首頁 >電腦教學 >故障排查 >手提電腦的c盤只有一個硬碟分割區嗎?


2024-01-11 14:05:05852瀏覽















Windows 11是由微軟公司(Microsoft)開發的作業系統,應用於電腦和平板電腦等設備,於2021年6月24日正式發布,10月5日上市。

Windows 11提供了許多創新功能,旨在支援當前的混合工作環境,專注於在靈活多變的全新體驗中提高最終用戶的工作效率 。

截至2021年10月5日,Windows 11已向測試使用者推送Dev預覽版、Beta預覽版、正式版。



1. 開機畫面出現藍色背景的三星logo畫面時,快速按下鍵盤的鍵。

2. 進入Recovery一鍵還原介面3. 點選左上角的。

4. 然後找到右邊的。

5. 將分區設定中的滑桿向右滑動到6. 然後將下方的滑桿向左滑動。 7. 將分區C劃分為C,D兩個分區,大小依自己所需而定,然後點選下方的。 8. 當提示「是否需要繼續進行恢復」時,點選下方的。 (註:此操作將導致硬碟資料全部清空,請先備份資料。)9. 此時會出現「正在設定分割區。請稍後」的提示10. 完成後畫面會出現「復原已完成,系統將會重新啟動”,然後點擊下方的即可。 11. 重新啟動並依照提示設定完成後,硬碟即被分成兩個分割區。註:1.此操作將導致硬碟內所有資料遺失,請先備份資料。 2.請連接電源轉接器後再進行操作。






1. 確認電腦上的作業系統數量。您可以在“我的電腦”或“此電腦”中查看。

2. 確認電腦的啟動項目。您可以按下「Win R」鍵開啟執行窗口,輸入「msconfig」並回車,開啟系統配置工具,在「引導」標籤中查看啟動項目。

3. 刪除不需要的啟動項目。如果您確定哪個作業系統是您需要的,可以在系統設定工具中將其他的啟動項目刪除掉。

4. 如果您不確定如何刪除啟動項,建議您諮詢專業人士或聯絡電腦品牌廠商的技術支援。


1、按WIN X組合鍵,然後在彈出的選單中選擇「磁碟管理」。



4. After the compression is completed, an unallocated partition will appear. Right-click the unallocated partition, select "New Simple Volume", and then follow the wizard. At this time, if the unallocated partition has 300G. If we want to divide it into two disks, then when creating the first simple volume, do not divide all the capacity. For example, if 150G is allocated, fill in 150000MB, and then the next step is 5. After completing the new volume, you will There will be one more disk. Next, we will create a new simple volume for the unallocated partition. Finally, we will divide the C drive into three CDE drives. Windows 10 is a new generation of cross-platform and device application operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation in the United States. Windows 10 is the last independent version of Windows released by Microsoft, and the next generation of Windows will appear as an update. There are 7 releases of Windows 10, each targeting different users and devices. On April 11, 2017 (US time), Microsoft released the official version of Windows 10 Creators Update (Creators Update, Build 15063). This system is the fourth official version after the previous first official version, autumn update version, and first anniversary update version. It is also the most mature and stable version so far. On May 12, 2017, Microsoft announced that it would launch a new feature called Timeline in Windows 10 Creators Update, which will be launched in the fall of 2017. This function can help users go back in time, retrieve their previous work, and continue their work at that time.

The C drive of Win11 computer is full and cannot be booted?

Windows 11, the computer’s C drive is full and cannot be booted. If you encounter this situation, you can go to your computer and find Computer Manager. Then clean up the memory of your C drive, or format your C drive. It may be because your C drive has insufficient memory, which causes your computer to freeze. This will cause the computer to fail to boot. You can re-upgrade the memory of the C drive or format the C drive. Now you can start it!

Is it possible to install windows11 without c?

Yes, win11 does not have to be installed on the c drive, it can also be installed on other drives.

In custom, people call the C drive the system disk, and the system disk is used to install the operating system.

The operating system does not have to be installed on the C drive, it can also be installed on other drives.

The hard disk after installation is the system disk. The operating system can be installed on any disk.

How much is left on the C drive after win11 is installed?

This is normal. After the latest win system is installed, it will be about 20-30G. If your C drive space is not less than 60%, it will be fine. This will not affect the operation of the system. If If you are free, you can download Magic Partition Master, and then partition your hard drive losslessly. You can also expand the space of the system disk. There is no need for the system disk to be no less than 100G or something. It is unnecessary and wasteful. In addition, you Set up your virtual memory. Do not manage paging in the C drive. Set paging management to other drives, so that the system disk will be much freer

