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2023-11-27 17:18:461366瀏覽

人工智慧對未來五年的影響?人類生活將加速,行為將發生變化,產業將發生變化 - 這是可以肯定的預測。




##。 ##在1956年達特茅斯人工智慧夏季研究計畫中,共同主持人約翰麥卡錫(John McCarthy)介紹了人工智慧一詞,並幫助孵化了一個有組織的人工智慧研究人員社群。

人工智慧的炒作往往超過了這些研究人員所能創造的任何東西的實際能力。但在20世紀的最後三年,人工智慧的重大進步開始讓整個社會感到不安。當IBM的深藍擊敗國際象棋衛冕冠軍國際象棋大師加里·卡斯帕羅夫(Gary Kasparov)時,這一事件似乎不僅標誌著國際象棋歷史上的歷史性和單一的失敗- 計算機第一次擊敗頂級玩家- 而且還跨越了一個門檻。會思考的機器已經離開了科幻領域,進入了現實世界。




生活速度。 整個社會許多人感受到的最明顯的變化是與大型機構接觸的節奏加快。任何定期與大量使用者(企業、政府機構、非營利組織)接觸的組織都將被迫在決策過程以及面向公眾和消費者的活動中實施人工智慧。人工智慧將使這些組織能夠更快地做出大部分決策。結果,我們都會感到生活加速。 隱私的結束。 社會也將看到其道德承諾受到強大的人工智慧系統的考驗,尤其是隱私。人工智慧系統可能會變得比我們自己更了解我們每個人。在過去的50年裡,我們對保護隱私的承諾已經受到新興科技的嚴峻考驗。隨著深入了解我們個人資料的成本下降,以及能夠評估大量資料的更強大的演算法變得越來越普遍,我們可能會發現,這是一個技術障礙,而不是導致社會尊重隱私的道德承諾。





社會上的大部分人都希望企業和政府將人工智慧作為人類智力和專業知識的增強,或者作為一個或多個人類朝著目標努力的合作夥伴,而不是用它來取代人類工人。人工智慧在百年科幻小說中作為一種想法誕生的影響之一是,這種類型的比喻,其中主要是將人工智慧作為對人類生存威脅的戲劇性描述,深埋在我們的集體心理中。人類與人工智慧的合作,或讓人類參與任何受到人工智慧實質影響的過程,將是管理由此產生的對滲透到社會中的人工智慧恐懼的關鍵。 ############人工智慧將對哪些產業產生重大影響? ###############教育。 ###在各級教育中,人工智慧可能會帶來改變。學生將獲得針對其特定需求的教育內容和培訓。人工智慧還將根據學生的個人學習風格來確定最佳教育策略。到2028年,教育系統幾乎無法辨認。 ######

Medical. Artificial intelligence may become a standard tool for doctors and physician assistants responsible for diagnosis. Society should expect an increase in the rate of accurate medical diagnosis. However, the sensitivity of patient data and the complexity of navigating the laws that protect them can also lead to a more complex medical-legal environment and increased operating costs.

finance. Natural language processing combined with machine learning will enable banks and financial advisors, as well as sophisticated chatbots, to effectively engage with customers through a range of typical interactions: credit score monitoring, fraud detection, financial planning, insurance policy matters and customer service. AI systems will also be used to develop more complex and faster-execution investment strategies for large investors.

law. We can expect the number of small and medium-sized firms to decline over the next five years, as small teams of one to three people using AI systems can do the work that used to require 10-20 lawyers, and do it faster , more cost-effective. With appropriate prompts, chatbots have been able to provide a basic summary of applicable law and draft contract language. Based on the development of artificial intelligence over the past few years, and assuming it continues to develop rapidly, the number of human lawyers in the United States may be reduced by 25% or more by 2028.

transportation. In the near future, we will see more self-driving cars for private and commercial use. From the cars many of us drive to work, to the trucks hauling goods along the highways, to the spacecraft carrying people and goods to the moon, autonomous vehicle transportation may be our most dramatic entry into the age of artificial intelligence. example.

