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越來越多的OEM廠商發現,避免上述問題的最佳方式是使用基於開源、經過驗證、可擴展,並能運行在各種硬體平台上的Linux作業系統來開始新的設計。 Linux作業系統在各種電腦硬體平台上的移植數量也是首屈一指的。


雖然Linux被廣泛應用並取得成功,但這並不意味著它易於使用。 Linux包含的程式碼超過一百萬行,並且運行方式具有明顯的“Linux方式”,初學者可能需要一定時間來適應。

因此,本文的目的是為了幫助使用Linux嵌入式作業系統版本-μClinux,來啟動一個新的設計專案。本指南將分為五個步驟。為了說明該指南,文中介紹了在意法半導體的STM32F429微控制器上實現的一個μClinux項目,該微控制器採用ARMCortex-M4內核,最高主頻為180MHz,並使用了Emcraft的STM32F429DiscoveryLinux板支援包(BSP )。





GNUBinutils是嵌入式Linux工具鏈的第一個元件。 GNUBinutils包含兩款重要工具:















For embedded system designers, it is also convenient to use a tool (utility) aggregation tool, such as BusyBox, which integrates the tools that are usually most needed. According to BusyBox's information page, "It combines tiny versions of many common UNIX tools into a small executable. It provides an alternative to most of the tools you would typically see in tools like GNU fileutils and shellutils. BusyBox The tools in BusyBox are generally less selective than their full-featured GNU counterparts; but the included options provide expected functionality and behavior that is almost identical to that provided by the GNU counterpart. For any small or embedded system, BusyBox provides The environment is quite complete.”

The last important tool is a BSP, which is specially made for the motherboard equipped with the project target MCU or processor.

The BSP includes pre-configured tools, as well as a bootloader to load the operating system onto the motherboard. It also provides source code for the kernel and device drivers (see Figure 1).


Step 2: Boot Sequence, Clock System, Memory and Serial Interface

The typical embedded Linux startup sequence is as follows:

1) The bootloader firmware (U-Boot in the example project) runs in the target MCU's built-in flash memory (no external memory required), and after power-on/reset, performs all necessary initialization work, including setting up the serial port and using Memory controller for external memory (RAM) access.

2) U-Boot can transfer the Linux image from external Flash to external RAM and transfer control to the kernel entry point in RAM. Linux images can be compressed to save flash space at the expense of decompression time at boot time.

3) Linux boots and installs a RAM-based file system (initramfs) as the root file system. When the project is built, the Initramfs is populated with the required files and directories and then simply linked to the kernel.

4) Under the Linux kernel, execute /sbin/init. The /sbin/init program initializes the system according to the description of the configuration file in /etc/inittab.

5) Once the initialization process completes run-level execution and commands in /sbin/init, it starts a login process.

6) The execution of the shell initialization file /etc/profile marks the completion of the startup process.

You can significantly shorten startup time and improve overall performance by enabling in-place execution (ExecuteInPlace—XIP), which is a method of executing code from flash memory. Typically, Linux code is loaded from flash memory to external memory and then executed from the external memory. By executing from flash memory, less memory is required because this copying step is no longer required, and read-only memory no longer takes up program space.

