersession(context).get("useremail") if user != nil { context.redirect(http.statusmovedpermanently, "/dashboard") } context.html(http.statusok, "login.html", gin.h{ "sitekey": datamanagers.getrecaptchasettings().sitekey, "enabled": datamanagers.getrecaptchasettings().enabled, "content": "", "success": "", "serverlogo": brand.getbrandlogo(), "title": "welcome back", }) } func loginposthandler(context *gin.context) { user := utility.getusersession(context).get("useremail") if user != nil { context.redirect(http.statusmovedpermanently, "/dashboard") //return } useremail := utility.sanitize(context.postform("email")) password := utility.sanitize(context.postform("password")) rememberme := utility.sanitize(context.postform("rememberme")) //captcha := context.postform("g-recaptcha-response") if !utility.isemailvalid(useremail) { context.html(http.statusbadrequest, "login.html", gin.h{"content": "please enter a valid email address"}) return } /*if helpers2.recaptchacheck(captcha) || datamanagers.getconfig().sitekey != "" { // success } else { if datamanagers.getconfig().enabled { context.html(http.statusbadrequest, "login.html", gin.h{"content": "please verify captcha"}) return } }*/ if utility.emptyuserpass(useremail, password) { context.html(http.statusbadrequest, "login.html", gin.h{"content": "email and password cannot be empty"}) return } if utility.checkforwhitespaces(useremail, password) != nil { context.html(http.statusbadrequest, "login.html", gin.h{"content": "username and password can't contain spaces"}) return } if !utility.checkuserpass(useremail, password) { context.html(http.statusunauthorized, "login.html", gin.h{"content": "incorrect username or password"}) return } utility.newusersession(context, useremail) if rememberme == "yes" { utility.setsessionage(context) } context.redirect(http.statusmovedpermanently, "/dashboard") }
然後,應該要載入 /dashboard
#func dashboardgethandler(context *gin.context) { user := utility.getusersession(context).get("useremail") db := datamanagers.getdb() if user == nil { context.redirect(http.statusmovedpermanently, "/login") } [...] context.html(http.statusok, "dashboard.html", gin.h{ "info": info, "imageurl": utility.getimage(user), "serverlogo": brand.getbrandicon(), "title": "dashboard", "servername": datamanagers.getserverinfo().servername, }) }
(在 dashboard.go
並且沒有骰子。 func DashboardGetHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(context *gin.Context) { [...] } }
在他的程式碼中,他創建了一個中間件函數,由於某種原因,該函數再次檢查會話。那段程式碼正在檢查會話 cookie 中不存在的舊變數。因此,我被踢回登入畫面。
因此,我所做的就是刪除該中間件,因為無論如何我都是在 login.go 中處理該中間件。
以上是Golang Gin:標題已經寫好了。想要用 200 覆蓋狀態碼 301的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!