首頁 >硬體教學 >硬體新聞 >中國移動發布手機評測報告,是否對評測部落客帶來競爭壓力?


2024-01-19 21:09:14597瀏覽

2019年8月5日,中國市場第一台5G智慧型手機中興Axon 10 Pro正式開售,象徵中國正式進入5G新時代。









# #圖片來源:中國移動

直板手機榜單中最耀眼的機型,是喜提4,000元以上高階陣營第一的小米14 Pro。也難怪小米CEO雷軍在評測報告發出當天就主動轉發,並祝賀小米14研發團隊。

除此之外,榮耀、vivo、Redmi、OPPO、一加也有不少機種上榜,每家都有其獨特的競爭優勢。 vivo X系列的影像能力、一加的通訊技術、OPPO的ColorOS系統、Redmi和榮耀的高性價比都是它們登上直板手機綜合評測TOP排行榜的主要原因之一。




影像能力是旗艦手機繞不過的話題,本次評測選取了6款旗艦機型進行PK。最終結果大家也看到了,vivo X100 Pro成為年度影像機皇,這與前段時間微博公佈的「2023年度手機大賞」結果不謀而合,雷科技(ID:leitech)在年度盤點中也曾多次提到並點讚這款影像旗艦。

我們也終於在榜單上看見了蘋果的身影,可惜iPhone 15 Pro Max在長焦高動態拍攝、色彩渲染和曝光效果方面表現不錯,其他方面仍待優化,最終排名倒數第一。




手遊體驗是當代年輕人選擇手機的重要因素之一,旗艦手機普遍配備了高性能的核心配置,但不同品牌的軟硬體適配度令遊戲體驗產生了差異。紅魔鬼9 Pro遊戲手機無愧其遊戲手機的命名,除觸控反應待優化外,幀率、流暢、續航方面表現都十分優異。這結論依然十分專業,紅魔鬼在遊戲手機中的地位人所共知。雷科技(ID:leitech)先前也曾對紅魔鬼這款手機進行報道,《4,399元起!紅魔鬼9 Pro系列發表:平面背板設計,配置拉滿》。

iQOO 12 賽道版散熱表現較好,其他機種在功耗控制和幀率穩定性方面仍需最佳化。




來到5G折疊螢幕手機,選擇相較直板手機明顯減少,中國移動選取了5款8000元以上的折疊螢幕手機進行綜合評測。 OPPO Find N3收穫五顆星好評,其餘4款折疊螢幕手機都是四顆星。與直板手機相比,折疊螢幕外觀設計也是重要的評分維度之一,主要考慮機型的輕量化設計,榮耀 Magic V2輕薄化的使用體驗為其加分不少。關於OPPO Find N3,雷科技曾在評測中大加讚賞,甚至認為其「堪稱當時最成熟的折疊式螢幕手機」。




5G直板手機綜合評測TOP排行榜,主要的考量標準正是「綜合」。手機拍照性能排名前二的vivo X100 Pro和三星 S23 Ultra都沒有上榜,手機遊戲性能排名前三的紅魔鬼9 Pro遊戲手機、iQOO 12 賽道版、iPhone 15 Pro Max也同樣如此。

那三個價位段排名TOP1的小米14 Pro、榮耀100 Pro、榮耀X50 GT又是憑什麼登頂同價位機皇呢?



小米14 Pro發售後不久就迅速突破百萬銷量,成功助推小米手機在2023年第四季啟用量暴漲38%,成為當季國產手機品牌第一。

小米14 Pro起售價4999元,首發搭載高通驍龍8 Gen3處理器,在手機市場先聲奪人,並且在功耗方面也控制的相當不錯,最高支援16GB 1TB儲存方案;影像方面搭載了徠卡三攝Summilux鏡頭,外加可變光圈;螢幕方面,高顏值的2K全等深微曲屏,還用上了全新小米龍晶玻璃。

值得注意的是,小米手機在中國移動最關注的通訊能力、多媒體能力、用戶口碑三個維度都被評為「最佳」。雷科技(ID:leitech)先前也曾對小米14 Pro這款手機進行深度評測,並對其給予了高度好評《小米14 Pro評測:堆料猛到爆! ! ! 》。



2500-4000元價位段第一則是榮耀100 Pro,這個價位的手機承接了高階和中階的市場,品牌之間的競爭十分激烈。雖然不像高階手機那樣享受著最尖端的科技,但各家品牌也佈置了許多有實力的產品。

榮耀100 Pro能脫穎而出,可見其競爭力。效能方面,榮耀100 Pro搭載了高通驍龍8 Gen2處理器,全系最高標配16GB 1TB儲存方案,支援66W無線快充,整體效能即使放在中高階市場也相當能打。影像方面,榮耀100 Pro主打人像影像,業界首演索尼IMX906感應器,支援OIS光學防手震,同時擁有2片像素單眼相機。

此外,3399元的起售價 1.5K綠洲護眼屏 青海湖電池,讓榮耀100 Pro具有突出的記憶點。尤其在護眼科技上,真正做到了新鮮技術普惠化。



#2500元以下機型TOP1,還是榮耀家族的成員-榮耀X50 GT。這款1月發表的新品,能在這麼短時間內超越前輩們迅速登頂,實力不容小覷。在發售當天,小雷在現場親眼見證這款性能新機的誕生,《1999元起,榮耀X50 GT正式發布:性能、防摔兩手抓? 》。

HonorX50 GT1999元起售,頂級16GB 1TB版只要2799元,牢牢卡住了2000元價格段。核心搭載驍龍8 處理器,其他配置為:1.5K OLED螢幕、5800mAh電池、35W快充、100MP後置雙攝。

老實說,這款手機在紙面數據上的優勢並不明顯,但其圍繞著用戶體驗下了不少的功夫。出色的硬體調校令榮耀敢與友商8 Gen2機型對比,穩定幀率、VC散熱以及靈龍觸控令榮耀X50 GT具備了卓越的遊戲體驗。


高性價比、大容量電池、標配16GB 1TB儲存、旗艦效能處理器,總之能給的通通安排上最好的。然後在此基礎上充分發揮自身優勢,令使用者形成記憶點。



As one of the important media that connects mobile phone brands and users at the same time, the reference value of this evaluation report of China Mobile is still quite high. The four selected evaluation dimensions cover the basic needs of users. You can use it as a direct reference when purchasing a mobile phone.


##Source: China Mobile

In fact, It is not a new thing for operators to conduct mobile phone reviews. China Telecom and China Unicom also joined the evaluation queue early. In chronological order, China Mobile was the first to start. It released the first "China Mobile Intelligent Hardware Quality Report" in 2015. China Telecom and China Unicom will both start releasing the "Annual Terminal Report" in 2021.

The focus of each operator's report is different and will be adjusted accordingly every year, but operators all focus on the communication industry for observation and summary.

Operators conduct evaluations for three reasons:

1. Operators face users and manufacturers directly as the basis for communication. Facilities providers have core data, such as network data, network performance, traffic usage, etc., so theoretically they have a clear understanding of the current situation of the mobile phone industry and the performance of mainstream products. Generally speaking, the sources of terminal report data provided by operators are often the closest to reality, but considering that the evaluation standards of various companies are not uniform, the final results may be slightly different.

#2. Operators do not rely on advertising, so the evaluation results are more likely to be neutral. Video UP owners, bloggers, review internet celebrities, and review media may be "just right" and influence the review conclusion. However, operators have deep pockets and do not rely on advertising. Therefore, theoretically speaking, reviews are more likely (note, it is only possible) to be authoritative, neutral, and Objectively speaking, this is like the American "Consumer Reports" magazine. It charges directly to users and rejects all advertising, so the product evaluation results are absolutely reliable.

#3. Operationally, it is an important mobile phone sales channel, at least it used to be. In previous years, operators' "contract phones" were one of the core channels for mobile phone sales. "Pre-deposit phone bills to give away mobile phones" activities were very common. Even high-end phones worth 6k can be obtained by recharging phone bills. In addition, operator store channels are also important channels for mobile phone display and sales. It is only in recent years that mobile phone sales have fully moved towards e-commerce and offline channels, and they are no longer so dependent on operators. As one of the sales channels, operators still have a certain say in the evaluation of mobile phone products. But this will inevitably affect objectivity and neutrality. After all, it also involves business cooperation.

Overall, Xiaolei believes that it is very necessary for operators to launch evaluation reports like the "Annual Comprehensive Mobile Phone Evaluation Data Report", as mentioned above , operators know the current situation of the mobile phone industry best, and they can provide reliable first-hand data, which is an advantage that other institutions cannot compare with. We only need to make more comparisons in the terminal reports of multiple operators, and combine it with the evaluation conclusions of many professional and authoritative media to quickly find the model that suits us in the vast sea of ​​machines.

2024 Year of the Dragon is jointly produced by Lei Technology MCN’s accounts (Lei Technology/Xiao Lei Beep/Dianche Tong/Value Research Institute/Luo Chao Pro) The special series "Technology Welcomes the Year of the Dragon, AI Celebrates the Spring Festival" during the Spring Festival is continuing to output content. Welcome to subscribe and follow on platforms such as Lei Technology (ID: leitech).

