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辦公室首選:Voyager Focus 2深度評測

2024-01-06 16:30:06731瀏覽



Poly Voyager Focus 2的定位是專注於溝通和協作的藍牙耳機,與消費級產品相比,外觀設計更加耐用,一切設計目的就是讓用戶可以馬上擁有清晰地溝通質感,背景雜音立即消失。

Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

Poly Voyager Focus 2藍牙耳機的配件十分簡單,標準版只有耳機包和接收器、數據線,如果你選擇有底座的版本,則會附帶一個充電底座,可以讓耳機隨時處於充電狀態,避免要用時耳機突然沒電的尷尬情況。耳機支援2.4G和藍牙兩種連接方式,在周邊幹擾嚴重的時候也支援有線連接,可以透過附贈的線連接PC來繼續使用。

初見之下,Poly Voyager Focus 2就像一款十分普通的產品,如果不是Poly博詣的品牌加持,我或許都不會關注這款產品,但是在使用一段時間後,我不得不感慨「姜還是老的辣」。

作為全球知名的專業及消費性語音通訊產品製造商,Poly博詣透過Poly Voyager Focus 2讓我意識到一款企業級專業產品是如何針對使用者體驗而設計的。值得一提的是,惠普在今年8月宣布完成Poly博詣的收購。 Poly博詣未來將成為惠普混合辦公室解決方案的一員。



在體驗Poly Voyager Focus 2的過程中,恰好遇到了一場線上語音交流會,在會議結束後,我的同事打趣道:「聲音比之前清晰多了啊,又換新耳機了?」。詬異之下,我詢問了他之前的會議體驗,得到的答覆是:「聲音是有的,但是忽遠忽近,而且音量不大,偶爾還會有刺耳的電流聲」。


Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

傳統藍牙技術的抗干擾能力並不強,在無線裝置眾多的環境中很容易被幹擾,這也是Poly Voyager Focus 2選擇2.4G方案的原因,更強的抗干擾不只是保證了使用者的體驗,對通話方來說也會有更好的體驗。

Poly Voyager Focus 2也支援抗干擾更強的藍牙5.1連接,透過側面的開關可以快速切換耳機連接的對象,在兩台裝置之間交替使用。不僅如此,這款耳機甚至可以同時連接高達6個設備,電腦、手機、平板同時無縫接聽。

Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

作為一副通訊耳機,Poly Voyager Focus 2 配置了兩個數位MEMS麥克風和兩個類比ECM麥克風,透過數位化混合ANC技術可即時降低通話背景的噪音,在辦公室有一堆同事在用鍵盤瘋狂輸出的情況下,依然能夠保證對話雙方的通話不會被影響。

許多耳機都有通話降噪功能,但目前體驗過的無線耳機中,Poly Voyager Focus 2顯然是最優秀的那一批。因為大多數通話降噪只是降低環境噪音,並不會對人聲進行處理,如果你的同事剛好在身邊說話,那麼他的聲音就會亂入到交談中。

針對這種情況,Poly Voyager Focus 2使用了一個名為Acoustic Fence拾音魔牆的技術,讓麥克風僅接收指定方向一定範圍內的人聲,讓別人的交談不會影響到你的會議。

除了通話降噪,Poly Voyager Focus 2還支援主動降噪功能,透過耳機側邊的ANC開關可以開啟和調整主動降噪的等級。在連接PC端的Poly Len Desktop軟體後,可開啟SoundGuard Digital進階聲學保護功能,防止日常接觸到噪音超過118分貝。例如突然出現的孩子尖叫聲、通話幹擾噪音等,讓使用者可以全時刻處於舒適的使用體驗。

Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

The microphone of Poly Voyager Focus 2 is designed to rotate left and right. This design makes it significantly different from ordinary communication headsets. You don’t need to care about the microphone when wearing the headset. You can wear it on which side you want, and then flip the microphone down. At this time, the microphone will automatically unmute the mode and adjust the headphone channel according to the direction so that the left and right stereo sound is balanced.

In addition, Poly Voyager Focus 2 also integrates a wear detection function. When you take it off, it will automatically hang up the call or pause the music, and put it on to answer and play. During the entire experience, in addition to some operations required when turning on the phone (connect In addition to Bluetooth, adjusting the volume and configuring the noise reduction level), I almost never touched the buttons of the headphones in the next two days. From use to wearing, I emphasized two words: "no feeling".

Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

No sense does not mean no feeling, but it means that Poly Voyager Focus 2 is like a tool that can be picked up and used at any time , you can use it like putting on a coat without worrying about getting a bad experience due to accidental touch or wrong wearing.

Speaking of wearing, Poly Voyager Focus 2 adopts a minimalist design and is extremely light in weight, so that it can be worn for a long time without causing discomfort to the user. . The in-ear design is a clever design in my opinion. The soft leather earmuffs wrap the ears well, and cotton material is used inside to enhance the breathability. I didn’t feel any discomfort during the entire afternoon of use. , even more comfortable than my over-ear headphones.

If you are someone who often uses a PC for Internet calls, I believe Poly Voyager Focus 2 will become your favorite headset.

Not just a communication headset

As a HiFi headset enthusiast, every time I review a headset, I will subconsciously check the sound quality. Although Poly Voyager Focus 2 is not a HiFi headset, I I still want to see how the communication headset performs in terms of music functions. To be honest, I was surprised by the results. Poly Voyager Focus 2 is designed for communication from design to function, but it also has surprising performance in music performance.

The balanced three-band and slightly prominent vocals make it very suitable for pop music. It would not be strange to use it as a music headset during non-call periods. Of course, in terms of sound quality, it is still not as good as professional HiFi headphones, but Poly still strives to provide excellent communication functions while also having good sound quality, fully highlighting the technical accumulation of an industry giant.

Voyager Focus 2深度体验:最适合办公室的耳机

If nothing unexpected happens, Poly Voyager Focus 2 should become one of my most commonly used headphones in the office. It has a good fit. , excellent call function and pretty good entertainment performance, plus the combination of wireless charging base makes it very convenient.

Poly Voyager Focus 2 is not just a headset for use in the office. In my opinion, an excellent product should not be limited to use scenarios. If you need to use the Internet call function frequently, Poly Voyager Focus 2 will be a suitable choice. For example, teachers who need to take online classes, the length of time they wear headphones from morning to night is no shorter than that of communication operators. Ordinary headphones can be worn for a long time. Not only can it cause discomfort but it can also cause hearing damage.

The demand for remote working and teaching arising from the epidemic era has given Poly Voyager Focus 2 more uses. Although the price is not cheap, in my opinion it is still worth the money. Whether it is the ease of use or the built-in diverse protection functions, the health hazards caused by long-term use of headphones are minimized.

If you are paying for health and usage experience, then the price is actually not high.

以上是辦公室首選:Voyager Focus 2深度評測的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
