首頁 >系統教程 >MAC >mac刪除一張照片快速鍵(mac怎麼快速刪除照片)


2024-02-02 15:35:192296瀏覽



批次刪除圖片的步驟如下:第一,開啟包含要刪除圖片的資料夾;第二,使用快捷鍵Command A(或使用Ctrl鍵逐一選擇要刪除的圖片);第三,右鍵點選已選取的圖片,然後選擇「移到廢紙簍」。這樣就完成了大量刪除圖片的操作。

開啟包含要刪除圖片的資料夾。使用Command A選取所有圖片,或使用Ctrl鍵逐一選取要刪除的圖片。

首先,我們可以利用Finder來管理照片。打開Finder,找到您的照片資料夾,然後選取要刪除的照片,使用快捷鍵Command Delete來快速刪除它們。

在蘋果Mac系統的電腦上,刪除照片非常簡單。只需按下鍵盤快捷鍵command A以選中所有照片,然後右鍵單擊並選擇“移動到廢紙簍”,即可完成刪除全部。首先,在程式塢中找到並開啟【照片】選項。然後,在開啟的照片頁面中,根據需要選擇照片分類,接著選取要刪除的照片即可。


拿蘋果的MacBook Pro和MacOSX系統為例,鍵盤上的刪除鍵其實是Delete鍵,位於右上角。蘋果電腦的鍵盤與Windows系統的鍵盤在許多方面有所不同。例如,在蘋果電腦中,沒有Backspace鍵,也沒有Win鍵和Fn鍵,但有Option鍵和Command鍵。這些鍵的功能也有所不同。 Option鍵相當於Windows鍵盤上的Alt鍵,用於執行特殊指令或輸入特殊字元。 Command鍵相當於Windows鍵盤上的Ctrl鍵,用於執行鍵盤快速操作或與應用程式互動。因此,蘋果電腦的鍵盤佈局和功能與Windows系統有些差異。


蘋果筆記型電腦的刪除鍵是delete,它可以刪除遊標前方的文字。此外,透過使用快速鍵command delete,還可以刪除遊標之前的整行內容。如果你想刪除一個選取的文件,同樣可以使用command delete快捷鍵來完成。


下圖是手機上某個相簿出現無法刪除照片的情況。 將手機連接至電腦,開啟 iTunes,執行同步操作。


方法將iphone連接mac電腦,打開“我的電腦”,打開“我的iPhone”,打開“Internal Storage”,打開“DCIM”,找到照片資料夾,然後選擇照片,刪除。


開啟iTunes,選擇您將照片同步進iPhone裝置的路徑。參考以下步驟: 將此資料夾中的照片複製到另一個資料夾中。接下來,您可以進行以下步驟: 選擇同步,這樣您先前的照片就會從手機上刪除。




1、在 Mac 上的照片 App 圖冊 中,點按邊欄中的重複項目。選擇想要合併的重複項目。你可以選擇一行中的單獨項目並合併,也可以選擇多行重複項目並一次合併。點選合併 [數量] 個重複項目。

2、方法在 Mac 上的照片中移除重複照片mac重複的照片怎麼刪除?其中一個解決方法就是透過圖庫刪除。如果你的Mac作業系統是macOS 13(Ventura),可以進入照片應用程序,選擇重複項目功能,選取重複的照片然後合併。

3. Method 2: Restore through Trash Backup If the Time Machine backup you created contains photos that were accidentally deleted, you can restore them through it. On a Mac, open Time Machine by clicking its icon on the status menu. You can also find and open it in Finder.

How to delete photos on Apple computers

1. First open the Launchpad in Apple computer, enter the Launchpad page, and click on the photo to enter. Secondly, after entering the photo page, select the photo that needs to be deleted, right-click the mouse, etc. to pop up the sequence bar. After the sequence bar finally pops up, click below to delete a photo in the sequence bar that pops up.

2. In the first step, if the photo you want to delete is on the desktop or a folder on the desktop, then move the image to the trash can to successfully delete the image.

3. On an Apple Mac system computer, deleting photos is very simple. Simply press the keyboard shortcut command A to select all photos, then right-click and select "Move to Trash" to delete them all. First, find and open the [Photos] option in the dock. Then, in the photo page that opens, select the photo category as needed, and then select the photos you want to delete.

4. First, if there are pictures on the desktop that need to be deleted, click the shortcut key cmmand delete to delete them. After deletion, it is as shown in the picture. To continue deleting other pictures, we need to click "Photos" in "Launch". Select the picture you want to delete, and then press and hold the shortcut key "cmmand delete".

5. Step 2: Use Command A to select all the pictures. Of course, you can also use the ctrl key to select the pictures you want to delete one by one; Step 3: Select "Move to Trash". Completed the batch deletion of pictures.

6. First, we can use Finder to manage photos. Open Finder, find your photo folder, then select the photos you want to delete and use the shortcut Command Delete to quickly delete them.

Conclusion: The above is all the shortcut keys for deleting a photo on Mac introduced by this site. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about this, remember to bookmark it. Follow this site.

