首頁 >系統教程 >MAC >尋找蘋果mac介面組織化的方法


2024-01-12 17:21:281096瀏覽






Mac電腦 點選蘋果圖示。這是選單列左上角的Apple標誌。點選系統偏好設定。點選「安全性和隱私」圖示。圖示的形狀像房子。點擊隱私。按一下左窗格中的服務。


蘋果電腦清理桌面圖標的方法如下:右鍵刪除:直接點中想要移除的圖標,右鍵選擇移除到廢紙簍。快速鍵批次刪除:點選需要刪除的圖標,接著按command delete,這個時候圖標或檔案圖示被刪除了的。


第一種方法右鍵刪除法:對於不想要的圖標,直接點中這個圖標。右鍵選擇移除到廢紙簍。移除到廢紙簍後,原來的圖示即消失不見了。第二種方法快速鍵刪除法:點選一些需要刪除的圖片,接著按cmmand delete。




適用於 Windows 10:控制面板在工作列上的搜尋框中尋找,輸入就能找到。對於 Windows 7:控制台在「開始」按鈕那裡,請按一下即可。

Mac 的 Terminal 終端位於 LaunchPad 中。在 LaunchPad 中,找到「其它」資料夾並進入。隨後我們便找到了終端應用。打開終端機後,可看到一個白色的小窗口,並顯示相關的字符,以及閃光的遊標。

第1步:在電腦系統桌面,點選左下角的開始圖示 步驟2:在彈出的選單介面,點選這裡的設定圖示。步驟3:在Windows設定介面,點選搜尋欄,輸入控制面板,點選進入。步驟4:最後來到控制面板的管理介面。



1、按下option和command後再按7會出現各種整理方法。如果想整理到別的地方去就按shift command D就可以在finder裡瀏覽桌面檔案了。





How to set up automatic arrangement of file icons on Mac computers

Here I will tell you a simple method. The shortcut key control command 1 automatically arranges, control command 2 automatically arranges according to type, and the folder under mac is set once. , all subsequent files will be executed according to your last setting.

You can also press the shortcut key control command 1 to automatically arrange, and control command 2 to automatically arrange according to type. The folder under the mac is set once, and all subsequent files will be executed according to the last setting.

Right-click the mouse on the desktop, find the arrangement icon, move the mouse to the arrangement icon, find automatic arrangement and click, turn off automatic arrangement, follow steps 1 and 2 above to find the alignment grid and click, turn on the alignment grid. This way Freely place all files on the desktop, and then drag the icons to the middle of the desktop with the mouse.

Where are the window minimize and maximize buttons on Mac system?

1. Use the shortcut key Command M to quickly minimize the current window; use the shortcut key Command Option M, You can quickly minimize all windows of the current application.

2. Minimize the window. Click the minimize button with the left mouse button as shown in the figure. At this time, the browser window will return to the taskbar to complete the minimization operation. Window restoration and maximization. As shown in the figure, click the restore (maximize) button with the left mouse button, and the browser window will be restored (maximized).

3. Under normal circumstances, Mac system can minimize the current window by clicking the small yellow button in the upper left corner of the window. Netizens asked if there is an easier way? The answer is yes, we can use shortcut keys to minimize the window. So what is the shortcut key for minimizing the window on Mac? Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use it.

4. The shortcut key to minimize the current window in Windows system is: Alt Space N.

Conclusion: The above is all the content introduced by this site about where the Apple Mac interface is organized. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about this aspect, remember to bookmark and follow it. This site.

