首頁 >科技週邊 >人工智慧 >電腦視覺中目標偵測的資料預處理


2023-11-22 14:21:03847瀏覽




  • 目標覆蓋率:選擇那些具有良好目標覆蓋度的影像,也就是感興趣的物件在影像中得到很好的表示和可見。物件被遮蔽、重疊或部分切斷的影像可能提供較少有價值的訓練資料。
  • 目標變化:選擇那些在物件外觀、姿勢、尺度、光照條件和背景方面具有變化的影像。所選圖像應涵蓋各種場景,以確保模型能夠良好地泛化。
  • 影像品質:喜歡品質好且清晰的影像。模糊、雜訊或低解析度的影像可能會對模型準確偵測物件的能力產生負面影響。
  • 註解準確度:檢查影像中註解的準確性和品質。具有精確和準確的邊界框註釋的圖像有助於更好的訓練結果。
  • 類別平衡:確保在不同物件類別之間具有影像的平衡。資料集中每個類別的近似相等表示可以防止模型在訓練過程中偏袒或忽略某些類別。
  • 影像多樣性:包括來自不同來源、角度、視點或設定的影像。這種多樣性有助於模型在新的和未見過的數據上良好泛化。
  • 具有挑戰性的場景:包含包含具有遮蔽、雜亂背景或不同距離處的物件的影像。這些圖像有助於模型學會處理真實世界的複雜性。
  • 代表性資料:確保所選圖像代表模型在實際世界中可能遇到的目標分佈。資料集中的偏見或缺口可能導致受過訓練的模型效能出現偏見或受限。
  • 避免冗餘:從資料集中移除高度相似或重複的圖像,以避免引入特定實例的偏見或過度表示。
  • 品質控制:對資料集進行品質檢查,確保所選影像符合所需標準,沒有異常、錯誤或工件。



import cv2import osimport numpy as np# Function to calculate image quality score (example implementation)def calculate_image_quality(image):# Add your image quality calculation logic here# This could involve techniques such as blur detection, sharpness measurement, etc.# Return a quality score or metric for the given imagereturn 0.0# Function to calculate object coverage score (example implementation)def calculate_object_coverage(image, bounding_boxes):# Add your object coverage calculation logic here# This could involve measuring the percentage of image area covered by objects# Return a coverage score or metric for the given imagereturn 0.0# Directory containing the datasetdataset_dir = “path/to/your/dataset”# Iterate over the images in the datasetfor image_name in os.listdir(dataset_dir):image_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, image_name)image = cv2.imread(image_path)# Example: Calculate image quality scorequality_score = calculate_image_quality(image)# Example: Calculate object coverage scorebounding_boxes = [] # Retrieve bounding boxes for the image (you need to implement this)coverage_score = calculate_object_coverage(image, bounding_boxes)# Decide on the selection criteria and thresholds# You can modify this based on your specific problem and criteriaif quality_score > 0.8 and coverage_score > 0.5:# This image meets the desired criteria, so you can perform further processing or save it as needed# For example, you can copy the image to another directory for further processing or analysisselected_image_path = os.path.join(“path/to/selected/images”, image_name)cv2.imwrite(selected_image_path, image)



這個Python腳本示範如何使用電腦視覺對影像資料進行預處理,以解決目標偵測問題。假設您擁有類似於Pascal VOC或COCO的圖像資料集和相應的邊界框註釋

import cv2import numpy as npimport os# Directory pathsdataset_dir = “path/to/your/dataset”output_dir = “path/to/preprocessed/data”# Create the output directory if it doesn’t existif not os.path.exists(output_dir):os.makedirs(output_dir)# Iterate over the images in the datasetfor image_name in os.listdir(dataset_dir):image_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, image_name)annotation_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, image_name.replace(“.jpg”, “.txt”))# Read the imageimage = cv2.imread(image_path)# Read the annotation file (assuming it contains bounding box coordinates)with open(annotation_path, “r”) as file:lines = file.readlines()bounding_boxes = []for line in lines:# Parse the bounding box coordinatesclass_id, x, y, width, height = map(float, line.split())# Example: Perform any necessary data preprocessing steps# Here, we can normalize the bounding box coordinates to values between 0 and 1normalized_x = x / image.shape[1]normalized_y = y / image.shape[0]normalized_width = width / image.shape[1]normalized_height = height / image.shape[0]# Store the normalized bounding box coordinatesbounding_boxes.append([class_id, normalized_x, normalized_y, normalized_width, normalized_height])# Example: Perform any additional preprocessing steps on the image# For instance, you can resize the image to a desired size or apply data augmentation techniques# Save the preprocessed imagepreprocessed_image_path = os.path.join(output_dir, image_name)cv2.imwrite(preprocessed_image_path, image)# Save the preprocessed annotation (in the same format as the original annotation file)preprocessed_annotation_path = os.path.join(output_dir, image_name.replace(“.jpg”, “.txt”))with open(preprocessed_annotation_path, “w”) as file:for bbox in bounding_boxes:class_id, x, y, width, height = bboxfile.write(f”{class_id} {x} {y} {width} {height}\n”)



